Ninth floor : New Remnants.

Jay once again climbed the stairs to the ninth floor. As he faced the challenge of the ninth floor. He found himself once again within the darkness of the tower.

Jasper :.

So you found your way here once again.

Take a five minute rest then we will begin.

Jay sat in the ground as he breathed and recovered his mana through each breath through the mana channels imbued in his skin and compressed the incoming mana to make room for more.

Jasper :

Give minutes are over. The test now begins.

System :

Ninth floor test will now begin.

Azuma :

What are we meeting once again. I thought it was over.

Jay without any hesitation propelled himself towards Azuma as Azuma drew his sword.

Azuma :.

Don't be hasty, Azuma sword art Torrent Sword.

Azuma took his approach high and swing down his sword hard.

But even despite the torrent covering it Jay caught it and broke it into two piece. And used that piece to pierce him.

Azuma fell and disappeared.

System : Enemy no 2. Spawning.

Maddened Tempest.

Jay :

Hey that's clearly cheating.

Tempest from the time when he was in a frenzied state due to the spear of judgement was brought to Jay.

At that time it was the entire guild but this time it was only Jay alone who had to face him. Tempest pristine blue scales were even visible in the darkness as if he was glowing.

Tempest roared in anger and pain. As it began thrashing due to immense pain from the spear of judgement.

Jay immediately propelled onto the spear but he hesitated as the Tempest was thrashing about so randomly and so rampantly that it made it difficult to approach.

Jay :

I wish I had that paralytic now.

Jay approached the head and Tempest noticed Jay as it quickly bore it's fangs in self defense and leapt towards Jay.

Jay was barely able to avoid it as he synthesized a huge metal rod which was able to hold it's mouth exactly 1.78 seconds. Which was enough for him to escape.

Jay descended and tried to go behind Tempest. But Tempest was too persistent with its pursuit with Jay.

As Tempest quickly slithered in Jay's way.

Jay had an idea to use the coiling strategy.

So Jay tried to coil the snake with itself. A good move but the snake being a guardian deity. It did had some sense of constraint for not to coil itself further.

Then Jay had an idea. Snakes generally see the world by the warmth of the person. Thus Jay used Fire magic to spread heat source everywhere and this time it worked.

As the snake confused for What exactly was Jay thus it ended up chasing a huge fireball as it was the largest source of heat.

And Jay quickly descended and removed the Spear of Judgement from its back.

This ending the tale of Tempest as it disappeared into Thin air.

System :

Spawning Enemy no 3.

Maria von Lopez clone and Captain Sparrow.

As as the system said both of them spawned in.

Maria was in her witch like form while captain sparrow was in his captain's uniform.

Maria saw the ninth floor.

Maria :

Ah the Tower it reminds me the last time I came here as a challenger.

Sparrow :

Ah my Sora wherever gone you are please come back.

Hahaha ha, you're shocked aren't you for a pirate to lose to love. I'm not. Damn I need a drink.

Maria scoffed at Sparrow.

Maria :

What a filthy pirate. Always plundering and drinking Why did I had to be spawned with him of everyone.

Sparrow looked hard into Maria's unhinged eyes.

Sparrow :

You're a pretty fine lady, aren't you sweetheart. If not for my beloved Sora, I woul chopped into mere it's and bits of pieces and fed them to the sharks. Or I would given you to my men and let them do whatever they want with you

If I would have my skyver I would have blasted you away right from them sky. A true sky pirate.

Maria :

So you're the damn plunderer who dare to steal from us.

How dare you steal the Foundation assets.

Sparrow once again tried to assert dominance with his blade. As he gently waved it around Maria's neck as he spun around her.

Sparrow :

That right, I the great Jack. Grestest pirate in all the seas of the lands. At ya Service. So what will ya do now. Put me in ya pitiful jail.

Maria :

Jail are for those who can still learn from their mistakes. But for you the only thing you can get is Death.

Maria pointed a sword to Sparrow's neck. And somehow it had turned into a drama where there was a dignified witch and a sparrow. Well more like a fantasy romcom setting.

He sailed the seven seas while she was the head of the magical foundation. He was rude, rash, drunk bastard while she was a dignified, elegant and beautiful lady.

How will their love ever succeed.

Jay had gotten the thought of such a fantasy. That's when both of them started fighting each other.

Jack :

Oh the lady's putting in a brave face.

Maria summoned her three beasts. The skeleton golem, the skeletal dragon and the skeletal Cerberus.

Jack :

You think I'm vile. Then you're being hypocritical.

Maria sent her beast to attack them while Jack just like in the fight with McElroy grew tarantula like legs. These legs were made up if ice which helped him over from one place to another. While the strength of the ice was so strong that it crushed through each of the Cerberus's skull and the golem couldn't even stand a chance.

The bone dragon while flying in the air sprayed it's dragon breath but still then it was bought to the ground with the tarantula's giant legs. And the bone dragon too was crushed within the icy grasps of the pirate.

Sparrow :

Just like a frail lady. Even you're constructs are frail.

Maria was just a cline that's why like a true self she couldnt ma ifest her true power that's why she looked for something else and that's when she laid her eyes on Jay.

Maria :

Hey you there, how dare you leave a frail lady like me alone with this salcicious insect. Won't you come and save me.

Jay immediately replied.

Jay :

No, you're an independent woman who can stand against any man if she wishes for it. You can do it.

Maria was stunned at the spineless remark. While Jay was thinking that he'd have to eventually eliminate her. Then it would be better for them to fight without me getting back stabbed after I finish off Sparrow in the end.

And thus the enemies began fighting to the death by themselves like a Threeway competition.