Blake VS Colaris pt 2

Blake entered the artificial forest as well as Colaris. They are equipped with a sensor which beeps every minute very loudly. Revealing your location.

And the timer started the sensor made a loud beep noise. And just like that Blake heated the beep and rushed straight to the point he first climbed a tree. In order to increase his search range but his opponent might expect that he was climbing a tree. Not that it matter. As soon as he reached the other side.

He stopped as his eyes full of malicious intent laid eyes on the elf standing before him. Colaris with her eyes of determination would put her eyes off just because she was intimidated by Blake.

Blake who panted fora little bit descended from the tree and unsheathed the sword of the Black knight. Just like the name the sword was also reflected the heart of the Black night as it was pitch black on colour and didn't reflect any light.

Colaris :

Wait, Before you end my life. Please let me quell your anger, Tell me what ails you for such anger towards your own kind.

Blake shows her the brand and as everyone in the audience saw the brand they started hating on Blake. Both consciously and unconsciously.

Binded condition activated: Branded.

Colaris saw that the audience started to pass of mean, disgusting x hurtful comments full of hatred and disgust towards the branded Blake.

Unblinded activated : You now see the truth.

Colaris :

That brand is what causes your pain and suffering.

Blake heads her way with her with his sword in order to slash her down. He rushes in with a stab but Colaris uses her fire cracker in order to deflect the stab. She couldn't use her bow because of she drew the arrow she would have bben stabbed. Since she wouldn't be fast enough.

Blake slashed like a madman and it was overwhelming Colaris as she barely deflected the slashes with the knife.

At this rate she would be overwhelmed by the incoming attacks.

Colaris threw the knife on the ground which causes it to make a loud noise and light up like a firecracker would and it was enough for her to take the knife back and start backing.

She ran to the nearest tree and climbed it. And Blake just slashed the tree down Colaris jumped from tree to tree. While she loaded arrows to fire at Blake. If she could just get him to slow down then he might start listening to reason.

Even while behaving like a madman he was welding his sword very skillfully and slashing the trees at the part where their girth was less such that it could be cut down much faster.

Colaris fired an arrow which due to the illusion arrow skills split into two one real and a fake arrow.

Blake saw the arrows heading his way. He slid under the arrows and took up his own bow. He fired an wind arrow at an branch due to the high velocity of the arrow and the power at which it left it was enough to take out the branch Colaris missed the branch leaving her to face a fall.

And with a loud thud too.

One minute had passed. Thus there was a loud beep by the sensor. Colaris had confirmed the location of Blake this while hiding in a bush she loaded her bow with a high velocity arrow as she waited for him to go somewhat far from her. But he was heading straight for her. It seemed that he had discovered her location. But he seems to be looking elsewhere entirely looking in different directions.

Blake :

I'm sure I heard the sound from here.

Blake loaded a fire arrow. And fired in all 8 directions. The fire started to spread around. In all directions from the grass of the forest to the trees were caught on fire.

Blake :

It's just a matter of time you can run but you can't hide.

Colaris knew if she were to remain in hiding from longer she would be burned by the flames that followed suit. She had water arrows at her disposal which could extinguish the fire. But if Blake notices the arrow trajectory then it would be difficult for Colaris to take an advantage.

The dry weather of the area encouraged the further spread of fire. Colaris loaded the arrow and was about to launch them at him. But the minute was over and there was once again a loud sound. Which alerted Blake of Colaris's position. Blake immediately fired a wind arrow which actually pierced the arm of Colaris and due to that she left of her bow and the arrow launched themselves into random directions. It managed to extinguish some trees.

Blake :

Earth dragon.

A giant dragon made up of soil launched itself whileoving like a worm diving into the ground and emerging.

Colaris saw the Earth Dragon. And dodge rolled towards her right side. Blake loaded another wind arrow and lainched it and reacting to that Colaris dodge rolled again and kissed the arrow. While releasing a wind arrow of her own.

The illusory arrow split into two and Blake just ducked as the wind arrow passed by unharmed from above. Blake out his hand into his quiver to find out that he was out of arrows and the next supply would be after half a minute away.

This he took his sword once again and blindly charged at Colaris. While Colaris who was on her last arrow fired them.

And as her arrow Cooldown was up she received another supply of arrows newly spawned in her quiver.

Arrow after arrow Blake just cut them down or he precisely calculated their trajectory and dodged them.

In the wake of a burning forest a monster with a sword in his hand running towards Colaris, scared her. As she ran away from the nightmare full of hatred and disgust. The burning trees fell from their upright standing position and blocked her oath there was nowhere else to go. I'm the chaos that ensued a third beep passed indicating three out of the seven minutes had passed. If Colaris would walk down this same path eventually she will lose.

Colaris didn't pay attention to the beep sound. Blake meanwhile had made a mental note than within 50 seconds his quiver will be full of arrows once again.

The Cooldown for Earth dragon had also ended thus.

Blake once again summoned the mighty earth dragon which travelled it's way through the ground with its eyes purely for decoration showing its rage as it slithers its way towards Colaris.

Hero :

Colaris, don't give up. You can still get out.

Colaris when she heard The Hero cheering for her she felt a sense of calmness. And once again loaded another arrow.

And loaded a water arrow. She fired the water arrow towards the burning wood and as the fire extinguished she climbed and ran off from him.

