Raid boss

Jay and McElroy once again stepped forward in their journey after breezing through the trial. And as each step was passed their expectations of the top floor only increased. As they now step onto the sixth floor of the tenth.

But Jay had a question.

Jay :

Why don't we just climb the tower from outside and reach the top.

McElroy :

Where would be the fun in that.

Jay :

Fun? Fighting to the death seems like fun?

McElroy :

Yeah, it has a nice kick to it

Jay :

What are you a murder weapon now?

McElroy :

I was a weapon of mass destruction long ago. You call yourself a lore freak or whatever and this is what you forget.

Jay :

Let's agree to disagree.

McElroy :

Just because you're losing.

The sixth floor trial began.

There was nothing but a dark room with a giant circular table

With chairs neatly arranged at an 120 degree

There seemed to be 6 chairs.

Jay :


McElroy :

Maybe it's part of the game. Let's get seated.

Both of them sat on the chairs.

From another corner a party of four arrived. They seemed to be like an hero's party from any isekai Manga. You standard black haired hero, a beautiful elf, a magician who's fully robed and wore glasses and finally the fourth expendable slot. Where depending on the degeneracy of the Manga it could be either another love interest like a hot smoking babe who's either a healer of the party, or there just to serve as an fan service or both. Or maybe the friend of the hero.

In this case it was a god forbid so called holy priestess of the temple of Light. A religion who's God has now died. And now the God's only child is in the hands of the Foundation.

The Hero especially seemed to be an European one as he was heavily armored in dragon scaled armor and had the authentic double edged sword of light which banished the evil of the lands. The hero wore a torn and dirty white scarf for god knows what reason as well as a necklace beneath which would act as a charm. It had a ruthenium red coloured gemstone studded inside. While the leggings, shin pads and shoes were all made of iron.

The elf seemed to be in much more open clothes which were to be said reveleaing, her hair was a shade of the forest, engulfing her surrounding with the aura of the forest.

She had jade like eyes and a beautiful face. Like a typically casted elf. She wore a jewel on her forehead attached to a small gold chain connecting at the back of her head.

And the typical staff made of elven wood. An good conductor of mana to be sure.

The third character would be the mage. His robed looks decent but very outdated. It was like an dusty old cloak.

During the divine era if any one was wearing these robes there would have been a high chance that he was a mage either on training or a veteran. But now with the wide teachings of magic the uses of these robes have being similar to a lab coat where it protects one from experimental dangers such as chemical spills. On the front just act as an extra layer of protection.

He had glasses which did meant that he would be reading lots of books aamd had a staff similar to the elven archer /mage.

And finally there was the exoendible slot taken by the knight serving a fallen god. A traditional blonde with blue eyes.

How many times have I now seen this pattern. Oh every single day it's name is McElroy ofcourse.

At first i remember he was brown haired and standard brown eyes. And now he's more like an anime boy.

Well like the exoendible slot there is nothing more to talk about.

The hero pulled the chairs for their teammates and then he himself sat on these chairs and all the slots on the chairs were occupied.

Before the boy could start talking a hologram popped out from the table. It was a blue hologram which showed Jasper.

Jasper :

Well now I assume everyone is there. So this is the Trial of the sixth floor.

You're to team up with your allies to take down a mighty foe

The foe which you'll be facing will be revealed after the time ends. You have been alloted one hour to know each other and formulate your strategy.

I wish you luck.

With this the hologram was turned off and Jasper disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The dark haired boy started talking.

? :

Before we start I would like to get to know each other.

I'll start with myself. I'm the Hero, Masayuki.

This here is my elf friend Colaris. This is the mage of our party Magnus and lastly her name is Liarai she is a priestess and also an swordsmaster at the temple of Light.

Jay decided to play along.

Jay :

I'm Jay Garrick and this is my partner McElroy and we're both mana swordsmen. And I am an otherworlder.

Hero :

This is my first time seeing someone from another world. Are you from earth.

Jay :

Yes I come from earth.

Hero :

Did the God also summon you?

Jay :


At this exact moment a Myriad memories flooded Jay's mind like a dam barely holding water back. As such when the gates opened a ton of memories leading upto the moment flooded Jay's mind.

Jay :

Something like that. So why did your goddess chose you as a hero.

Hero :

The Goddess chose me to defeat the Demon Lord that lurk in these lands. The Demon who's causing strife in these lands.

Jay :

Whats the name of your Demon Lord.

Elf :

I think there are supposed the be three demon lords.

The Demon Lord of Extinction, The Demon Lord of Strife and Ruination and the

Demon Lord of Thunder and Lightning.

Jay :

Applying the current filters to the situation you mean the Demon lords are Maria von Lopez, Ikaros and Moonlight Thunder King.

Hero :

Those are the names of those who have rsveged the lands with their hideous army of monsters and skeletons.

That's why the Goddess had to summon me.

Jay :

So how did you came to be here. A truck crashed and took you here.

Hero :

How did you know are you some sort of mind reader.

McElroy looked at Jay confused.

McElroy :

This story is different from how you arrived in these lands.

Jay :

Hey Masayuki di you know about the general or do you remember anything like a cryoshell or wearing a helmet or something like that

Hero :

No I've never come across anything like that. This sounds like fiction.

Jay :

I see, we'll it's nice to work with the Hero's party.

Jay made a mental note an import distinction between the Living and the imagined.

McElroy :

So why are you challenging the tower.

Hero :

A Old Lady told me that if I clear this tower I could gain strength to defeat the Demon Lord lurking in these lands.

McElroy :

This means it can be Era. Pulling strings from the back just like the Lord of Abyss wants her to.

Jay :

You have arrived at rhe same explanation that the audience wanted well done McElroy.

McElroy :

So what powers can you use

Hero :

This is my sword Renza is it's name and it can slice though Evil. As for magic I can use lightning magic in the tower.

McElroy mocked Jay.

McElroy :

Jay watch out this sword can cut evil, it will also cut you down if you approach him.

Jay :

Well I can always use a holy untainted unvile God as a meat shield to stop it's blows.

After their picks with each other the elf finally spoke up.

Elf :

Nice to meet you I'm Colaris I am an archer and I can enhance my arrows with different stones and use light arrows.

Magnus :

Tch spells words, using both magic and sword half heartedly and thinking that you know everything and are better than everyone else.

I am an true Mage, my name is Magnus Corsalis. The mage who will someday surpass the progenitor of magic.

I use every type of magic there is to be. For i have spent my entire life on magic. Try not to be a burden.

And finally the fourth expendible slot calmed down the mage.

Liara :

Even though you loath mana swordsmen you should keep a tab on your loathing Magnus.

Liara :

Forgive my friend's discourtesy, My name is Liara former captain to the round table. And the former priestess of the Temple of Light in the east. Now I travel with the Hero Masayuki for the redemption of the God of Light.

I specialize in healing and swordsmanship.

Jay decided whether to reveal the fact about Luminos or not.

But he decided not to.

Jay :

I specialize in fire and metal magic.

McElroy :

I specialize in water and Earth magic.

So all this is a well rounded up team.

Finally the party of heroes and the duo started discussing how to take on the boss. By firstly laying roots

Hero :

If you don't mind I want to take charge of our raid team.

Jay :

I have no objections.

McElroy :

If Jay's doesn't object then even I dint have any objections.

. And then when one hour was up.

There was a large siren and red lights that flashed into the room. Suddenly from the sky a big flame popped up and burned the entire table from which everyone backed off.

The dark walls collapsed revealing an area fully barren and fill of withered trees. Except a tree where the boss perched.

Floor boss : Flame Eagle.