Answers from the shattered dimensions.

As Jay laid in the darkness a simple message popped up on the screen.


Jay as soon as he saw the message was devastated as he schreiked in the void. But there was Noone to hear for miles on end.

Jay :

Am I dead?

Jay reach the realization that he had already blocked off somewhere into the darkest pits of his consciousness.

A question that every one wonder.

Jay :

If my consciousness if now inside X. Then.

Jay had realized it. The truth he was hiding away from himself.

Jay :

There is nothing to control my body. And I am just dead.

It has been a month since I'm dead.

If Jay's soul was in another body then his own body had lost a pilot and would be under a vegetative state. And it had already been a month since he was inside another.

Thus he would have had to been dead.

Jay :

There is no way that I am not dead. Why did I even took the job. Right now I could have graduated and maybe made a name for myself.

Slowly by slowly Jay became quite.

Jay :.

Im dead aren't I. Because of every sin I did.

Jay :

I'm dead aren't I?

Jay :

I'm dead?

Jay :


Jay :


Jay :


Jay :.

What was I thinking?

Jay :

I don't quite seem to remember?

Jay :

Oh yeah I died when that Hero killed me. So where am I now?

Jay stared at the void from a different angle.

Suddenly the system showed up.


Jay :

So i did get a bad end but how?

Jay called out to the system.

All of his stats and skills appeared. And there was something missing.

The Blessing of the Tower master was missing.

That means Jay was cursed by the

The curse of the Higher Pantheon.

Due to that it seemed that Jay was cursed to be defeated by the Hero no matter what

But why did the blessing suddenly disappear. It would be very disgraceful for the Tower master himself to take back the blessing in the middle of the fight.

Then what made him do so.

'I can understand why I have the curse of the Higher Pantheon. But why is this applicable here than anywhere else'

And why haven't I heard about the hero anywhere before.

What the he'll is even this Tower.

Jay remembered the words of Jasper.

Jasper :

This Tower is synchronized with its challengers.

If the Tower is synchronised with both of us. Then why are the layouts are so chaotic to say the least.

Wandering through the void Jay could see a light in the distance. As he entered the field of the light he found another stairway. Jay climbed the stairway. Jay arrived at the surface. Outside the Tower.

Jay :

So I really wasn't dead. Thank God.

Jay searched through his pockets to find his phone with him.

He saw his stats which had reverted back to normal. He excersied the right of free magic once again and stretched himself.

And this time instead of entering the tower once again.

He flew to the top of the tower. To find nothing?

Jay :

Is this really the top?. It's empty.

Jay descended onto the ground. He felt very light weight so ran a few round laps around the field around the tower.

Jay was reminded of McElroy who was still in the Tower.

So Jay once again flew through to the final floor and tried to brake through the wall of the Tower from outside. But no matter what magic he would use it wouldnt even budge a little.

This Jay once again started his journey through the Tower.

And once again entered the Tower.

Jasper :

Welcome challenger, OH it's you.

Jay :

Jasper where is McElroy.

Jasper :

Because you lost he was trapped on the tenth floor.

As in a binder condition.

Jay :

I need to get him then.

Jasper :

So you aspire to climb the Tower once more.

Jay :

I just have to run through ten floors again right.

Jasper :

Well it might not be so.

Jay :?

Jasper :

The Tower master has shown you a favour and allowed you to run with the external system you carry. But you have to climb all the floors once again.

Jay :

Well thanks then.

Jay with his full strength starts climbing through the Tower once again.

The first floor layout had been changed but the test didn't.

Jay blazed through as he ran without any boots. Though he fell into many traps they weren't able to kill him.

He faced the boss of the first floor The Minotaur.

And was slain by a single flamethrower. To say the Minotaur was grilled very well.

Second floor : The Forest.

Jay once again burned down the entire forest and the Dryad along with it.

Third floor : The ice lands.

Once again surrounded by gangs of wolves. It was a day there was a huge animal slaughter even the Peta could not catch.

The boss the frost golem. It's eye was broken by just a touch of Jay as he touched his eyes and impaled it with his metal spear.

Fourth floor : The Den of assassin's.

Though it made him wait for one hour but the master Assasin was shortly killed.

Fifth floor : The art room

Jasper :

Bravo that was new record. But how will you pass through this one.

