Blake VS Colaris part 1

The first round ended with a lot of surprising tactics that even protection walls can be used to flung opponents. And your opponents can do the same to you back. But with limited movesets come maximum creativity.

Now heading forwards into the story. Firstly we need to understand something. Elves are generally a race within the Norse mythology. Where there are different Elves dark Elves who turn to stone at the light of the sun and normal Elves.

But in this world the Elves system is somewhat different.

There are just four types of elf. One who lives high on the mountains are high Elves, then normal Elves who live in forest, the third being the dark Elves who are inaccurate according to mythology and they are that way due to the excess melanin pigment produced in their bodies.

And lastly being the half Elves these are mostly the children of a human and elf combines.

They gain the attribute of both of them and they lose the need to sacrifice. But that's the reason that they are hated by their entire race. Because we have to face a fact that when did we want others to be happy. Before ourselves.

As that is pure human nature. But even defying those expectations is also human.

In these lands which loosely based off of various mythologies. And tells its own story. The Elves race was deemed to be an offshoot of the human race adapting different charecteristics. And eventually declaring themselves as different and superior than humans.

Just like human civilization they then developed a rigid race system where one is much superior than the others.

Where the High Elves living near the Yggdrasil or the mother tree were considered superior than others. Then below the high Elves are the Normal Elves. Normally living in the forest and having both a carnivorous and herbivorous diet and next are the Dark Elves which are just normal Elves but due to the secretion of melanin pigment in their skin they appear to be dark.

And on the last there are half Elves.

So to summarize the hierarchy

High elves>Elves>Dark elves> Half Elves.

And even below them are the banished Elves. The Elves who are branded criminals or traitors to the entire race of Elves. They are branded with a permanent mark that remains on their body as long as they are alive. From the their race doesn't matter. Whether her they are high Elves or half Elves.

Thus they are scarred for lives are both the Elves or the humans refuse to accept them.

And such was the fate of Blake. An elf who was branded and banished, who now resides in the ever moving spirit forest.

Felt hatred for someone of his own kind. While Colaris was unable to understand the anger that she felt from Blake.

Blake :

Finally I was waiting for this.

McElroy :

Hey umm Blake are you okay?, I think you should really calm down.

Blake :

Thanks for calling upon me McElroy. You know I would be really upset if you had called upon someone else.

Blake :

I'll be back, hopefully with blood in my hands.

McElroy :

You're scaring me.

Jay :

Ya man just don't do it. Remember forgiveness is always a better option.

Blake :

Forgiveness huh, For get it.

Blake was spewing out such intense watch and malicious intent that both of them were worried. His eyes had become that of a monster which was already bearing fangs.

He seething rage was ready to tear apart the poor elf girl.

Just like a predatory monster.

His wrath had crossed all bounds such that it was nothing but pure insanity and hatred.

While Colaris on the other hand observed the hatred of Blake as well as the Hero.

Hero :

Colaris, I think you should withdraw for now.

Colaris :

We have come so far I can't turn back now.

Hero :.

It's okay, I want to reach the top together will all of us.

I don't want to lose you too like Liara.

Colaris :

Masayuki, please understand, this is something that I have to do even if it costs me my life.

Hero :

Please Colaris, don't do this we can still climb again.

Magnus help me out here.

Magnus who was treated and bandaged didn't held any grudge against McElroy as he knew the odds were stacked against him that's why he feels a strange sense of a liile bit of admiration for him.

Magnus :

Masayuki is right Colaris. If that is what you are determined to do then I won't stop you.

Hero :

Hey Magnus I asked you to support me.

Magnus :

And so I did. Now it's upto Colaris.

Colaris was already determined about what she had to do.

Colaris :

I'm going to confront him. And try to sooth his rage against me whatever it takes.

Hero :

Colaris, that rage is not something that will dim just by talking.

Colaris :

Masayuki, you used to say if there is love and faith then everything is possible.

Jasper :

The contestants are requested to enter the field.

Colaris :

Then I'm off root for me, I'll be back.

On the other side.

Blake :

I'll be back after tearing that elf apart. And then we will have a grand feast.

Jay and McElroy didn't know whether to tell him off, support him or be terrified of him thus they stood still as the silent winds passed through them and their wavering faith.

Blake and Colaris entered the field where everyone was amazed when they saw the two Elves. Seeing one was just a pure wonder but two of them. And both of them quite beautiful and pristine. For men felt attracted to the beauty of Colaris while women were attracted towards the Dashina dn handsome face of Blake.

Jasper :

As we today have guest from faraway we don't want to let them feel away from their home. That's why the Tower Master has allowed for special privilege to be granted to both of them.

Suddenly out of nowhere a forest grew with first small saplings turning into plants that bore fruits then they grew into trees which resembled the trees of their homeland.

Jasper :

Combatants please check your system as skills and equipment have been dispensed.

Blake :

What is this system you talk about.

Jasper :

Just say the word 'system' and you shall understand.

Blake :


System :

Temporary user registered.

Following equipment and skills have been dispensed please take a look.

Sword of the Dark knight :

A sword which was used by the dark knight feared among the lands for being ruthless against those who stood against their master. Great mana conduction.

Bow of Yggdrasil :

Made from the wood of the Yggdrasil or the World tree.

Great mana conduction allows to enchant arrows and apply spells on them.

Elven boots :

Allow the user to safely climb trees.

Cover :

Covers the brand. No other effects.

Arrows quiver :

Replenish arrows every 3.5 minutes.

Blake :

Tch a cover. I need no cover.

Skills :

Wind arrow :

Dispenses a high velocity arrow.

Fire arrow :

Dispenses a fire tipped arrow. Please use with care.

Sharp sword :

Aaloes the user to cut trees and armor with relative ease.

Draw strength : Level 4

Reduces the time required to fire an arrow.

Sword combat skills Lvl 4

Earth dragon :

A spell which launches a dragon made of mud, soil, clay or rocks depending on the terrain. User must remain in contact with ground for the skill to activate.

Cooldown time : 35 seconds.

Binded condition : Branded.

One who knows the meaning of the brand will come to hate you no matter your karma, your deeds or your relation with the person.

Colaris :


System :

Skills equipment and weapons have been dispensed. Please take a look.

Greatwood Bow :

This bow is made up of the wood of the Mother Tree. It has great mana conductivity allowing to enchant arrows and launch spells.

Elf boots :

Great for climbing trees.

Arrow Quiver :

Replenish arrows every 2 minutes.

Firecracker knife :

Every time the knife is thrown it creates a loud noise.


Skills :

Water arrow :

Dispenses a water magic tipped arrow. Great for extinguishing fires.

Illusion arrows :

Single arrow launched will be perceived as two. Requires mana to be used.

Knife combat skills : Lvl 6

Draw strength : Lvl 3

Bow combat skills : Lvl 5

Tears of the world :

Heals status conditions and regain small amounts of hit points over the course of a minute.

Unblinded :

You see the truth.

Blake :

This much is enough for me.

While on the other side.

Colaris :

Whatever it takes.