Final floor : Clash of the Heroes.

With a sudden twist of fate and the every shortage of allies on their side. McElroy called out to one who he fought long ago. The Black Knight who turned out to be a banished elf.

Had once again appeared on the scene.

Jay :

Why did you call him of all people?

McElroy :

Then who were you going to call Ikaros or Maria von Lopez.

Blake had found himself in the middle of the coliseum with many on goers supporting them. That's when he glanced at the Hero's party he saw the Hero Masayuki, the Magician Magnus and finally the elf girl Colaris. And something set off in his mind.

While when Colaris saw Blake she felt similarity as they were both Elves.

Colaris wanted to talk with Blake. But they were enemies .

But when Blake saw Colaris he scoffed at her.

Blake :

You know what I'm glad you called me here.

Jay :

I knew we could count on you.

McElroy :

I'm so relieved.

Jasper made the announcement.

Jasper :

As now we have equal combatants. Here are the rules.

1. The system will assign random skills, weapons and equipment. Which are to be used to fight.

There will be no such case where one weilds a weapon of legend while the other is given a broken knife.

Every combatant will be granted weapons, spells and equipment of their suiting and grade.

2. The audience are permitted at any point to intervene.

3. Once a combatant is no longer able to fight or is killed.

The fight will end.

4. In a case where the fight continues for a long time.

(Beyond 7 minutes) Winner will be judged based on the number of wounds inflicted on the opponent.

5. There will be three rounds of combat those who win two will be declared the winner.

I hope I'm clear enough.

Jay :

So who wants to go first.

McElroy :

I'm going.

Blake :

If anything set me up with that elf.

McElroy :

Ho, someone got a crush.

Blake :


McElroy :

Looks like I was wrong.

Blake :


While on the Hero's party.

Hero :

I'm thinking of going first.

Magnus :

No Masayuki, my supreme i tellect tells me that first will be the sidekick. That McElroy. I'll go it will be an easy victory for me.

We need you for the last.

Colaris : insistent

When that elf enters I want to go.

Hero :

Are you sure Colaris, isn't he one of your kind.

Colaris :

I know that he is, but I just can't ignore it for some reason his gaze was that of anger towards me. Even though we met for first time. I have to know why?

While Blake was angered because of the pain of banishment from his own home. Colaris seemed to have no idea for what made him angry.

Hero :

Then I'm taking the old man, last it seems.

Magnus :

Of course you always save best for the last.

Hero :

Then i will not disappoint my friends. For our friendship.

The primary line up was set. The matches would be as follows.

First round : McElroy vs Magnus.

Second round : Blake VS Colaris

Final round : Jay vs Hero Masayuki.

Magnus and McElroy entered the stage while others were watching from afar from their platforms.

System :

Equipment distribution will not begin please check your inventory.

Magnus was equipped with very high end weapons.

A staff of elder wood known for the highest mana conductance. On top of it was an orb enchanted which allowed for not 10x but 15x times the addition of mana into the spells.

Cloak which absorbed the impact by 15 percent.

Boots of levitation which allow the user to run at much better speeds than normal almost 2.5x.

Glasses of virtue which makes the user have constant awareness of the enemies position.

While having many high class mage spells.

While McElroy got.

Sword of roses.

Any cut cause a rose to from the wound and the more blood it seeps it the more it grows. It has poor mana conductance.

Causes less wound healing.

Running shoes.

No added benefit. Or hold b to run.

Pendant of the mysterious.

Get a random buff every 45 seconds.

Light armor.

Absorbs 12.75 percent of any incoming damage.

8.75% strengths will be unlocked.

Spells :

Ice punch

Stone wall

Chantless icebolt

Chantless Rock pelting.

Sword of light

Jasper :

You have been given equipment according to your strengths talents. Such that fights may be fair.

McElroy :

How is this fair, you just have me running shoes dammit.

While my opponent is fully kitted out

Jasper :

There will be no changes, fight or forfeit.

Magnus :

It's fine give him his full strength. I'll be the one who wins anyway.

Jasper :

As I said there will be no changes at all.

The audience both of the young man with all of they are combined voices roaming around rooting for Magnus and anime boy.

The two of them entered the coliseum and just like that there was a huge bong sound which indicated the start of the fight.

McElroy despite in running shoes tried to take advantage of his physical build. With the light armor being in place it would not hamper his speed that much while the fortune being on the side of McElroy and giving him a speed boost right in the beginning. At firs the headed straight for the mage. But Magnus deployed a counter spell.

Magnus :

Ice floor.

The floor beame ice entirely such that McElroy slipped but due to momentum he still kept going

Magnus :

Too easy.

Ice bolt x 50.

Magnus while standing shot icebolts on McElroy who fell on the ground and to dodge the icebolts McElroy had to roll across the field in order to dodge them.

But humans are known to adapt so Magnus did. He shot two of the icebolts at an estimated location where McElroy would definitely reach. And McElroy while rolling was just able to glimpse at what and which angle the projectile was being shot at thus he could make predictions.

Magnus's prediction were correct and would have hit McElroy if he wasn't skilled. Because at some point it is a basic stragtergy to change directions.

Just like when running g away from animals some say to run in a zig zag patterns in order to.

That's why while McElroy was shifting from side to side. He knew he had to get up somehow that's why he catapulted himself of the mark.

McElroy :

Stone wall.

McElroy used stone wall directly under him as he catapulted into air. Finally gaining some initiative of movement.