Jay and McElroy couldn't do anything at this point.

They wanted to support Blake as their comrade but not in this state. A thought did run into Jay's mind that if he had called upon someone else. Would he had felt the intense guilt that he was feeling right now.

Colaris was really struggling as she heard the fourth beep from the sensor indicating that four minutes had passed.

Her and Blake's quiver had been filled. Colaris was just running away trying to find an opportunity to slide in or a tactic she could use. What would Hero Masayuki would do in this situation.

Due to the distorted and burning forest Blake once again lost sight of her. But he only has to wait a minute. Colaris decided to strike from the back this she took the long way around Blake as since the beep she figured his previous location but when she passed by him at a long distance it seemed like he was just standing around eating patiently.

Has he set up something. A spell or a trap that Colaris wouldn't be able to perceive.

Colaris rounded up after Blake. And fired a high velocity arrow which grazed by Blake's arm. But the round trip costed her another minute just for an small injury

Blake loaded his bow with multiple fire arrows and launched them. Colaris perceived them as fire arrows and reacted to them as such but her abdomen got pierced as an high velocity arrow pierced her abdomen leaving her in pain.

Blake had secretly mixed in a wind arrow in the midst of fire arrows. A calculated move on Blake's part.

Colaris fell on the groind barely able to move she rose up by her strength and moved forward.

But she decided to finally face Blake.

Unblinded activated :

You perceive the truth.

Colaris :

Why do you seek revenge against your own kind?

Blake :

Why should I not . I was purged by my own race. Shunned by both my kind and humans alike. And all I just wanted was peace and prosperity to return to those times when the mortals and gods walked together as equals.

I wanted to once again bring the Era of Peace. Back to the lands.

Colaris :

Aren't these times already peaceful.

Blake :

This notion of peace is just an illusion. Casted by the gods and your so called Demon Lords.

Colaris :

So you were seeking peace as well. Then it might not all be on vain. With love and--

Blake :

Oh shut up, If there was love in this world I would have not been an outcast . And I am not alone there are others like me. I carry their hatred within me. And I will return all the suffering that they have caused me. So let it be humans or my own kind for that matter.

This love and friendship you say are just childish and idiotic.

And now you need to die as well.

Colaris :

Didn't you want peace by doing this you will only hurt yourself.

Blake :

Enough of this, you're just stalling for time.

Emerge, Earth Dragon.

It had been 5.32 minutes now

The disadvantage of the Earth Dragon is that it can only travel in one direction this despite dealing devastating amounts of damage. It can be dodged easily. Which was easily what Colaris did. Colaris threw the knife like a throwing knife towards Blake and when Blake deflected the knife with his sword Colaris fired a wind arrow which because due to the light Blake was blinded he ended up taking an arrow in the knee. He removed the arrow and threw it aside.

Finally Blake da taken a proper hit which motivated Colaris as her arrows once again filled up in the arrow quiver she took a gambit she held many arrows in her hand and launched them towards Blake. And Blake systematically avoided being hit. But he lost Colaris once again and he looked around with no sign of her and the knife she threw was gone as well. And when Blake turned to other direction he was stabbed in the back by Colaris. But Blake managed to shake her off. And instead slashed her with his sword.

Sword of the Dark knight.

It was already a deathly injury which left her on the ground breathing her life away. As Blake awaited her death. She collapsed and closed her eyes.

Blake :

Rest in peace Elf.

Colaris :groaning, coughing blood.

Tears of the World.

Blake turned back to the elf to find her at full health he tried to slash her again with her sword. But as soon as his sword reached her body. It crashed on a barrier.

The round ended as seven minutes were up.

Jasper :

Cease all fighting.

Jasper :

It was a truly wondrous match bringing an entire flurry of emotions of sympathy both for the Banished and the Elf girl.

Jasper :

But albeit being close to victory. Blake's wounds are more compared to the elf.

This this round is won by the Hero's party.

Wallowing in shame for his defeat he started heading back for the stands but this time he saw the audience they weren't swearing or throwing food at him. Instesd their eyes were full of sympathy for Blake. His rage suddenly quelled and the wrath dimmed.

Colaris :

See Blake the world isn't so bad after all.

Colaris smiled at Blake. Perhaps a symbol of hope and happiness.

Blake :

The world hasn't changed one bit and you know too Colaris.

This is just temporary empathy nothing else.

Colaris :

Then, If you hated humans then why did you fight on their side.

Blake :

They are the ones whom my village trust. Thy are my

Comrades. Even if they knew that I was branded they would still treat me the same.

Colaris :

Those duo do sure look bad but guess they aren't bad after all.

Blake :

I guess I now have to take the brunt for losing I guess.

You're just lucky that you survived well done.

Blake returned to the stands as so did Colaris.

Colaris celebrated the victory with the party.

While Blake was expected a bashing.

McElroy :

Man you were really close to winning. Who would have thought she would have something like that in her sleeve.

Jay :

Man this is the first time in this series the forest actually burned. When I try to it is always wet and that's why it doesn't burn.

McElroy :

Because half the time you were trying to burn the always wet rainforest that's why.

There was an announcement made by Jasper.

Jasper :

As both sides have equal scores. A third match is inevitable. Representatives of the final match please step forward.

McElroy :

Now go, you're the one only left.

Jay :

Of course the protagonist always goes last after all.

And so the final match begins.