Final battle : Clash of the Heroes : Part 1

The score is 1:1 and now it's time for the redemption. Now it is now upto Jay to take down the Hero Masayuki.

Jay :

If he's a hero his name should be renowned, then why I haven't heard of him.

McElroy :

We must have heard somewhere. But there are many who call themselves Hero's nowadays. So we might have skipped him.

Jay :

Is that even possible he claims to have been brought by the gods is that even possible.

Blake :

If now one wouldnt call them gods but powerful being would they.

Jasper :

Contestant please enter the field.

Both Jay and Masayuki entered the field.

Jasper :

For the final round the contestants are very special as well.

We have Jay Garrick who in his life has made very significant changes that changed the world.

He was the only survivor of the Demonic war.

He brought down the Ice dragon.

Ended the kingdom of Gold.

Was the disciple of master of Fire and Metal.

As tor Hero Masayuki.

He successfully bought down the Fire dragon who had devasted the Halon kingdom.

Captured the leader of bandits on the island of traitors.

Assisted villagers in finding new land.

And now they are on the quest to bring down the

Demon Lords of Thunder and lightning.

Jasper :

Now let's begin the Final Battle.

System :

Equipment skills and weapons have been dispensed.

Please check your inventory.

Masayuki checked his inventory.

Divine sword of Heavens :

Used by a legendary Hero to bring down a demonic beast.

Shield of Heroes :

Used by the same legendary Hero. Has incredible durability.

And can block a wide variety of attacks and facing low amounts of recoil.

Light armor :

Shoes of Hermes :

Allow the user to run at incredible speeds.

Gloves of magic :

Removes incoming magic damage if it is held forward.

Skills :

Swordmanship lvl : 8

Unarmed combat : Lvl 8

God's blessing :

God has placed this divine blessing allowing to increase all stats by 12 percent for 10 seconds.

Magic resistance : Lvl 3

Mana slash :

With the swing of your sword a slash of mana will be projected. If it passes through your opponent then your opponent will be cut in half at that location.

Aura of the hero :

Your opponents take you very seriously.

Bow of Indra :

Fire an arrow of lightning in the shape of an arrow. A very devastating lightning attack.

One time use.

Spells :


Metal wall



Metal lance.

Jay :


System :

The following systems skills and inventory has been dispensed.

Equipment :

Hero Killer/??? :

This is a weapon that is the Bane of all the Heroes of the World. A very deadly weapon which can strike down any heroes defenses.

Has an alternative form which will be revealed in the last minute.

Sword of the elements :

A short sword especially designed for dual welding. Allows for the blade to change into different magic forms.

The elements will not be projected outwards. All effect wills remain on blade and within 3-30 cm of the blade.

Hermes boots :

Brings a sense of familiarity. A blessing from Raizon.

Gloves of magic :

Decreases magic damage is attack is taken by the glove upfront.

Skills :

Dual swordsmanship : Lvl 8

Un armed combat Lvl : 7

Magic handling : Lvl 8

Mana imbuement.

Apply spell on an conjured item.

Spells :


Metal wall



Metal lance.

Sword of light

Aura of the King :

You establish an unconscious authority over others.

Curse of the Higher pantheon :

You'll be destined to fall at the hand of Hero.

Blessing of the Tower Master :

You become immune to curses.

You have resisted the curse of the Higher Pantheon.

Both of them entered the field. As they started into each other eyes assessing each other. For Jay this was somewhat eery because the more he looked at the Hero.

The more he felt something similar to him.

Hero :

Hey Old man prepare to lose.

Jay : tried a cool persona.

Do your worst.

Jasper :


Both of them were staring at each other and due to each other's skill they were taking each other very seriously.

It was like a duel between two cowboys one has his guns and the other has the respond before he does.

Hero :

Old man your time is running out.

Jay :

So is yours young blood. If you don't hurry you'll become an old man like me.

Twenty seconds passed without too much.

McElroy :

Are you going to spend this entire bout staring at each other.

