The Blood witch

The Artillery strikes seemed like they were not ending.

With witch wasn't bending thus the strikes continued.

But the explosion wasn't able to hurt them since Jay swayed all the firepower of the explosion away from them..

Sela :


Jay :

If I were you would you had stopped.

Sela :

Yes I would, because I have a damn conscience. Just look how pale your ally has gotten. He's almost about to die.

McElroy had become white like a sheet of paper.

Jay : over the earpiece.

Nice work men, now resume your duties as normal.

Soldier : concerned., (radio static)

Sir, are you okay .

Jay :

I'm quite fine today,.

Soldier : still concerned.

Have you suffered any injuries, I can send a medic team if you need.

Jay :

No need for any medics, please focus the medics on treating the injured ones.

Soldier :


Jay :

Oh you were talking. Please continue.

Sela :

You men taking everything to extreme as always. What an headache.

Jay :

So are we just going to talk.

Sela :

You're right there's nothing to gain by talking to a robot.

Blood drew from within Selas nails as she dashed with those nails grown with blow.

Sela :

Blood claw.

Sela spread out her fingers and slashed the air from which a stream of blood from underneath her fingertips shot out towards Jay in extreme pressure and speed that it looked like a claw . Jay immediately slipped past said blood claw and once again swung the whip sword towards her and she raised the blood wall once again.

But this time Jay retracted it before it could hit the wall.

And in a position of thrust sent the blade again directly towards Sela. Then once again Jay for the third time swung to the left. Which was retracted in the same way.

Until a complete set of wall had formed and then a rain of spears fell from the sky. A roof to protect oneself from the spear was formed. But the walls were imperfect and there were still gaps in the walls but Jay handled the pressure as he attacked from all sides not allowing Sela to redact the walls. The walls were being continously pierced by metal spears which were half baked but even when a blunt weapon is thrown with force.

It hurts.

In the small gap, Jay took out an earth stone activated it and threw it inside the blood barrier. But it did not go unnoticed by Sela. Just as the stone burst into fragments of rock, sand, stone, even pieces of glass being released into the half baked bunker Sela secluded herself in an even more secured bunker inside the bunker as the put up yet another partition.

She was thoroughly trapped. Within her own defenses.

Jay felt like a villain in an show where he overwhelms the hero. While his right hand man McElroys is down. He takes it upon himself to dish out the best evil he can.

She had to stop his attack somehow but she trapped her in a world of schrodinger's box where she was the cat.

She does know Jay lies outside the box but where. If she can't observe him then he even might be at the ends of the world.

But observing Jay are others fixing his position to one place

But the question is where?

She went for an desperate attack as the outer walls of blood turned into bullet firing projectiles of her own. The bunker itself fired off blood projectiles. Many of these bullets hit Asura infuriating them. Many hit the incoming spears distorting their path to the target. Many of them went past the spears directly onto Jay.

Jay spun his whip sword making a pseudo shield. Which game him clear visibility. Which also allowed him to block the incoming projectiles. He then dropped a giant payload of his own by dropping a giant spike diameter 2 meter in both length breath and height. Which made a hole in her make shift ceiling.

And when the spike penetrated the ceiling. Jay wasn't letting up the pressure. It was a do or die decision for Sela now.

She pushed off the wall from one side and pushed it forward. Blocking one point of attack and before she could be targeted again she dashed towards Jay to strike him down as soon a possible. She used his strategy against him as she went fully ballistic and sent a hail of blood bullets towards Jay.

Being surrounded by a hail of bullets from all sides forced him in a very similar situation. He raised steel barriers preventing break ins. And Sela used the same strategies to push him even deeper into the bunker of his and even pressured Jay further.

But there was one difference with Jay there was one more person his henchman. Mcelroy.

He duh out a chasm out of which they casually walked through, while Sela focused all of her mana on attacking the bunker.

As they came out of another rabbit hole. Sela sensed that.

Sela :

How can you treat a delicate flower like me in such a way.

McElroy :

Just stop.

Some soldiers were enchanted by Selas beauty and came to defend her.

Soldier :

Sir, you shouldn't hurt her she is very delicate.

Jay :

I order you to stand aside.

Sela :

Oh brave soldiers please save me from this tyrant. He is trying to hurt me.

Soldier : enchanted by beauty.

You know you must pay for what you've done to her.

Die Tyrant. Got rot in hell.

The entire squad of soldiers open fired on Jay. Being enchanted by Sela.

