The Master Assasin.

Jay and McElroy both killing time inside the jail cell by discussing their speculations about the town.

McElroy :

That assassin got away we were so close.

Jay :

No we were not, he was not even opening his mouth.

Jailer :

How many times should I tell you there are no assassin's in this town. Now quiet down your ruckus. Or there'll be no food or water for you tonight.

Jay :

The day and night cycle are really short. They were four for four hours.

Which is like one sixth of a day.

McElroy :

And the entire day would be then one third of a day.

McElroy :

Which means we were searching for that person for about 8 hours now and then we got caught just as dawn struck.

Jay :

The weird thing I found was they weren't even moving in fast motion related to the short cycle of day.

McElroy :

Why slow motion. Just because the days are fast doesn't mean they will be moving just as fast. They might have adapted different lifestyles to deal with the hastened time.

Jay :

So they sleep for four hours and work for two hours and spend recreation for the remaining two.

McElroy :.

Not necessary their cycles might have been adjusted to their environment. So there will be differences.

Jailer :

Tch seems like the higher ups have taken mercy on you for once. Eat this.

The jailor tossed a plate of two breads and two cups of water. And called it a day.

McElroy :

Do we have any supplies.

Jay :

Nyet comrade, nothing else.

McElroy :

Figured. And that bread is poisoned if I'm right. But I have a idea.

McElroy tore some of the bread and threw it outside. Where within minutes a rat came and ate the bread. And ran away concluding nothing.

McElroy :

I think my patient only lasts here.

Behind was a wall made of bricks with a window for ventilation made out of steel.

McElroy :.

Icicle crash.

A icicle formed out of mana in the middle of the air covering atlests 25% space of the cell and it penetrated the wall leaving behind bricks flying distorted in their shape and some even reduced travel while there was a giant bicycle which was stuck in the wall emenating its coolness to the other break and as well as the room itself and maybe one can say the entire prison a chil l running through the spine just like that the icical dissipated entertainer and a whole formed in the wall making the jail break not easier but inevitable.

Once again forcing their way out. A perfect time as it was now dusk and there were three more hours for dawn to arise.

There was a fence made of barbed wires. Which Jay melted through. Using fireball countinously over the barbed wires. Until the wire got red hot but did not melt.

Then McElroy once again expanded the prison wall by taking the icicle through the wall. And removed them.

Jay :

I'm hating it here.

McElroy :

I'm sure you are.

On the dark streets lurk Jay and McElroy after their successful jailbreak.

McElroy :

Do you have any plans on luring the master assassin out of hiding.

Jay :

Sort of but we'll need rope and that too lots of it.

McElroy :


Jay :

Just trust me.

A few days passed like the blink of an eye. As the missing reports of the towns people going missing started increasing. Day in there were reports of strangers strolling in the dark night like they were innocent civilians but in the mirining they would go missing.

What happened to them?

Meanwhile in the hideout.

An novice scout assassin returned from the mission.

He urgently went past the other assassin's and bowed before the master.

Assasin :

Master I've found everyone. They have been trapped by the intruders.

Master :

So this is the path they've chosen. Very well.

Master :

Take our remaining forces for an all out war and rescue the remainder.

Assasin :

That's difficult. Because there is no one left we have dispatched everyone we have at our disposal.

Master :

Useless everyone one of you. Driving the name of assassin's into the mud. I'll deal with it myself.

In the night of an deserted town, the winds howls throughout the floor. The temperatures drop as the reign of the sun ends. And the night grants a coolness similar to a cold compress.

Stood two beings with the might to challenge the tower.

Faces their enemy who stand in their way of ascension.

A being born in the shadows of the tower. And has always stayed in the shadow endowed with the light of the moon.

Brought himself before the challengers.

Assasin :

What have you done with my assassin's.

Jay :

Are you the master Assasin?

Assasin :

Yes I am.


You're lying.a true master Assasin would have never admitted it in the first try. You're just a regular Assasin.

This move of Jay was just based in his knowledge of manhwa. That he just copied. Just like they say.

Control+C and Control +V. Copy and paste.

From the shadows Jay felt a blade upon his neck

Assasin :

You seem strong than you look.

Jay used two of his right fingers to push the blade away.

And walked two steps forward such he could see the Assasin.

He was like a shadow his clothes dyed in the blackest pain possible which almost absorbed 98 percent of all light.

This it was hard to even see just a small part of his skin.

As everything else faded into darkness.

Master :

Where are the assassin's?

Jay :

Well we have no interest in them whatsoever. What we want is to defeat you. If you give up we'll leave them unharmed.

That's that.

Master :

The honor of the Assasin lives within them. They'll be dead anyway.

The Assasin threw a poison needle which got stuck on Jay's chest but it didn't penetrated due to the armor.

The master Assasin blended within the shadows as Jay looked down as the needle. Jay felt a cut at his foot.

Which caused him to bend.

Jay tried to move his feet but his feet wouldn't listen to him.

He got the assumption of an paralytic poison injected into his bloodstream.

Assasin :

This is your last chance tell me where are you holding them. And I might send you off peacefully.

Jay :


A bigger fireball appeared in Jay's hand. Jay threw it at the Master Assasin but he dodged it and a house behind him started burning.

Jay :

You wanted to know where is everyone right. They are burning in the building there. If you want save them or finish me off.

The master Assasin broke a window upstairs and as he got inside he found the room burning with the assassins mouths covered preventing their suicide. The flames grew wider and larger as it consumed the firewood stored in the house.

The master Assasin confirmed that everyone was alive and threw a firebomb at everyone burning them alive. But in turn

Even the master Assasin couldn't predict one thing.

That he too had been fallen silently.

What he saw was an in lllusion. A hand crafted one if you know. The flames were just for show but the firebomb which the Assasin threw became the real problem. He could e be sure that Jay was lying or not thus he had to enter the vulding which got him caught as the room turned into ice and icicles grew in all directions trapping him. And Mcelroy's icebolts finished him off.

As it should have been but the master Assasin was quick to break through the wall to make his getaway slipping through the area. There are numerous ways to catch an Assasin but to catch a master you have to be much more cautious.

The master through of escaping through the roof. And he leapt a good distance upwards but as he landed his legs were pierced by the spikes that lay on the roof themselves.

His foot was pierced as they didn't estimate that such a trap would exist. And as the entire roofs were covered with spikes there was nowhere to go but down.

And at that time Jay had disappeared. Into thin air. The master assassins eyes scanned for him. He came down from the roof. To barely dodge a hail of ice bolts heading from the dark. Slightly. But it stratched him and left.

But there was no blood.

Master :

They have planned this out really well.

Master got out of the alley where he was continously hailed with icicles. Where Jay was waiting as he fired a firanga which blew the master Assasin away.

Master :

You haven't even seen what can I do.

Jay :

I don't want to.

Jay fired one more firanga into the master Assasin which blew his limbs away and his entire body blew into smithereens.

Floor 4 : Completed.

Jay :

McElroy :

New skills : Jay

Fire resistance - ->lvl 3

Ice resistance - - > lvl 2


Metal pike.

New skills : McElroy

Parting shot.

Rock pelting.

Ice ball

Floor 4 completed ; Congratulations.

The master Assasin killed.

Minimum casualties

Additional award :

Bandits coin :

+ 2 luck.

The door appeared in front of them which both of them stepped in immediately. The stairway lead upto something unexpected. A floor which was completely empty.

Jay :

Why is this empty?