The clash of the Heroes. Part 2

Two minutes had passed just like the blink of an eye. But still their furious battle continues. Fighting tooth for tooth with every opportunity to be exploited just to gain a slight advantage even a small blood would would do. Well may be a bit more than that.

While comparing their equipment Masayuki's equipment seems to be towards a defensive side with the shield in one hand and the sword in other. Working together in tandem and a perfect harmony. Attacking and blocking.

While Jay's equipment was shifted at much more offensive side. Where he was granted a fluid weapon which if used correctly can change the tide of the battles.

Due to the shield of the hero Jay couldn't get a hit in this he had to do something. And he had something right in his mind right then.

Without any element attribute attached Jay struck the Hero and as always the Hero blocked with his shield.

That's when he changed the element of the sword to a hook sword.

And the hook went behind the shield and Jay was able to pull the shield back. And with the Hero Killer he tried to make a stab attack aiming directly at the arms if possible. But Jay got parried and bashed by the shield.

Hero :

I now understand. The mightiest foe I have to face is not the Demon Lords but you.

Jay :

No you're wrong, stop dreaming random shit.

Hero :

There was something I felt in my heart when I crossed swords with you. That you and I are somehow similar.

Jay :

You're 17 right. Way out of that phase. If there was something similar then it would be the fact we are both from the same place.

Jay had his suspicions but he just thought that he was either just another pawn in the long list of pawns given life through the master of the Game X. Or someone from the outside roped into the same thing. Maybe in a different way.

But every choice have been a mere speculation. For Jay still doesn't know what X's rather what are the General's intentions are.

But then Jay had a thought a very drastic a very disturbing and a thought that could shake up his entire world.

Hero :

Don't day dream now.

The Hero saved Jay from that destructive thought.

The Hero lepat forward with his divine swords piercing stab.

Flying straight towards the heart of Jay Garrick. A sure fire hit. With almost no chance of missing the target.

Unless the targets does something.

As the stab came towards Jay it suddenly went in an awry direction. Because the Hero who was focused on the stab failed to realize that he was himself stabbed in the foot. But the spikes that lie on the ground.

Still ignoring the pain The Hero continues his flurry of stabs and Jay skillfully either dodges or blocks the incoming blow looking for a single chance where the opponent finally exhausts their arm strength.

Jay raked the advantage. As he thrusts the Hero killer which got blocked hy the shield intentionally to change the directions of the incoming sword and almost stabbed the arm which would have gotten a huge advantage later.

But when Jay stepped forward he fell into the same trick as the Hero.

The ground was covered with spikes a few of which penetrated the layers of the Hermes boots. And struck Jay in the foot.

Hero :

Now you're also the same as me.

Jay :

I'll get you for that.

Three minutes passed.

The continously flow of battle continues as both experfully weave their sword around each other in order to hit each other. But each time they either fall in each other's traps or the same spells. They end up counteracting .

Slashes after slashes. Spells after spells. Parry after parry.

Nothing seemed to be getting last their way.

As such are the experiences of the heroes.

But things have to come to an end.

Two more minutes passed.

And that's when Jay finally found the edge.

The Hero even though he had immense stamina had a limit set on by the Tower.

This he had a take the advantage back.

The Hero took out his bow.

Hero :

Bow of Indra.

In both of his hands a bow made of pure lightning manifested in his hands.

Indra is the king of God's in Hindu mythology. He is mostly associated with storms, lightning, weather, thunderstorms and rain. He was responsible for the defeat of the Asur Vritra who obstructed human prosperity and happiness. Indra destroys Vritra and his "deceiving forces", and thereby brings rain and sunshine as the saviour of mankind.

The bow of pure lightning was ready to be shot as pure lightning manifested within his hands in the form of an arrow

Hero :.

Divine lightning .

The boots of Hermes are very fast indeed but the lightning was faster and Jay had no way of dodging it.

This he made a risky move which instead of moving away from him making easure for him to shoot instead Jay lived closer as the Hero charged his bow. Jay rushed in with his Hero killer. And just as the Hero shot his bow. Jay was hit by the arrow. But he managed to make a very deadly blow to the Hero as well.

The Hero killer resonated with the blood of the Hero. And spread its neurotoxin in the Hero.

Both of them were in their last toes it was just a matter of time that who will fall first. Jay's eyes were closing in on their own. As he had suffered a fatal shock which he partly blocked with his sword of element.

While a clean blow which was made to the Hero.

Suddenly the Hero gained power out of nowhere.

And Jay felt weaker and weaker by the passing second.

His system popped up in his own.

Curse of the Higher Pantheon activated.

The Hero with the Hero killer hanging in his body laid the final blow to Jay. His eyes were somewhat of a dead vengeful person coming back from the dead to take the life of his enemy. Jay wasn't able to move. His muscles had been paralyzed.

Jay found himself within darkness. Pitch black darkness.

Where a simple message popped up.