The Tale of Power.

The tale of rivalry starts way before the War on the Elder God's during the Divine Era where magic was was just flourishing under various scholars. Who changed the world with their understanding of magic.

There was a nameless boy who dreamed to become the strongest in the world. Not the strongest swordsman nor the strongest sorceror nor the strongest mana swordsman but the strongest person among all.

He had no one to call his own, he lived by himself and would work as a Labour to eat and increase his strength.

But he had a wish to become the strongest of them all

And the reason behind his wish and goal was simple he simply wanted to become the strongest. For he would swing his sword and his rate of growth was incredible for the time he was seven he could beat the adults in his hometown who were strong but they didn't have the training.

When he was ten he could beat the trained guards in hand to hand combat. By the time he was seventeen he had won many warrior tournaments and he also had started showing interest into magic. But he was lacking one thing a competitor. That's why he thought he couldn't grow more stronger.

And that's when a pivotal moment in his life arrived. Every corner of the lands there reached a news. The Mercenary group black whistle was looking for combatants no matter their level of they defeat their enemies they would be handsomely awarded and someone from the kingdom of Gold El Dorado would be swimming in gold.

This many warrior both weak and strong magicians both novice and sages gathered at the Kingdom of Gold to satisfy their various greeds. There was no race of humans which didn't come together for this single battle.

The Black Whistle had a massed a very big army. Still they weren't able to defeat two men. Even the wisest of sages at that time nor the strong warriors could take them down.

And when they were close to the gates of the kingdom.

The boy stopped them at the gates where one of the men were paralyzed after seeing him while the other was wavering.

Soon the Boy clashed his blades with one of the men and lost. He might have lost the battle but he gained something even more than that a purpose. A means to move forward.

And to signify this the man gave him a name. {>[®¥¦ ™.

(Name classified). And with a new identity he moved forward as he thought of him as his ultimate goal.

But soon the times were to change as the Heavens descended upon the land with their iron fist and all the evils and unjust of the lands were vanquished. Leaving only the pure ones onto the lands. While the worshippers worshiped their cause. There were many who weren't happy for their faith was lacking. And they were punished for it.

Bu the Elder Gods.

The Lower God's were tormented as they were banished from the Pantheon and descended upon the Lands.

Soon to form a Heavenly Rebellion. Against the Elders.

But the most they lacked was strength. But it seemed that the fate was on their side as there came an otherworlder with a vast array of forbidden knowledge.

With his knowledge three prime candidates at the top of their craft were made immortal by different methods.

Immortality was a concept which was dabbled with before by many but it had lasting consequences on Humans race. For due to this a new twisted race of human was created.

After many years of struggles. Finally one Elder God remained but he was the strongest among all and the most crafty. He drove the Otherwolder by offering him the keys to the gate.

Thus without Helios everyone despaired. As in the end moment a key member had left. But something must be done. Thus a plan was out into action. To create a soldier of unparalled strength by combining the best aspects of every being. The prime candidates of the test were A god and a dragon. And they were chosen to fuse together. But they were genetically incompatible thus the plan was halted.

But there was a way that the brightest minds Maria von Lopez and Moonlight Thunder King found out a way to make it happen.

The plan was simple an intermediate would be needed preferably human. As a human shared gene similarities with both the God's and the Dragons. While the God's and Dragons shared none.

And the Human intermediate should be able to handle the strain of transformation for if he did he would become the strongest of them all. For this Ikaros was chosen a first choice but later he was disqualified for certain circumstances. Then a new host was needed. And the host would need to resist a lot of strain.

This at that time there were a lot of volunteers even within the resistance but they were soon disqualified thus only the Boy remained. He knew that this was the only chance that he could get back at his rival thus he stepped up to the task.

And he was fused with the certain god and the certain dragon. (Rank undisclosed). To produce an entity that was everything a man a god and a dragon at the same time.

A hybrid which would never had worked out or would turn into an abomination but it didn't.

The hybrid was a key lead in defeating the gods and despite being very mighty he wasn't able to defeat the Elder God on his own.

But with everyone's cooperation the Elder God was defeated and the Lower God's finally ascended into Heaven as the right full rulers. And all the soldiers of Heaven ascended once more. Which lead to the start of a peaceful era free from sin. As sin was wiped from the face of the lands.

But It wasn't long since the boy reflected on himself as he himself wasn't enough to defeat the Elder God on his own he had no hope on defeating his rival. Thus one day he had a thought what if he worked his way again from the basics.

But it would be faster if there were more of him.

Thus the boy using the same technology split himself into five distinct parts consisting of Wisdom, Instinct, Wrath, Calm and Null. Each given the task to grow stronger by following a distinct set of lifestyle over a prolonged period.

The brothers split to walk on their own paths. One day to come back together to become the strongest.

But one day null disappeared. To be only seen again after a millennium with the long destined rival.