Jay :

I think the art room is made to show individuality and expression of those with your arts.

Then here it is.

Jay asked Jasper to take his hand forward. And so did Jasper. Jay handed him a custom made miniature model of a sword in the form of a Keychain.

And lo a the gateway opened.

Jasper :

Before you leave, you might want to do different things. Maybe you can get something unexpected.

Jay :

Well thanks I'll try that.

Sixth floor : The Raid.

Once again faced with the Flame Eagle this time alone. Jay didn't hesitate. As even though the flames were hot Jay pierced the bird with his spear and moved on.

Seventh floor : Lava Land.

Jay skipped through the lava course and when he came across the sentinel this time.

Jay flew and wanted to pilot the sentinel. And that's when he found that the sentinel has no pilot it works on autopilot.

The fight was like Iron man flying through the sky and fighting a giant robot

Eight floor : The Shattered Dimensions.

Jay this time entered the floor he found himself within depths of the ocean. He propelled himself through the surface and as he reached the surface he found himself drenched on the top of the empire state building. Jay heated his clothes and dried himself with fire magic.

He could see the entirity of Manhattan in one fell swoop.

And as he leapt from the empire state building he found himself in coal mines where the workers were shocked at how Jay suddenly appeared. They appeared to be speaking Hindi . And as Jay was fluent he could speak with them and pass through the coal mines then there was a gushing sound the entire coal mine was being filled with water.

Jay blocked off the entire water with a metal wall tightly affixed to the ceiling and the ground.

Jay with the other running to save their lives. We're trapped in the caves. Jay couldn't use the flames as it would mean that the oxygen would decrease and everyone would die.

But just as when Jay entered a turn he found himself. In freezing cold in Antarctica.

Jay was walking in thin ice literally. And as he stepped forward he fell through the ice and fell down an elevator shaft somewhere. Jay took grabbed the elevator cord.

And safely landed in the elevator. He entered the elevator to find himself in a very fancy three stars Michelin restraunt. Where there was sounds of live Orchestra playing in the background.

Jay exited through the door of the hotel and exited. And found himself in Raizon once again where he faced himself from the time when Jay was fighting Jay. Jay saw Jay from the Past fighting Jay more into the past.

It would be to problematic for three Jay's to be reffered by the same Tags of future and past.

This they shall be reffered in a new way temporarily.

The Jay from the very past shall be reffered to as Jay no 1

The future in which Jay climbs shall be reffered to as no 2

And the present Jay will be no 3.

Once again there were Jay no 1 and Team Omega fighting against Jay no 2 while being perceived by Jay no 3.

According to the original scenario Jay no 3 remembers that he had never been stabbed by Jay no 2 when he faced the Blood Demon.

For the scenario end to be placed here there must be something binding Jay here.

Jay no 3 thought hard about why the scenario ends at this certain spot. What is something to do with himself was it something he couldn't save. Was it something that he needed to witness.

Jay ni 3 decided that it wasn't worth it to be here right now witnessing both of his pasts tearing down each other.

This he headed towards the Blood demon which was lying on the ground after it's eyes were stabbed and his brain blown out.

Maybe the fact that Jay couldn't finish him despite all his efforts was binding him. Thus he took out the Demon Hunters spear and stabbed the Demon in his seventh eye.

That was yet to emerge. And Jay witnessed even though the spear was feeding on the blood of the Blood demon it was not producing the Toxin which dragons have running in their veins.

Confirming the fact that the Blood Demon was definitely not a Demon at all which makes sense as the body housed a God after all. The second question was as how Phizon emerged from the body of the Blood demon housing it.

This Jay to confirm his suspicions cut open the body of the Blood demon quickly and precisely. To remove Phizon. And he saw him trapped in the chest near the heart was Phizon.

Jay tried to remove Phizon but Phizon was in so much pain that he couldn't even scream but Jay understood the meaning so he left him as is.

Jay tried to talk to him.

Jay :

Lord Phizon can you hear me.

As he heard his name being called out he woke up. Faintly.

He breath heavily as if he was woken up from a dream

Phizon :

Is the curse finally over.

Jay :

No, it is yet to be over . But I have some questions I want answers to.

Phizon : weak voice

I'll try my best.

Jay :

Why are you fighting the mortals you fought alongside with.

