Brilliant light

It seems that all of them are unable to even land a single strike on Ikaros which will be effective. If one cuts the arm the next second it is regenerated. Ikaros is the most wary against the cursed blade. That's why he is keeping it at more than an arms length.

Viva :

This isn't enough push them more.

Jay :

Hey I can hear everything , don't just make him increase his aggression. Think how the other side feels. We are really struggling here.

Ikaros :

I think we should.

Jay : pleading.

Don't please.

Ikaros in the blink of an eye appeared behind Jay .

And punched him in the back and was sent flying.

Drakos stabbed Ikaros with a sword of light. But Ikaros unfazed just bashed him away 11 feet under. And McElroy was thrown high in the stratosphere. Where the oxygen was thin. Mcelroy felt like he couldn't breath.

But the lands didn't want to let McElroy go so gravity naturally pulled him down to the ground where once again he fell into the sea which was concrete like. After falling from that height. But lucky for him when Mcelroy started spinning he fell leg first into the water and the water made him once again snap back to conscious.

This is the power gap between them. That if Ikaros wanted they couldn't even touch him. But instead of a death battle it felt more like a test or an exam for a master gave his disciplê to strike him down.

But why would be there a test in the middle of bloody war.

If Ikaros wanted there wouldn't be any war in the first place.

But what now.

All three of them desperate trying every combination of attacks using both mana attacks and physical attacks to get him.

Even just to block his attacks they used light magic to enhance their perception speed. Thus at least they could see their attacks but for that they had to increase their perception beyond their limits which put strain on their eyes.

And finally they could just see the attacks but they couldn't do anything just be bashed more slowly.

McElroy and Drakos would drink potions to recover from the pain but Jay had developed a phobia for potions he couldn't even dare to take a sip. He had to rely in his natural regeneration and regenerate mana by that method as well.

Mana potions mostly don't have any side effects as they are just mana dissolved in water. But sometimes they do cause vomiting, nausea, stomach imbalance, sometimes intestinal problems. But they see mostly safe.

Ikaros :

Know that you cant defeat me by that.

Ikaros :

I give you one last chance to attack me if you fail, I'll leave the consequences upto you.

Jay :

We aren't fast enough, our strategies are filing badly, even if we land a hit it is because he wants us to land them.

McElroy :

What about an suicidal attack like always.

Jay :

So if my suicide fails then he'll kill us. That's some dog shit of a plan.

McElroy :

What about stuffing him in your intevtory.

Jay :

Yeah I wish. They inventory mostly tends to reject living things.

McElroy :.

Do you have any thing useful against him.

Jay :

Even my inventory is almost empty.

I've expended most of my resources.

Drakos :

It seems that I have no choice now.

Jay :

Suicidal attack.

Drakos :

I wish.

Drakos :

Jay promise me something. This if something happens to both of us you'll still treat us the same.

Jay :

You'll means who.

Drakos :

Too late.

Drakos grabbed Mcelroy's head and softly tapped his own forehead with Mcelroy's forehead.

Ikaros :

It's beginning.

Viva :

The pieces are finally coming together.

Both of their bodies started glowing faintly but the lights increased but by bit McElroy was trying to separate from

Drakos but he won't let him.

McElroy :

What is happening Drakos. What is this. Why am I glowing

And why does this feels familiar.

Drakos :

It was not the appropriate time yet. But what done is done.

Both of them were covered in a glowing light which not was I bearable to even look at. Such intense light radiated throughout the battlefield. Blinding every soldier, every demon and Asura alike.

At first there were two sperate entities but now there was only one singular light shining brightly on the battlefield.

What the hell is happening.

Jay tried to look at the light but the light was so intense he couldn't even dare to look at it.

Even Ikaros and Viva herself. Couldn't bear to watch was unfolding.

The light was so bright that it even pierced the heavens and someone from the heavens finally notices.

But finally the light weakened and dimmed . The light which covered the entire battlefield like a shining sun. There was a light of a new dawn alongside the dimming sun.

It was now around 4 pm. There was only one chance for if the day was lost. The chance might not appear again.

Jay held the blade in his hand as he again felt a gnawing sensation on his hand. The feeling of his hand being chewed and sell as the sensation of holding a horned blade was overwhelming his hand with bkiid bushing out of his hand feeding the bkadneith his blood.

Jay made his way through the intense light to stab a Ikaros but the light shining on other kbkechss was so intense he even couldn't see the others.

They were oberligjtemed with absolute radience. As if the god of Light himself had arrived in the battlefield. Extending his divine grace on humans.

The light faded away and a singular glowing body came forth from the glowing light. Blonde, golden smooth flowing hair, golden eyes, radiant glowing skin, his height also seemed to have increased just a little bit though.

Jay couldn't afford looking at the light origin since he had one goal. An distracted Ikaros. Jay took his chance and tried to stab him. But his slash was blocked by Ikaros and he was on again sent hurling back towards the source of the brilliant light.

Jay saw as his eyes turned towards him. His clear golden eyes. Jay felt like he would be enchanted just looking in those deep eyes.

And he only had one thought.

Jay :

What the fuck.