
The Duke was counting off the possibility like a checklist in his mind for the reason someone would know about the contract and would reveal it so casually.

It was an oral contract so no written text exists.

It was conducted at a very desolate place where one would die without any protection.

And the person seems to talk as if knew everything all along.

While considering the possibilities there was also the possibility of making the dragon talk.

This idea in itself was very farfetched from normal but considerable. But a dragon would die before opening their Jaws .

Then a ridiculous possibility came into his mind which checks all the lists.

And the Duke decided to take a shot at it.

Jay :

Yes you can call me one. I have met the ice dragon and he still wouldn't tell me anything.

Duke :

If he's here then I must be dead. Pray tell who killed me.

Jay :

Hey hey I asked first.

Duke :

Its my wife. Under the buried snow lies my wife frozen with an affliction haunting her waiting for a cure.

Jay :

What is she afflicted with?

Duke :

She is afflicted with the curse of a God. To be more precise, it would be the God of Cold and Sleep : Raiki.

That's why until the caster is dead. She can't be bought outside and has to stay frozen no matter what.

I think I've said enough.

Jay :

Raiki, ive never heard of this God before.

Duke :

Raiki is someone who is identified as an Regional God. A God which governs over a region. Most of them died fighting the Elder God's. But some of them were cowards. They ran when we needed them the most. Both us and the Lower gods despise them.

They were punished for their betrayal. Curse to be bound to their region for millenia. Even if they have lost everything the people still worship them as they are a God.

But they are of no threat to us.

Jay :

I have something I want to get off my chest.

Please don't be angry with me.

Duke :

Go on.

Jay :

The truth is Grace alongside me and my partner killed you.

Duke :

That poor girl has to even see this day. What could have driven her to this extent. First she trapped herself in ice and now this.

The Duke saw Jay and understood everything that he was not affiliated with the Foundation.

Duke :

It seems you're not affiliated with the foundation so I have to end your life now.

Jay broke the window and jumped outside. And he found himself flying towards the cliff and once again saw the Kingdom of Gold . El Dorado.

Jay :

So now what to do here. I don't think there is anything left to do here.

Jay junked down the cliff to find himself in another location familiar. It was the island of Demons before the War begin.

There were sirens blaring all over. As they had detected Jay's unintended trespassing. But according to the tagged presence Jay was also in the mainland and also in the island.

Thus the hatch opened and Viva came out of the hatch.

Along with 25 units if Loki.

Viva :

Explain yourself.

Jay :

What is there to explain.

Viva :

How did you traveled here. You're not supposed to be here at all.

Jay :

Um it's complicated.

Jay tried to explain the situation the way the best he could understand.

Viva :


Then Jay tried to explain even more n

Viva :

So if I fit this correct. That this is not time travel, but also a segment of time travel where you're just switching space, time dimensions and universes at random.


And once more.

Viva :

So are you time travelling or not?

Jay :


Viva :

That answer is not sufficient.

Jay :

Maybe you can help me.

And came Ikaros from the back as soon as he heard about the anomaly.

Ikaros :

Viva are you done with the threat.

Ikaros saw Jay. And was surprised.

Ikaros :

Hold on how is he here?

And so did the explanations but it didn't help at all.

Ikaros :

That this is not time travel, but also a segment of time travel where you're just switching space, time dimensions and universes at random while being in the same universe.


As always Ikaros casually talked to Jay.

Ikaros tried to make sense of the fact.

Ikaros :

I think it's possible if you're In a simulation that you're coordinates are not changing but the coordinates of the universe change. That's why maybe it causing a drastic change.

Jay :

There was this Tower I visited and now I'm supposed to be at one of the floors but I don't know where is the exit.

Ikaros :

You mean the Tower a few days away from here.

Jay :


Ikaros :

Oh awesome, I climbed the tower with the other heads. It was awesome and it bring so much clarity to me.

Jay :

You climbed the Tower.

Ikaros :

And if this is a floor from the Tower. Then I might be able th help you out somewhat.

Jay :

Please tell me.

Ikaros :

Before that what is the outcome of the battle.

Jay :

It might be better if I show you .

Jay with the help of Ikaros remove the sword and the God hanging in it and immediately put it back inside.

Ikaros :

This is a really big haul right here. I'm impressed with myself now.

Ikaros :

The Tower reflects the state of your mind. At first you might bie have noticed. But at some point it would reflect everything back at you.

Everything in this Tower happens for a reason.

It would mean That Jay travelled through these places as these were the once he was severely afflicted with as some incident had happened there. But there were also locations that didn't make sense such as outer space. Or the cafe in Venice. Or the crossroad in New York.

Jay :

So I'm trying ti find the stage boss. Where do I find him.

Ikaros :

Who was the boss last time.

Jay :

It was me in Raizon.

Ikaros :

The try something along that lines.

And so as Jay left the shores he found himself once again in Raizon where now there were four Jay's percieveing each other from different angles

Jay no 1 fighting Jay no 3 while being under the watch of Jay no 3 and being watched by Jay no 4.

Jay no 4 immediately swooped down and punches out day lights of Jay no 1 with a single punch and he was faced by Jay no 2. At this point Jay no 3 had left to investigate the Blood Demon.

Jay no 2 :


Jay no 4 :

Yes I'm you but from the future.

Jay no 2 :

How much from the future.

Jay no 4 :

I would like to know it myself.

And because Jay no 2 scenario was completed the gateways opened both Jay climbed into the stairway and disappeared into thin air.

Dyne :

Remind me to never time travel even if cane across a time travel machine.

As Jay no 4 came by the stairway Jay no 2 had disappeared.

And Jay no 4 now moves ahead towards the end once again.