
Raijin went out like a festival, a carnival of lightning. Like a true lord of Thunder. His beats were heard throughout the entire battlefield. His beats were heard by both The God's who were delighted. And the Immortals who unwavered by his last stand.

Ikaros :

It seems like the battle maniac finally lost it.

Viva :

According to our live feed one Asura has deserted us.

Ikaros :

Doesn't matter,let him desert.

our main target is still the Lumina.

Viva :

If you're so worried shouldn't you take her out.

Aren't we equipped with everything to take her down.

Ikaros :

The God's only have information about 500 years of technology and that too only Phizon. Since he's the

God of Advancements or Technology. He sure did take his time and made Raizon on the same level as is in five hundred years.

But now things are different after his death. Progress has only regressed.

Viva :

So the point.

Ikaros :

So we have an ace card won't you want to use it at the right time. So how much is your McElroy dying now.

Viva :

Quite the opposite. They have grown stronger since you flicked them off to the other side. My charts show incredible measurement of power. If their power keeps scaling like this.

It would just take them around 4 to 5 weeks to catch upto you.

But I doubt the sham is going to run for that long. It's the third day and we have already lost half of our forces on the field. And one of the generals.

Ikaros :.

The Tag of the general on the specter was just an honorary one it meant nothing. The sprectre is very weak. The only thing that saves him is his teleoortation ability. But one good bit of ultraviolet radiation and he's cinders.

Though he was menacing when someone suggested the idea of making him the Grim Reaper.

Though it actually sounds cool that we've even recruited condemned spirits bound to this land on our side.

Viva :

Sir, there is something that isn't in the archives. But why

If you were so close to the gods to the point where you once move arm in arm never negotiated or even asked why they were doing what they were.

Ikaros :

I didn't say there were never any negotiations. We asked them, pressured them, even at one point interrogated one of them.

But due to our fault everything fell apart between the Humans and the God's.

As if a picture was broken into two.

On the battlefield.

Metal and Jay fought each other at their throats. Metal was a master of martial arts who knew what he was doing.

Unlike other Asura Metal just had two arms. And there were nothing just fist and palm.

At first Metal used his overwhelming power where he punched Jay while Jay having given his weapon to McElroy defended himself with either makeshift weapons or with the whip sword.

The weapons they both obtained from Chroma they are still using them. Because they seemed to be much more comfortable than other weapons due to them using them for a long time.

McElroy used his Gunther excessively like a madman.

He would literally snipe demons from afar like he was a doom character. He is very dangerous to be involved with.

But until now we had kept those weapons aside to conserve their durability.

Using magic attacks to improve our stats that way. In the determined direction.

Since Jay's had made a significant Stat loss when he rapidly purchased skills like no other. Just to have a chance to control and understand the light element.

But the more he learnt the more confused he became.

Since the teacher taught more about faith rather than

The magic itself.

Which lead her pupils to be confused more and more increasingly.

But there was something that they did learn.

Power of perception.

Jay's opponent this round was the Heavenly Demon Metal.

While other had names which has some resemblance to. Mythology. Metal was just metal.

Metal first analyzed my positions, my posture he considered the terrain, my dominant hand, the position of my passive hands., Jay's equipment and he felt a relief when he gave his spear to McElroy to deal with Raijin. But he didn't show it withkn his emotions a single bit. Within Jay's stance he could sense a bit of casualty which made him even more fired up to win.

Jay fought empty handed with two bracelets on both of his arms. Equipped with different elemental stones.

The sword of Chroma if seen by Lumina could get our heads chopped off. But McElroy used it freely.

Jay looked at his opponent and tried to analyze him.

His feet were strong holding up most of the torso and the arms and head. Four arms rather than more located at the sides. Each capable of independent movement. Each hand instead of many ways weapons just had two swords in the lower hand while the upper hands were empty.

Rather than other demons carrying a weapon in every hand


Metal :

Tell name yours.

Jay :

Jay Garrick

Metal sifted his sword from one hand to other and removed a small notebook and a pen where he scribbled Jay's name.

Metal :

Metal meet strong. Metal writes, remembers.

Jay didn't even know how many rules of language Metal was breaking. It might be connected to the kind of ideology that the less your speak the more your words be worth.

And there was a long stare off between them both anticipating each other's move. Like each waiting for the other to take out their guns. But in this case there were no guns involved probably.

A moment passed and both charged at each other.

Their swords locked to each other. And pushing each other back. Jay passed mana into his opponents sword but once again..... Wait it's not mithril or adamantium. He's just using iron swords. What is happening.

Well I took the chance. And manipulated the metal blades and made it shoot towards two separate locations one aimed towards his legs and another towards its head.

While the makeshift blades would pass through the metal

And strike the asura directly as a result.

Whilt rhe attack on the leg was successful. Metal caught the bullet between his enormous and strong teeth. While other bullet lodged between his skin. It didn't penetrated that deeply.

Metal :

Fight weird.

The third strike landed but Metal grabbed the blades with his bare hands and tossed them behind him. Metal used his upper hand to. Conjure a long spear and syriked Jay. But Jay's hands were just enough to dismantle the entire spear to atoms.

Metal lifted his foot as a sharp metal spoke protruded out of his leg and launched as an surprise attack. As he performed a jump kick.

Jay got behind Metal and went in for a strike when he was hit with a shock of lightning. And Metal himself was injured.

When they saw the source they saw a rampaging Raijin releasing electricity everywhere. In their rage.

Both of them had the same reflex where they created a beam of steel and threw it at Raijin.

Metal and Jay both threw a beam but by coincidence they changed their path and got dodged by Raijin instead.

Metal :

This missed, next won't.

Jay :

Keep your attacks to yourself.

This phase of the fight ended with each step dragging both of them unwillingly towards the truth of everything.