The art room

After outsmarting the master Assasin Jay and McElroy crossed the floor and ascended through the stairway that appeared before them.

They climbed the flight of stairs with various expectations on their part. Maybe a room full of fire or maybe something like the ice floor or an dangerous labyrinth lied ahead of them.

With many possibilities ahead of them with a curois mind they stepped into the next floor.

This floor was entirely white. From bottom to top, everything was white.

At first Jay and McElroy thought that they were blinded and that's why everything whited out.

So they shut their eyes and opened them again after a moment.

But when they opened their eyes. There was still nothing.

Jay :

Is this floor still under construction?

McElroy :

Why is everything white?

And came a familiar voice from behind.

Jasper :

It is because it is supposed to be.

Jay and McElroy :


Jasper :

Good day to you Mr Jay and Mr McElroy.

Jay :

Hey Jasper it's been long.

McElroy :

So what is this floor is it still under construction.

Jasper :

No this is the floor. The fifth floor.

Jay :

I can't see anything no mobs no setting. No genre.

Jasper :

Can you swing your weapon.

Jay :

Why... I mean sure.

Jay swung his sword. And a wave of colour splashed and stopped in mid air perfectly representing the path of the sword that Jay made. Except when he stopped the motion to take the sword back the colour also stopped the way.

Jasper :

This is the floor gimmick if you want to say. Show me your finest art you can manifest . This is the barrier of this floor.

Jay actually got an idea.

Jay :

McElroy can I have some rocks.

McElroy with a confused look handed Jay some rocks.

Jay took the rocks and let it go from his hand. And the rocks fell from his hand and due to gravity they touched the ground.

Jay :

This is art.

Jasper :

You're not actually taking me serious are you? Just because I look like a kid.

Jay :

No I am taking you seriously. If I am correct this is called systemic art. In which you observe the natural order of things.

Jasper :

No I don't want to see this. You're just lying there is not amy type of art like this. I want to see real art. The one like painting or sculptures. Or the sword arts.

Jay :

But we're not artist. I'm not sure I can't make you a drawing of Mona Lisa.

McElroy :

We are just warriors art is of no concern to us.

Jasper :

That's where you're incorrect. Everything is art, from the way of living, the different style of eating to the different style and perspective that one sees the world. It is art.

Everything thing that has and can have another form is art in itself.

I'm sure you can't draw the Mona Lisa or whatever is that painting. But that is something someone else drew which was his own art.

What I want to see is your own. The power of creation in its purest form.

Jay :

You know you just contradicted your own words right now. By saying those words.

Jasper :

Gah, I shouldn't have been too excited. The point is you have to satisfy me with what you show.

McElroy :

So can we have some tools or our original magic back.

Jasper :

No, do with what you have. If not then how will it be a challenge.

Jay swung his sword once again in a circular swallow tail like pattern. Like a stroke of an paintbrush the colour's soon followed its wall and etched themselves in midair in a two dimensional perspective. From the sides they would be a single line but turn sideways and you could see a lot more detail.

Jay had an illumination he removed the book Heavenly virtuous sword stance he received a while back. He read the book without the qi stuff. And after reading a second time Jay followed the steps of the stance which were illustrated in the book. The stance was a sort of defensive and offensive stance. A well balanced stance with more emphasis being put into defense than offense.

It contained various forms and stances like a blade dance.

At first they didn't meant any sense they were just moves made by a sword where at one time there was a thrust in a downward direction resulting in a broader stroke of the brush.

While the other time it was an upward slash which resulted in fine lines being etched. And when the dance was finished.

Until the final move. When McElroy saw it he could only see a bunch of lines moving forward and in different directions with varying thickness and intensity. But Jay when he turned around he was shocked by what he saw.

There were just a bunch of scribbles that had came together and could be seen in one . Nothing else, Jay had throught after following all the steps it would result in something incredible but no he was wrong. Not only that he didn't want them to see what he had created.

Jay :

So this should suffice for art right.

Jasper :

After seeing this I almost took pity on you, but as a floor master I cant allow you.

Jay :.

Why not, isn't the point of a tower is to become strong and take down much more mightier foes that await you.

Jasper :

Strength comes in different forms, for some it's social, for some it is their intellect and for some it is brawn.

But there was one quick and sneaky eye who saw that Jay didn't want to let anyone see.

Jasper :

Wow this really didn't come out well. Now as well as an arrogant jerk you're also illeterate.

A kid had made fun of Jay this it felt even more humiliating than normal.

Meanwhile McElroy was going on with his side project on his own.

It seems that he used a rock wall and he was using stone and rock pelting skill to make dents in the rock wall.

And he used stone pelting to make precise cuts and dents it seems he was making a sculpture.

Once in a while McElroy would use the knife that he had been holding from the first floor to adjust for finer details.

And there was no colour being bloted into the air as he wasn't using any attacks at all. It was just what he could do he did.

Jay and Jasper watched with full intent. And they couldn't even dare approach McElroy who was working so hard on his sculpture.

When he was done there was something that resembled a face where everything was deformed it was the ugliest piece of art that Jay had ever seen. It could be called an abstract art. Jay was fully ready for Jasper to tell McElroy off.

Jasper :

It's very crass and God forbid if anyone saw this and didn't knock themselves out. I could see your dedication and what does your art meant to you.

You have passed my trial.

Jay was flabbergasted by Jasper's decision.

Jay :.

Hey even I made something like this then why dies he have to pass.

Jasper :

Try again, loser.

Jay :

McElroy can you make a stone wall again.

Jasper :

Do with what you have. That book which you followed is someone else's art. Do something on your own.

Jay wondered what he could do for Jasper to finally recognise it as an art.

A string of thoughts started to connect within Jay's mind.

Does it need to be flash - -> functionable--> beautiful

Abstract - - - > meaningfull-----> deadly?

Jay decided he want to display an weapon art.

It seems that Jay had connected the dots just in time.

Jay crafted a broadsword a weapon not of Jay's choice and tested few test swings and the intensity and thickness of the colours.

Jay thought of a spinning technique which would be just for show with now functional purpose what so ever.

Jay touched the broadsword in the ground at an perfect acute angle while maintaining an perfect angle. He used the core of the broadsword to make thick strokes as he jumped up and spun the sword in a spiral like pattern. There was almost even amounts of spaces between the one continuous stroke. If the amount of strokes were too much they would have looked like a coil compressed into shape and trying to unwind.

Jay ended his spiral movement with a stab to the sky connecting with the spiral movement of sword and then descended to the ground. Jay descended unto the ground.

While Jasper and McElroy saw what her had created.

Jasper :

So what do you call this.

Jay :

Rising Dragon.

Jasper :

Well ie does need some finer details.

Jasper took up a paintbrush in his hand and slashed the entire structure. The spiral manifestation took up the ink and evolved itself into an actual Chinese dragon. Which roared itself into life as it took flight into the air. Like a true dragon even though it was just strokes some hints of scales could also be seen within the strokes. The dragon flew around for almost one minute till it charged and crashed itself into the white walls of the floor. Imprinting itself into the walls.

Jasper :

Youve passed this floors test.

A bright door opened before the both of them.

Jasper :

The door to the sixth floor awaits.

Jay :

Thanks I had a blast.

McElroy :

Me too. See you later.

Bidding Jasper farewell both of them ascend even further.