Life of a weapon.

After getting past the final obstacle. It was time to end the things once and for all. Due to the advanced technology even being unexperienced whilst facing the demons. The soldiers held their own even dominated on the battlefield with Jay Garrick the tyrant leading the way. The heavy Artillery strike helped them to get past much more quicker than ever.

But there was one question what happened to Lumina.

She was with us when we faced Ikaros. And she was nowhere to be seen at the camp. I doubt Ikaros would have spared her.

Until they were confronted Ikaros for the final time with this time Viva at her side.

Viva :

This time don't kill McElroy at any cost.

Ikaros :

Or else.

Viva :

You won't hear the end of it.

Ikaros :

I'll try.

Ikaros came face to face with them once again for the last time

Ikaros :

So you two are back from the dead. How many times is this already three or four times. You're already walking with half of your bodies in the grave.

Jay :

This time will be the last I promise you. Because this time will be the last.

And what did you do to Lumina?

Jay had turned off some of the immunities which turned of his emotions as advised by McElroy. Most of them except fear were turned off because it cause some difficulties for my friend McElroy here.

Ikaros :

I think you must now know everything. But you still want to remain neutral now.

Jay :

You're mistaken, I'm just an outsider, I don't think I should be interfering with your internal affairs.

Ikaros :

Helios was also an outsider still he fought for the people. Against injustice. You're just being selfish Jay Garrick.

Stand with us.

Jay :

Let's have a trade, surrender the key. And I'll talk whatever I know about Maria.

Ikaros :

No Jay, there will be no negotiations this time I'm not asking.

You will join the foundation.

Jay :

Why are you so hell bent on bringing me to the Foundation.

Ikaros :

Because I know if you join the gods the down fall is imminent.

If not I'm afraid I have no choice.

? :

After countless hours of fighting, I now reach the Demon king himself.

There was a similar voice heard long time ago. It brought dread to Jay. And shock to both of them as well as Ikaros and Viva.

Viva :

You here.?

It was none other than the dreaded Drakos.

? :

Death to demons.

? :

You've grown stronger than the last time we met. Jay.

McElroy :

Drakos? Why are you here?

Drakos :

Demons are my enemies, how I can't be here.

Vivs :

This is off from my calculations. There is even more distortion from the last time.

Ikaros :

Viva I thought he wasn't supposed to be here!

Viva :

I think there has been a distortion. This is no longer the same timeline.

Ikaros :

A new timeline is on our path now, we can do it now, change the future.

Drakos :

Demon King, I am Drakos enemy of all demons, heed my words you will be slain by my hand.

Ikaros was flabbergasted by the appearance of Drakos. He must know something that we don't.

Ikaros pulled his even more heavier sword with now many more swords than before. Truly a sword made of swords.

Drakos pulled his sword of light.

Drakos :.

Prepare for you death, Demon King.

Ikaros :

Show me your might. Challenger.

Drakos :

Come with me both of you we will slay him together.

Jay :

Drakos cover me, I will end this in one strike.

Drakos dashed ahead and behind him were both Jay and McElroy.

Drakos with his sword of light slashed through Ikaros's left wrist while McElroy cut his right arm.

It was all upto Jay. Jay who grabbed his phone in his arm and pinned Ikaros to the ground grabbed the cursed sword.

And as he was about to stab Ikaros with it.

Ikaros regenerated and snatched and threw the cursed sword from him.

Ikaros :

I guess that was your winning move. Too bad you're still to weak Jay Garrick.

Ikaros just casually swung his sword a wind formed and the wind pushed them back so hard that all of them fell into the sea.

But they swam their way back. While Jay thrusted himself through his rockets such that he was just barely abke to avoid the monstrous Cetus which was waiting for him with his mouth open and with it's hundreds of sharp teeth waiting to chow down it's meal.

Though with that he crash landed head first on the sea bed .

And still survived although he was in pain. Even though the pain sensation immunity skill was still on.

He still hurried back since if he doesn't have the weapon.

Nothing will happen and they will eventually lose.

Jay :

You still haven't answered my question Ikaros. Where is


Ikaros :

I was just considering what should I do with her.

You can help me with this. I am giving you three options what I am thinking of doing to her.

First is that i Kill Her.

Second, Suppress her memories and have her serve under me.

And your final option is the Foundation . Using her for research as we are still in the research for what is different from the divine and us.

Jay :

Wow all of those options are terrible. And I am sure you might have rules for ethics during research like informed consent or something.

Ikaros :

Open your eyes Jay, the world is ending is this you want to talk about ethics . This is War.

Ikaros :

Make your decision. I'm giving you 5 seconds.

5, 4, 3, 2,...

Jay :

Just brainwash her okay.

Ikaros :

Then you wish to save her after all. For every decision you could make, I would have said only one thing.

You've made a great decision.

Oh maybe it will make you feel better. If you had tried to evade the issue or some other thing. Option 1 and 3 were sounding good for me too.

Jay tried to pick up the weapon as felt a bit on his arm.

The cursed weapon bit him as he went to grab it.

Jay felt a gnawing sensation on his arm. But he couldn't even take his eyes from Ikaros for even a second as it would mean death. Or memory erasure.

McElroy and Drakos both came bursting themselves from the stomach of the same Cetus that was going to eat Jay a few minutes ago.

McElroy : heavy breathing.

We are finally here.

Drakos :

I've finally added a legendary tale in my journey.

Tale of how I defeated the ever dreaded darkness of the ocean and the Bane of all the fishermen and sailors alike , the Cetus.

McElroy :

What about the Demon King.

Drakos :

You're right the Demon King would be mythical compared to a sea serpent. Come quickly McElroy.

Jay saw the blade biting his hand that's why he once again threw it in the inventory.

Drakos :

Give me the cursed blade, Garrick I will end him.

Jay tossed the cursed blade at Drakos.

Jay :

Suit yourself.

The blade even bit Drakos himself. He saw the blade gnawing on his arm as he writhed in pain. But still dashed towards Ikaros.

Ikaros :

What a joke of a weapon you have.

Drakos clashed blades with Ikaros as McElroy blasted him with earth magic. Large rocks started levitating and being thrown towards Ikaros and he was being hit but he didn't even flinch a little bit.

Jay used the whip blade to bind the sword to get a leeway for Drakos to slash or stab him.

The whip blade wound itself on Ikaros blade.

And with that Jay pulled hard as much as he could. But Ikaros when he casually pulled the entire weapon broke.

All the shards of the legendary weapon. Were sent flying.

With this only Mcelroy's Gunther was what was remaining of the legendary weapons of Chroma.

Ikaros :

I guess it was finally time that junk broke down for good.

Jay :

This was a legendary weapon.

Ikaros :

Let it be a legendary weapon or a mythical one. For every move, every slash, every stab you made it took some of its life away with it.

Ultimately it fell . It is the responsibility of an blacksmith to make weapons unbreakable and sharper than ever seen before.

But there is life even in things that don't live.

As they say there is destruction in creation itself.

Their life ends when they finally leave the last mark on their target or die trying. Just like an assassin.

They are born to kill and they die trying to kill. Such is the life of an weapon.

It was a matter of time, it had preserved its state for hundreds of years. Thus it was going to fall someday. If not today.

But can you afford crying for your weapon when your death is standing right before you..

McElroy :

That was some actual philosophy. Very deep

Drakos tried to stab Ikaros but ultimately failed because he wasnt fast enough. While Viva just watched the scene unfold in its entirety.

Change is occurring, then what would be the lives of those who's lives have changed.