Phizon :

It's something you mortals won't understand. It isn't a higher knowledge, simple yet you won't take it to your heart. For it isn't yours to bear.

Jay :

I can't understand your words.

Phizon :

A k the curse is taking over ne again. Heed my words. The

Lord of Abyss.

Phizon was overtaken and forcibly housed by the Body of the Blood demon as he once again rose to wreak havoc his eyes and chest were once more completely healed.

And Jay no 3 ran out of there. Into one of the buildings and soon within seconds the building was crushed as the Blood demon stepped in the building.

Though the building was destroyed Jay did find some closure with it about the entire incident.

Jay then found himself within the blizzard ing forest of the Thesaurus. Before Jay met him.

Another one of his incidents which were specifically made to bring him there.

As always Jay faced the gate man and told the gate man that he was from the Foundation. The gate nab conveyed this message to the mansion and the gates opened for him automatically as he found himself once again within the Mansion of Duke Thesaurus.

The Duke welcomed him as a member of the Foundation.

The Duke called him in his office so that they could talk.

Duke :

Please sit. You look tired.

Jay sat on the chair it felt very nice and comfortable as if it was made for him.

Duke :

For an agent to suddenly contact in such secrecy there must be something. Pray forgive me for asking what is your department and your station.

Jay has nothing to say but he remembered something that if he showed them the Id

Duke :

So we're from the same department after all. I haven't seen you before though.

Jay :

I was just recently hired.

It seems that the Duke was working under Ikaros after all that's why Maria didn't make any fuss when Jay encountered her.

Duke :

So how's are the things at the capital. There must be chaos right now since we are moving closer to the day.

Jay :

Actually I am here for something else . I wanted to ask some questions

Duke :

Ask anything,

Jay :

This is about the Swan Family.

Duke :

Work related.

Jay :

This is something that Ikaros asked me to ask you.

Duke :

Mind your language he is Sir Ikaros. Don't be disrespectful to him. Since you're new I will let if off for now.

Jay :

He has asked me to convey the details of the Swan Family situation.

Duke :

If that's the order. Take everything down so you don't forget.

Duke passed Jay a fountain pen and a paper.

Duke :

This info is highly classified so avoid showing it to anyone else.

Jay :


Duke :

The Swan family is an family that gained importsnce from sometime after the end of the Divine Era. And that was due to them working with the Immortals and the Lower Gods.

The Swan family is an originally knights family and held the position of a count in the Peros kingdom.

But it fell to ruin due to the God's themselves.

This the surviving members were Evan Swan his wife who does not have most significant role except for birthing to a daughter.

After the war ended Evan Swan found himself in a very good position. But one day his city was attacked and a few days after that Evan Swan's entire family vanished into thin air.

Even after searching there wasnt even a single trace if them.

Until a few years when they suddenly were teleported into my front yard.

And that's when I took them in as my own. From Lord's orders of course. They would remain confused. At first spending adjusting to the Foundation to his lords state of old age. And to the new stage of the world.

And as a knight he served as an instructor. Where he would take grace along with him.

And one day Swan disappeared while her mother died. And Grace was left alone. That's when the damned Magic Sector got their eyes in her talent especially Her Lady Maria von Lopez saw something in her. And when she came to take her. She ran away.

And that is all I know.

Jay :

If Im not wrong there was a code name something along the lines of AA5703. Tell me about that.

Duke :


Duke :

The code itself is not important but the purpose of the code is to signify that it is the product of genetic engineering. A clone to simplify things. A worker class clone. The foundation needed extra hands so they advised to make them.

Jay :

Final question, what are you hiding.

Duke :

I am not hiding anything.

Jay :

What is your relation with the Ice dragon.

Duke :

We are in a contract basis. Nothing else.

Jay :

What is the contract?

Duke :

I don't think it is the part of relevant questioning.

Before the Duke could get any more suspicious Jay tried to leave.

Jay :

That is all I wanted to ask. Thanks for answering.

Jay stood up and as soon as he tried to leave

Duke :

You're not a member of the Foundation are you.

Jay :

What makes you think so?

Duke :

Because Noone knows not even my Lord that I have an contract with the dragon so how did you.

And that too before the dragon yet had to arrive at the location of the contract.

Duke :

You're a time traveller aren't you.