McElroy used icebolts and targeted Magnus. While fended off the others with the sword of roses. And came down while Magnus used his boots of levitation to get away from him.

But when McElroy touched the ground he was briefly able to make a slash. Which only touched the boots and was able to make a small scratch into the fabric and the skin layer underneath.

And from that small scratch grew a rose blooming brightly and feeding off from the blood of the host. A parasitic rose of so to say.

And Magnus tore the rose off from his boot but as his hand started to bleed due to the thorns

Magnus :

What a problematic weapon you have.

McElroy :

Hey should be my line.

McElroy kept up the barrage of icebolts as they were chant less it could be fired one after the other and it kept up the pressure.

While allowing McElroy to go for another strike.

When McElroy went for another strike that's when he was flung this time against this will.

Magnus :

Stone wall.

Magnus pointed his staff at McElroy.

Magnus :

Lightning arrow.

Many bolts of lightning formed in the shape of an arrow and were shot at McElroy who was airborne.

McElroy used stone wall as a wall of stone appeared before McElroy it absorbed all the attacks and even gave McElroy a platform to jump off as Magnus backed off since the wall would collapse directly on him. If he remain standing in one place for too long.

McElroy readied his sword for a second strike. He took his arm back in order to stab Magnus . But Magnus casted protection for himself.

Magnus :

Torrent shield.

A flowing shield of water formed around Magnus.

McElroy was about to crash on the shield. But he used a secret technique so devastating that it makes opponents quiver before it.

McElroy :

Earth wall.

Earth wall is mostly forms a wall of earth in close proximity to the caster but the location is decided by the caster it can be either rise from the ground or become a wall which can flatten your opponents.

This by using sharp wits McElroy avoided the torrent and lifted Magnus up opening him up for another direct slah slash from the sword of roses but the clock was defensive thus it blocked most of the damage as it said. But that doesn't mean the attack failed. Im fact it landed a direct cut on the abdomen causing five roses to grow from the abdomen growing more and more as they ravenously absorb more blood from the wound.

McElroy reached the ground while this time Magnus was airborne McElroy used Rock pelting to shoot projectiles of stone at Magnus

Magnus :

Fire Dragon's wrath

From his wand a huge dragon made up of fire. Was launched. That's when the third buff activated. It upped Mcelroy's defense. Enabling him to take the hit from that move head on since he had no way to dodge. But McElroy did run in order toove away from the epicenter as far as possible to reduce the damage of the blast.

The light armor took the blow and with additional defense it reduced the damage that McElroy took but the spell was strong thus McElroy was badly hurt. While Magnus safely landed on the ground.

Jay :

McElroy don't give up. We have to win this.

Suddenly the roses growing from the Magnus's abdomen started to glow and they faded into petals that flew and touched McElroy. This healed McElroy and he was on again able to move around.


Grrr I just had you. No matter.

Ice fang

McElroy :.

Sword of light.

A sword of light appeared before McElroy. McElroy duel welded the sword of light.

Suddenly a huge beast of ice like a sabertooth tiger from the ice age appeared with it's huge fangs it tried to crush McElroy within those fangs but McElroy had a dimple solution

McElroy :

Stone wall.

The stone wall would not have survived the impact but it was not there for defense rather it was for the offense as when the large sibertooth tiger opened its mouth and revealed its icy fangs. The force of the stone wall appearing beneath the icy tiger broke its jaw and face altogether. While the rest of its body slid off its own force..

McElroy continued to run. And that's when there was a fifth buff. It was an attack buff.

Magnus tried to put some distance between them meanwhile casting multiple attacks of high tiers.

Magnus :.

Thunder Hawk.

A Hawk made of pure white lightning appeared and with the speed of lightning while leaving a trail it crashed onto the nearby surface and unleashing a devastating Shockwave.

Which did Infact shock McElroy. As Mcelroy fell on his knees once again.

Blake :

No, this is not the McElroy that I know. He would not just fall.

Jay :

Hey don't waste time. You're being boring.

The very harsh comments made Mcelroy's blood boil. Although it was inevitable but it was an extra boost.

While everyone was rooting for Magnus. They did start to see McElroy as someone competent during this entire bout. Now it had been five minutes and just a minute to go.

McElroy kept breaking through Magnus's spells one by one but would get trapped by Lightning spells.

And Magnus would consistently repeat his strategies while McElroy used icebolts to keep him from concentrating an even higher tier spell.

But Mcelroy's mana was about to be depleted. Since he was not a mage his mana pool was also limited this he could only count on one chance.

McElroy flung the sword of light at Magnus which travelled at extreme speeds and almost missed and McElroy used the last of his mana to make another sword of light and threw it at Magnus and it did hit which caused him to flinch.

But when he saw himself nothing had happened. Yet.

Since the sword of light was made of actual light it did nothing than just act as a light projectile with now mass to support it. It's like hitting the black hole with a mosquito.

But that extra flinch was enough for McElroy to get a clean hit on Magnus. Which this hit was completely transferred. And the sword pierced the abdomen. Once again this time causing even more flowers bloom. But as well as immense pain for Magnus as he tried to pluck out the flowers due to the pain he collapsed.

Jasper :

The round is over. The Winner is McElroy.

Jasper :

The next round will be a rare sight to see.

A match between kin of same kind. Blake VS Colaris.

McElroy who spent it all in the final strike. Finally could take a nap of peace. But after receiving treatment.