Collapse of the Tower.

Thus the origin of McElroy was clear now, but there were still many lingering questions. While some questions had found solace in the tale. This was no doubt the Tale of the God Slayer. Much more complete than the last iteration but it still felt like some parts were missing.

Some omitted deliberately while some were Just commited without knowledge.

Jay :

If I'm your destined rival. I would be already be defeated by your power why so you even need more of it.

Tower :

The truth is even a bandit can kill me for as I am wisdom I have the lowest power of them all. All I can use as a weapon is my intelligence. But in this day and age you need both brains and brawns. To mesh together.

Jay :

Then McElroy can defeat me. Even his type synergy meshes well with his magic and I'm at a very big disadvantage.

Tower :

That is because you're not at your prime yet. I know there was something that the completed me saw in you that he didn't in anyone else.

Jay :

So more delaying. Then why did you put these trials in the Tower. Why did the Hero shatter into pieces and what is the secret of the Tower.

Master :

The secret lies in these trials itself. They are based of what you have in your mind. They synchronize with your mind and make up the Trial.

Jay :

Well I certainly don't have lava fields or a flaming eagle in my mind.

Master :

You don't but your friend might do. What about the giant robot I'm very sure that was your own creation.

Your true state of mind was laid to see for your own on the 8th floor.

For it was those memories that have struck a deep stress in your mind causing you to change yourself according to them. Or learn from them at the very least.

As change is Human.

Master :

Even the Hero was nothing but your own aspiration of life in a world of swords and magic. Hmm aspire might be a little far fetched what about you Hope of life in these lands.

And that was precisely something that reflected and became the Hero.

Master :

In simpler words, You caused the Hero's creation.

Master :

This Tower is nothing but smoke and mirrors an house of mirrors you can call it. Where there exist nothing but you.

McElroy :

Even within Drakos's memories there is nothing about me. How is that possible for me to be missing.

Tower :

There is only one way I can find out that.

The Tower Master came close to McElroy and touched their foreheads together and there was once again an intense light just like when Drakos and McElroy combined.But this light was much more intense than before. But lasted for a shorter amount of time as it revealed McElroy with jet black hair like Jay. With the same eyes he had before.

Jay :

So what are you now. You're now changing colour's like a chameleon.

McElroy :

I now have all the access to the Tower Masters memories as well as the pact he made with the Lord of Abyss.

Jay :

So what is this pact.

McElroy :

It temporarily allowed him to weild the power of creation to weave the Tower according to his own rules. As a beacon for his brothers. In return the Lord of Abyss asked the power to be returned when one brother is met. And asked to make the Tower as deadly and mysterious as possible.

Jay :

That's just like him.

Jay :

So what now.

McElroy :

Well Hmmm... Oh The Tower will now collapse.

Just as McElroy said this the Tower stared shaking the ground under them started crumbling as cracks started to appear in the Tower and one by the one the Floors internally started collapsing.

Jay :

You could have said sooner that the Tower would collapse.

McElroy :

Well I got to know just now.

Both of them jumped from the Tower. And with their strength returned and the system of Tower lost they survived the collapse of the Tower.

Jay and McElroy watched the Tower as it collapsed most likely under its own weight like the sun after a billion years.

The Tower had turned into ruins. Leaving another trail of destruction in their wake.

Jay :

Well that's another Chapter closed then. How much time were we there.

McElroy :

If I'm not wrong somewhere around a week. But it's weird that I don't feel tired I feel live I've been reborn right now.

Jay :

For you I mean yeah, so are you still the same or have you become something else.

McElroy :

Well I feel more complete than before. But I still feel like something lacking.

Jay :

So where to now?

McElroy :

If you're tired then I think there is a village nearby we can go. Maybe we could rest there. And then move on.

Jay :

You mean to say our original destination.

McElroy :

Yeah now you've caught my stream.

And thus they started walking again once more towards the village. And it was just a few hours of travel. But when they reached the outskirts there was something they were not expecting.

The entire village had been surrounded by Foundation troops.

. McElroy :

Should we go to that village. It's surrounded by the Foundation.

Jay :

Well what's the harm. I'm curious though if this village has something special.

And as soon as they entered the vicinity of the village.

They were stopped by the guards.

Guard :

Sir to pass through here we need to see some kind of identification.

Jay :

Has something happened in the village.

Guard :

That is none of your concern. Please show your identity or leave

Jay checked his inventory for an ID card Ikaros gave him.

And when he showed the ID.

The Guards were immediately aleterd upon seeing the cards as if they knew something Jay and McElroy didn't.

Guard :

I'm sorry for not recognizing a diplomat.

Apparently Jay and McElroy were given Diplomat I'd cards and that carried various benefits. Just an in the case of IC814 Diplomat luggage are never cjecked neither are they and they are to receive the same service as a diplomat.

And as they entered the village they saw that the entire village was surrounded by Guards both inside and out.

And a familiar face. None other than the time traveller Viva the Songstress. As always not very glad to see us.

So angry in fact that she was staring daggers at us as she came stomping forward with her heels.

Vuva :

WHAT Are you doing here?

With her blood shot eyes after many waking nights working under Lord Ikaros. She finally gets a chance to take a breather but then another variable strikes them. As if throwing a wrench in her brain.

Jay :

We're just here to rest.

When she looked at McElroy her e eyes were full of fright as she recognized the phase change of McElroy.

Viva :

What did you even do to change him like that.

Jay :

Oh you know we found his brother. So we took him along for the ride. So what about the timeline.

Viva :

Security arrest them.

Guard :

Man they hold the diplomat status, we can't arrest them.

Viva :

So even Ikaros saw this far, we'll you're our guests now we will try to give you our best services. Even if we don't like to.

And this another chapter comes to an end.