The Beast Master and the Wolf.

And thus a new member joined the party. As for the structure it would be like a persona 3 party. With the dog replaced by the wolf. And without the persona but with magic. If I remember correctly which I should we already partnered with a beast master

Livia. She commanded two shadow beasts which resided in her region the Shadow Forest which had its colour's stolen by the God of Chaos.

Livia and her Demon Slayer Monks were also participating in the deadly battle. And tragedy also struck them as their entire tribe was annihilated. That day many bloodlines were sacrificed just to stop the demons from entering the mainland and spreading their evil onto the mainland.

While Livia as the priestess and the chief remained serious Cela is carefree as if she had no worries in this world. She roamed around the day collecting fruits and vegetables from the merchants in the after noon after lunch she would sleep till the evening and during the night. She would train her beasts which she had raised from birth. And then she would once again sleep till morning.

And not on the way to the forest we decided to take a break. You know for world building reasons. Cela played with Gray while Jay managed his inventory. Keeping track of his stocks. As well as turning off some skills such emotional numbness so he could think the most he can.

Cela ;

What is that plate, you keep playing with.

Jay :

You can call it a curse from an enemy. It's the curse that makes me bound here.

Cela :

Oh, then I know some professional curse breakers maybe they can help.

Jay :

This curse can only be broken by the one who cast it on me.

McElroy :

You know right how many will kill to get cursed.

Cela :

So what is this curse.

McElroy :

He gets stronger every time he kills and can get new skills and abilities instantly while others will have to swing their sword for years.

He has a magic which he can store goods in.

Cela :

How is that a curse.

McElroy :

Exactly even I want to be cursed by the Lord of Abyss right now.

Jay :

You're already stronger than me. How much do you want?

McElroy :

How do you know I'm now stronger than you. The last time we clashed was when you ended up crushing me.

Jay :

That was a few months before. But now you're two of you.

It's a 3 vs 1 situation.

You have a wisdom of thousand years. Twice Demon Slaying experience and your personal experience.

And now you're even skilled in earth and water magic as well as light.

And you call me disadvantaged.

McElroy :

Well I do have those things and now I'm feeling quite honored.

Cela was patting Gray's head slowly. And Gray seemed to like it.

Jay :

So what do you think about Gray.

Cela :

Now that I've heard you two. I think the case is clear for Gray's non cooperation.

It's because you're strong.

Jay :


Cela :

Unlike Humans this wolf can actually feel the power emanating from you. For him you're both an object of fear.

Which lead to its outburst. Where it will run away and try to stay as far as possible.

Just as how we look at monsters. He sees both of you with the same eyes.

Jay :

That's going to be a problem then, what can we do.

Cela :

How about you try the method we discussed before.

Only Cela was the one who could calm the wolf down.

She placed her palm on the wolf's head and it was back to normal. And wolf seemed cooperative than before.

Cela :

Place your hand on his head.

When Jay tried to keep his hand Grey's fight or flight instinct trigeered by itself and it swung the sword it was holding in its mouth and slashed Jay's palm.

But Jay didn't feel any pain. He just looked at his palm full off blood. And in a matter of a minute his hand was back to normal as if there was nothing wrong whatsoever.

While Cela once again calmed Grey down. McElroy tried his hand and the next moment McElroy let out a scream. As Wolf bit his hand.

McElroy :

Jay Cela help. I'm in pain.

Wolf wasn't letting go of McElroy and once again Cela had to intervene.

Cela managed to calm Grey down and he eventually let go of Mcelroy's hand. And now McElroy was the one who was bleeding.

Jay :

Can't you just convey what we want to him.

Cela :

The wolf understands that you are not his enemies. He is a smart animal after all, but he is still hesitant since you have the blood of many wolves on your hands after all.

Grey can smell that.

McElroy :

Even without his sword he is deadly.

Jay bent down on his knees and showed his hand to Grey posing as an invitation to Grey.

The Wolf was hesitant at first but then step by step he went forward. Still not dropping the sword in his mouth.

The Wolf just stopped before Jay's hand expecting something.

Jay kept his hand softly on the wolf head. The Wolf was very reluctant and afraid at first. But then he seemed fine.

Jay :

What now.

Cela :

Establish a link in the wolf's skull with mana. And try to implant fake signals of release of Oxytocin, Dopamine and Serotonin. And maybe just a tiny bit of Endorphins.

Jay :

What happened to implant memories. That order is way to specific I don't know what releases what. I'm not a doctor.

The Wolf had gotten more comfortable than before. And was giving a positive response to Jay.

Cela :

Well looks like you didn't need to worry after all.

Jay patted Grey on his head. And the Wolf barked giving a positive response in this case. Jay had finally established a link with Grey.

McElroy :

Hey let me try too.

As Mcelroy reached out for Grey. Grey once again bit Mcelroy's hand.

While McElroy was now in pain Jay and Cela let out a laugh.

And thus a normal day passed as they head their way into the Northern Forest to complete their pilgrimage.

For the question remained why was Ikaros fixated on showing a neutral party which could turn to the God the Foundation as their last hope.