The weapons of the soldiers were upgraded to blasters from modern guns. So Jay had no control on the bullets themselves. But principally the blasts from the blasters were nothing but heat energy clumped to an extreme degree producing temperature that can even melt steel with ease.

And acting as light.

That's why McElroy raised an glass barrier by using sand magic that he learned from his master in the past. While making it an reflective surface by having Jay apply a layer of silver oxide on it. Thus increasing the reflective property of the glass.

Which reflected the laser to the sky instead instead of hitting anyone. We'll except the aerial demon units but we don't talk about those yet. Nor we will be talking because those were the last of the surviving scout aerial units after all.

Sela :

If you kill these men you might get to spend some time with me.

The soldier were encouraged enough.

Soldiers :

Soldiers of Raizon assemble new mission. End the kings reign.

Soldiers :

Grenades out.

The fleet of men that had assembled threw a bunch of grenades which are much more stronger than the regular grenades. And would explode on contact with any surface.

And as they threw their grenades Jay and McElroy ran towards the men who had just thrown grenades and they would require much faster reaction time to pick up the laser rifle and shoot both of them.

But Sela wasn't just going to watch either. Sela another hail of blood bullets that stopped them from coming close to the soldiers. And dragging them out of battle.

Soldier :

It was very kind of you to protect us from this fiend.

Now please rest. We will take care of him on honor of my men.

McElroy :

Tch . Any idea robot.

Jay : on the intercom.

Aerial units gun down

McElroy :

No you don't.

McElroy snatched the earpiece from Jay and kept it on himself.

Jay :.

Why did you do that, McElroy can't you see we are in a disadvantageous position.

McElroy :

Have you even turned youe common sense off.

If we are in a disadvantage then find another way to fix things.

McElroy slightly peeked across the mirror and was immediately shot at.

There was an immediate ambush as two guards entered from the corner of the middle. But it was a big mistake since they were knocked out in the first light that they saw.

Soldier :

Avoid close combat at any cost.

McElroy thought hard about how to gain advantage and then he had an idea pop up in his head.

McElroy :

What do you think this mirror weighs.

Jay :

Doesnt matter, we can lift it.

Both of them lifted up the mirror and blindly went headfirst into the entire group.

But alas humans even if they live underwater aren't that stupid. They avoided the mirror and again from the corners this time started blasting.

McElroy made glass to block the rays while Jay caught the bolt of energy and sent it at their feet. When they were riped with pain. They snapped and that was the time they could be knocked out. While on on the right side where McElroy was standing. He could see through the transparent glass and slammed the glass on them and since it was heavy it would require assistance to even lift up. The glass was very thick about 2.17 feet.

But the initial mirror was slashed apart by the Blood claw that Sela sent at the mirror cutting it in a grid like pattern with a claw like damage. But there were two soldiers who were remaining to be taken out which was done as swiftly as possible.

Jay approached one and he was stopped by Sela attacking him while McElroy completed his task and whole Jay engaged with the onslaught of attack that Sela imposed upon him Mcelroy quickly took out the other one as well.

Sela concentrated for a second and monsters made of blood ascended from the ground skeletons, zombies, flash monsters attacked both Jay and McElroy.

Sela :

Blood magic : Origination.

Around 50 monsters spawned and their objectives were crystal clear. To kill both of them.

Jay thinking it was cool did the same a well.

Jay :

Fire magic : Flames of hell.

A stream of mana flew there as it left Jay's fist they incenrated to such an extreme degree that blue flames shot out of his fists and covered the entire spawned enemies and coagulated the proteins within them making it impossible for them to even step forward.

Jay :

Metal magic : Demonic saw blades.

There was nothing Demonic about this technique just the fact that Jay spawned spinning sawblades and at a very high rotations per minute he threw them at the minsters which were cut down and these sawblades which were in full controll of Jay reached their final destination Sela.

But Sela covered them Ina Avery viscous blood which made it difficult for them to spin. And this hurt Sela in any way.

This Jay had to abondon the attack.

While McElroy also did the same thing.

McElroy :

Ice magic : Absolute Zero.

Within seconds McElroy stole their heat energy while the monsters were frozen solid with physical touch.

McElroy faced Sela

McElroy :

Earth Magic : Rock assault.

Rocks and stone of every size started levitating in the air.

And they were shot at Sela but the highly viscous blood wall stopped the incoming assault.

Sela :

Blood slash.

From her arm arouse a large blade made if blood. She this time tried to attack McElroy instead of Jay.

Which allowed Jay to take a quick breather.

