The Beast Master.

As we are not experts in Taxidermy or Zoology we don't know what breed the Wolf belongs to. The only thing we know that this wolf is huge compared to others of its size just about twice the wolves of the forest. And even it knows how to wild a sword.

When did Evan tame a wolf of all beings .

So recapping about the Swan fiasco. Everything g started with the desert incident. Where Swan was cursed as he can't leave the desert even in his death.

But the matter was solved when the sword was bound by Spider silk as a makeshift hilt since a man's blade is said to be his being.

This it seemed it had made him find his peace.

Then the next incident would be the Dukes mansion where it was revealed that Grace was the daughter of Evan Swan.

And she was targeted by a syndicate revealed to be the Foundation specifically the Master of World Magic, Maria von Lopez.

To make her a successor forcefully. Due to her capabilities.

As well as her lineage.

The next incident connected to the Swan Family would be the Myriad Mask incident. Where we met the entire family and got to know more about them.

Following the string of events. The next revelation came soon as now he is still wandering in the desert.

Then the Tower incident where many secrets were spilled.

And now this.

But the main question is yet to be asked. Why do we care about the Swan Family. They are not connected to us by any strings so why.

And this question is surprisingly on point.

The answer would depend on what I'm rather feeling then.

Maybe it would be out if concern for the dead.

Maybe I just want to know at which corners will the story lead.

Maybe I am expecting a grand reward for going with this.

Or just maybe I have become someone who possess good will

It was hard to get the Wolf to leave the forest. But it was much harder to get the sword off his mouth. Because we didn't know how to talk to the wolf. Jay didn't know anything besides petting the wolf or giving it food. It seems that the wolf had chipped one of its teeth sometime while swinging the sword it likes to hold in it's mouth.

As for the sword itself the sword was made out of mithril and on the hilt there are holes which are made for holding the sword. The hilt is made in such a way that it becomes easier and more natural for the wolf to grab the sword.

Which also made it hard to remove. And wolf is also very aware of us. Even when it comes for time to eat he either goes in the forest to fill its stomach or steals from a nearby settlement undetected but the things we offer him he just sniffs and with his paw he pushed it away.

In a nearby settlement there was a beast master nearby it seems. Thus we tried contacting him. We ended up in another forest where there were a lot of eyes on us. Every bird and every animal seemed to be staying at us. The info war that the beast master lived in the nearby forest. We found his shack through very painstaking search and there he was tending to his beasts he raised. And when we met the beast master who we thought would be a bizzare man

Covered with animal fur, scars of animals on his face, maybe a missing arm or two and a tragic baxkstory.

That's what we were expecting. But before us was a pale white snow white like girl playing with the birds and the animals inside her domain.

Jay knocked on her door as one monkey opened the door whilst still hanging to the door handle.

Jay :

Excuse me, are you the beast master.

? :

Huh oh yay , we have new guest. Please come.

Master :

Chandler, Xander get the chairs.

Chandler and Xander were the two monkeys who tried to shift the chairs from the back of the shack to the front.

Master :

It's not everyday I get company. I'm very happy now.

Jay :

Are you the beast master.

Master :

You come to the right place.

Jay :

We wanted your help. We want to understand this wolf here

Master :

Oh how cute, so you're animal lovers too. I'm Cela

Master :

I mean I can helo you, but it involves little bit of magic theories and lectures so I can see you're mana swordsman by your outfits alone.

Master :

But I will require a helfty fee of course.

Jay :

We're ready to pay.

Master :

Then follow me outside we'll get started right away.

In the midday underneath the shadow of the trees. There stood an horde of animals and birds. Gathered around us.

Cela :

There are a few ways which you can use to understand the heart of an animal. You can naturally create a bond with the animal by spending time so it becomes naturally accepts you .

You can create a relation of master and pet. Where you can bond in a way that it is established who is the master and who is the captive. You can once again spend time in such a way or create a matrual bond over time.

Or you can use fear. Instilling fear in the heart of the animal. Such that it would never be able to defy you. But I doubt you want that. And you also like it to be fast. As you've told me.

Then there is a way which is not well known to others. But most Beast Masters use this trick. It needs mana..

Beast Master :

The idea is very simple you just need to give your memories into the brain of the animal so it thinks that it was with you and eventually let's it's guard down.

Jay :


Beast master :

Use your mana to connect to the brain either via strings or via a net system and send your memories which you thi k are important into the animal.

McElroy :

Oh I had a question, can the same thing be tried on a human.

Beast Master :

No. Human who can perceive mana can immediately catch the connection and sever it. And they would not like that.

For humans who can't use mana some mana gets stored in the brain like a barrier which doesn't allows such control or implantation.

It's as if it is a evolutionary barrier.

Jay :

That was surprisingly deep.

Cela :

This knowledge is thanks to my patrons. They were very open with their knowledge. I never thought that these things could even be possible.

Their knowledge is very advanced compared to our own time.

Jay :

Was the Foundation your patron?

Cela :

Yes, how did you. Do you know them?.

Jay :

Yeah sort of. We are actually going there to see it for ourselves.

Cela :

Oh my God, if you're going you must take me there too.

McElroy :

Well you see we don't have enough supplies. For a third person.

Cela :

Don't worry about that. I can just order my pets to hunt for me and bring it to me.

Cela :

I can help you with your wolf problem. For free if you take me.

From the heart of Jay Garrick there was only one voice that reverberated through his soul. One word of Validation.

Jay :