Don't waster the audience's time.

The audience also joined in the random ranter of McElroy as well.

Audience :

Fight. Aren't you two warriors what are you afraid of.

Audience :

He doesn't look he will move.

Audience :

Well it's a man fighting a child after all. He should be concerned.

And as the 17 year old brain worked he couldn't handle it anymore and rushed with a sword attack.

And it would be easy to deflect but it looked to simple of a move for an supposedly experienced swordsman. A simple stab. Which withoutich movement was convinitently dodged by Jay but a shield came from below towards the Torso. Going for a shield bash on the get go.

But Jay had his shorts word.

Jay :

Element mode : Lightning sword.

The shorts word tuend into a sword of lightning and as expected Lightning did hit him. But due to the gloves it didn't do much damage.

Hero :

Tch old man now you're just playing unfair.

Jay :

Haven't you heard the famous line. Everything is fair in love and war. And this is World War.... 3.

Hero :

You just made it up.

The Hero's sword continously slashed at Jay but with enough grace and a few dozen non fatal lightning shocks.

Jay :

You wish.

Jay :

Sword of the elements : Torrent sword.

A simple trick he copied from Azuma as he saw how the torrent sword worked he could use it in his favour.

And Jay's estimation was right. The torrent sword did seem to be damaging the shield at an incredibly fast rate.

But even thine opponent has eyes and he saw the same thing.

This he took the shield back for a counter attack with his sword fifectly on Jay's arm. Trying to cut it off.

But Jay had two swords on hand. The Hero killer he blocked the hit with it. And flung the sword backward.

Jay dual welding skills were something which cannot be measured with the current data since he is not found to be using dual sword.

As he used mainly a singular weapon with magic as his supplement. Thus this predicament was quite new for him too.

What Jay wanted from the torrent sword was not the sword movements or the path of the sword. But the torrential sword itself.

As when it once again crashed onto the sheild. The shield was scratched very heavily. As if it had faced a heavy number of blows. Which is what Jay had expected but when they separated it was like the shield was just washed after a long time till the point it was shining.

Jay :

What the hell is that cheat of a sheild.

Hero :

Hey old man don't go complaining now.

Hero :


Jay :

Metal spear x 5.

The Hero launched a flamethrower like attack but Jay instead opted to use metal spear for an unknown reason.

Jay launched the spear. The spear bore the flames of the flamethrower but still travelled forward for it was given the energy and the direction to travel so. And a tiny bit of base acceleration. It was enough to pierce the hand of the flamethrower which was the core. And it bore through it and just formed a hole in the fabric of the globe but he still survived.

Normally it would have tore someone's arm off.

It seemed like there was an advantage from the get go. But there was something off. Jay felt a feeling of familiarity.

A feeling he couldn't shake off.

Hero :

Mana slash.

The Hero swing his sword horizontally trying to end it in one slash. And as Jay couldn't absorb mana due to the restriction from the Tower. It would mean he would cleaved down in half. And what would help Jay was not a fancy move or sword art. But a movie from the nineties made with the pinnacle of technology at that time.

Jumping over could be risky because if undershot Jay's legs would be dislocated. But if he overshot he would be left defenless during the air time. During which the Hero can attack Jay and get an advantage or an instant win.

Jay tried to he Neo but failed as he fell on the floor and had the Hero perform a jumping slash with momentum charged and even the force of gravity for a little while to do a devastating blow. But Jay just rolled to the side

Hero :

Metal spear.

The Hero accurately predicted and launched his attack which stopped Jay in his track. Before the metal spear.

Hero :

Mana Slash

The Hero this time used an Vertical mana slash as an horizontal slash had an high chance of missing.

Jay :

Metal wall.

Jay user metal wall in his back especially his shoulder region thus as the wall rose those he faced some recoil but he stood vertically up as the wall rose and due to the mana slash it was cut into two equal pieces. And crumbled as it's life was short lived.

Two minutes have passed.