McElroy touched the blade and froze it while his chop shattered the blood blade into pieces. But Sela was not giving up as from her stomach she released mana and shot a bullet which McElroy was not prepared for and it got lodged in his stomach.

Sela :

It's now over for you.

Since my blood is in your body, I can now control it as I wish.

To prevent more of her blood from getting inside McElroy froze the bullet and the wound itself.

Only about a milligram of blood was inside of McElroy.

Which limited what Sela could do. But it wasn't that long as she started to cause internal damage within Mcelroy's body causing internal bleeding in the stomach area.

By rupturing capillaries and veins around the stomach region.

McElroy wanted to freeze his entire stomach to stop the malignant blood. But he wasn't sure what to do.

While Jay tried to stab her from the back. And his whip blade was countered by Sela herself as she swung a newly formed blood blade at Jay. From downside to above..

Sela :

Look I have your friend captive here. Let's negotiate

McElroy :

Jay listen to her she's not bluffing.

Blood started to show on Mcelroy's stomach as the wound opened Inc's again.

Jay :

I am ready to reason.

Sela :

My blood is now inside of him and if not given treatment he will die from internal damage.

So answer my question honestly and his life might be spared.

A negotiation was placed between them.

Sela :

Spill now where is my master, I know you met with her I can sense it, I can sense her smell, her DNA on both of you.

When Maria touched both of them with her hands her fingerprinted which consisted of her cells were imprinted on both of them. And that's why Sela could sense it since she uses blood magic.

Jay :

Honestly I haven't a slightest idea. But I think it is somewhere north from here.

McElroy :

Same what he said.

Jay :

Even if I knew, it is no secret of mine anyway. So I won't get anything from hiding the fact.

Sela :

If you really don't know then you're position is worse than trash bags.

You see I am also an general serving Lord Ikaros.

So if I have your heads on a silver platter and show it to my Lord.

He will certainly be pleased with me.


Since negotiations broke down so easily Jay wondered what the point of the brief dialog was. Just to extend the chapter or something.

Sela enclosed herself within a blood golem she spawned . It was much larger than 2 Asuras standing on top of each other.

And the length was about 2 Asuras wide.

Sela :

I want to see how you can beat me now.

Jay threw spears at her but they simply couldn't penetrated the blood golem as the the golem punched the ground where the were both standing on so hard that the earth around them started shaking. Due to the Shockwave.

Jay :

Can you use water magic on the golem.

McElroy complied and blasted the golem with full blast of water magic washing away large amounts of blood as the blood diluted and it's viscosity decreased.

Jay was preparing something from behind the scenes as rhe golem relentlessly attacked and McElroy who continued his attacks with full force .

McElroy :

Jay how long in about to run out of mana.

Jay :

Give me 2 minutes. And if you can try to attack it from all sides.

McElroy :.

That will make me run out of mana faster.

Jay :

Ths okay.

The golem was being shit with highly pressurized water from all sides of normal temperature.

Jay :.

Sela if you can hear me, then by enclosing yourself you've dig your own grave.

Suddenly the golem collapsed into a large puddle of blood.

And from it descended Sela as she fell from grace. And hit the ground legs first but while she was falling McElroy notices something.

There was a metal knife in her heart. It was a very shabbily made knife which when Sela touched the ground broken into pieces and dispersed itself into her bloodstream.

Jay quickly stabbed her stomach to prevent her from getting up.

Sela : dying breath.

How did you do this?

Jay :

A trick I learned from your mentor.

Sela :

That doesn't answer anything.

McElroy :

How did you do it even I want to know?

Jay :

Your blood magic was half baked. You didn't manage to inherit it completely that's why.

It just had blood in the name but ultimately it was Water magic.

McElroy :

I don't understand. She was using water magic.

Jay : trying to explain quickly before Sela dies.

Blood is made of several components and one major component is water. She controlled the water and only sometimes used the inner components which allowed her to increase the viscosity of the Blood.

But in the blood there are cells alongside mainly Red blood cells which have iron within them. And from that I slowly gathered all the iron and clumped them into one shabby knife which then die to the lowered viscosity of the Blood I was able to stab her.

McElroy :

This doesn't make any sense.

Sela :

This is nonsensical. But true i did use the blood just as you described. Rest is just bull crap.

As she said when she took her last breath.

McElroy :.

Why did you have to lie.

Jay :

Atkeast it is much better, than I kept pushing the spears instead of leaving them inside of her. And having you make way for them made it easier for me to push then through the blood.

McElroy :

I. I. I. I. I. I?

McElroy was left speechless. Was it right to tell a sweet lie?