Metal VS metal magic

After a session of steel beam throwing later. Metal asked a question.

Metal :

What God means you.

Jay tried to understand his sentence.

Jay :

Do you mean in a philosophical, metaphorical or materialistic or Theoretical way.

Metal :

What means God you

Jay :

He is a bastard who is having fun just watching he is a

(Unspeakable profanities ahead)

Metal :

. You prisoner Lumina.

During this statement he attacked suddenly by converting the ground below into a spike field. But Jay was quick to turn it back.

Jay :

I thought we were talking.

Metal :

Take long.

Metal rolled himself in a ball of spikes and rolled towards Jay which he dodged swiftly but it ended up killing about 15 soldiers who were behind Jay.

Metal unrolled from his ball form only to have a rain of Metal beams pouring on him.

Metal rolled once again to mitigate the damage. And the steel bwMs one by one flattened the spikes surfaces as the fell on him indiscriminately. And everytime Metal felt the shock. Metal tried to roll away and stroked Jay by spinning so quickly he could perceive Jay watch rotation as well as crushing everyone who got in his way. Jay stood his ground and raised a wall which once again was very dense and just not one layer but it wad made of multiple layers.

The wall enveloped around the layers of spikes and melted themselves as the metal got in between the spike ball and melted the layer covering Metals skin and the layer of metal.

Metal sprang back as he was burnt from the metal that touched his skin.

And removed the metal off. From his back.

I don't know how much heat demons can take on. But it depend on the Demon himself. If I immerse Ikaros in lava would he be able to survive.

No doubt he will since he Is immortal after all. And I don't have any plans on killing him after all. If things could go peacefully but what is the feeling that I'm having. It's like my left eye is flickering but it isn't. Well things never do go like we want do they.

Even though he was rifed with pain he continued to attack but he left every metal attack and started to attack Jay physically. Metal couldn't understand that how could he turn his own weapons back on him.

Metal repeated some more patterns of metal attack on his own and instantly realized that if he keep it up. He will lose

His opponent could tear through any kind of metal as if it was just a sheet of paper.

What could Metal use instead to turn his situation around.

The proficiency system is a system designed to find theost suitable magic for everyone. But there was a question how does it know what elements would be good for someone to use compared to others.

It is a system once again created by the heroes at the foundation. When it calculates. It scans for many different parameters. Such as amount of mana, rate of expulsion, compression, state of the mana before and after its conversion Into all elements , the rate of change of each element deciphered of all the elements at the exact same time as the hand is kept, the temperature, the pressure, the effect on the area, and many more parameters are considered when the system.

But what is the factor that one can use to determine the magic of one.

Is it lineage, is it the body constitution, is it the environmental factors, is it nature or just a pure random chance or maybe it would be something very different much more complex that the human mind cannot decipher it yet.

But even complex thing can be broken down. Such that the essence can be grasped by anyone.

Before getting sidetracked.

Metals every attack was getting destroyed by Jay and it every time it did Jay would come for a Close kill.

Metal envoloped himself inside another barrier. As always Jay tore through but what came out was a storm of Gold the storm wasn't fully controlled so Jay was quickly able to dispersed it. But from the Barrier came several Metals made up of Gold. Alongside with the real Metal they concentrated their attacks and since they were attached with a mana supply Jay couldn't do anything.

And this was a fine detail that Metal picked up on rather quickly.

Metal :


To fight this army of Gold which made him reminiscence about the past. He himself made an army of iron giants.

And when before he had to provide intense concentration after a lot of investing Jay finally was a blr to Control the giants independently.

Jay once again went toe to toe with Metal. Metal had no choice but to use the most primitive techniques.

Mana Strike.

There was a reason where strikes of mana were not used.

If a person who can't use mana would be cut in half. But even an apprentice could absorb the mana strike and make it his own.

And this once again did not work in his favor. His attacks were just getting absorbed there was no other magic that he could use as he dedicated his entire life to metal magic.

Metal as a last ditch effort finally went on full offensive. He physically attacked Jay with his fists and kicks.

He had incredible acrobatics and could use his many arms to manipulate the way he moved. Jay to halt his movements to a complete stop dumped a lot of iron sand on him. And wound him in the iron sand tightly.

And as a final stroke of victory.

Jay increased the density of the sand by adding more and more and by constricting the slade of the sand it was getting very difficult for Metal to move through the sand. He tried to pry open the sand which was wound together very tightly.

By secreting his own sand and metal between the spaces.

By which he escaped a sure shot kill. But Jay had a backup plan ready as Metal emerged from the depths of the sand.

Many chains shot themselves from the ground and wound Metal. But Metal broke then off and instead wound Jay Garrick and tied him up instead. Jay broke from the chains instantly. But as he broke through more and more layers Metals attacks became that more desperate. Chains attacks from the ground, falling lances and swords from. Above pointing towards one direction meanwhile even Jay used needles to penetrated his opponents skin in the form of a needle rain but he couldn't pierce them deeper because most of his mana was being used for his relentless defense.

Jay covered himself in a thick shell after he broke through the chains that had wound him somewhat like 50 times already.

And wound himself in a thick shell.

Metal who was struggling and was bound with the chains. And pierced with Needles found it difficult to move.

But despite that he forged a large hammer and started pummeling the thick shell. And before the next strike Jay emerged from the shell from the side and regained the controls of the needles. He manipulated them such that they would stab even deeper into the body.

The Asura faced even more and more pain but he kept up his assault.

But unlike Raijin he couldn't shut down his receptors even if he wanted to.

And there was a moment where he showed weakness as he bowed down and that was the time when Jay dorned the armor of Rim and with one fell swoop Jay lopped the head of the Asura. And ended the life of Metal. Who couldn't even get his last words in.

His head was when lopped off the needles in his forehead and his face dig even deeper as his head fell. But he wasn't there to feel it.

What left behind was a body filled with needles like a yarn ball with a lot of needles on them.

A body whose bounty wouldn't even be claimed by the monstrosities of the sea. Just a huge body lying and slowly beginning to rot in the middle of the field. Even the smell of the rotting body disturbed everyone. It's smell would be even worse than the smell during the world War.

Soldiers to get ris of this smell deliberately moved the body into the sea and the waters. Where finally when Jay removed the needles and disposed off then. Was once again claimed by the monstrosities as a tribute to the sea.

With this all the heavenly demon had fallen. And most of the army of the Demons were slain.

But many divisions in the human army such the Aether Order, the Sigma battalion, the battalion of the veterans.

The scar givers, the mernen, fell and had themselves claimed.

The route to the island was once again in sight. Just one more push was needed to reach the island and confront Ikaros once again.