Forest of darkness and illusion 1

They reached the northern forest after travelling for days.

The forest was densely packed with trees and they mostly resembled the structure of Amazon trees so dense even sunlight cannot reach the ground. An ideal spot for moss and algae to grow.

But with dense forest it also retains water and most remain stagnant due to no evaporation but the cycle of water is sometimes it forms mist which blinds the eyes of the ones travelling through the mist.

And without a guide to guide through the mist it is very difficult to navigate through the northern forest.

According to the rumors of the travellers they also have seemed to hear the eery voices unable to free themselves from the forest.

But there are no obvious indications that a guide is needed.

Jay :

This is an ominous forest for sure.

McElroy :

Looks very eery.

Jay :

Should I?

McElroy :

No don't, how many times will you be burning forest now.

Jay :

Isn't this the tenth time I've said this.

What about we fly over the forest.

McElroy :

And maybe getting shot down by somebody or completely missing out mark, sure go ahead.

Jay :

Just say you want to go inside that eery forest. And might get cursed on the way.

McElroy :

I don't think it'll be that bad. Besides we have Grey here with us. A creature of the forest can definitely be useful to us.

Grey barked once confirming his response.

Cela :

I think Jay is right, I don't want to go here.

Jay :

See she agrees.

McElroy :

Fine let's try going over it. First I want to test something.

Jay try throwing a spear over the forest.

Jay held his spear and threw it high over the forest and immediately it was shot down. And the spear came crashing down to the earth. That too in pieces.

McElroy :

Do we need any other confirmation.

Jay :


And so the group dived into the forest where there was heavy mist and an aura of stagnation a stench of disgust looming over the air.

Jay :

Everyone stay together.

Jay looked around him and everyone had disappeared.

Jay :

Wonderful. Just as I predicted.

Jay lit a fire as a bright light to guide through the mist. But it was extinguished and even somehow the flames even though being hot were not burning anything.

Jay :

Tch, why is every forest cannot be burned.

Jay walked ahead as he kept the light on for someone to find him as he walked in a straight direction without trying to waver in any direction.

At some point he was deep into the forest with no end in sight. As he walked he heard eery voices. All the voices were screams echoing through the air.

Suddenly Jay walked into the middle of a what seemed like a clearing. Where there was a pedestal with a ring on the pedestal.

Jay used his metal sense to detect traps in the area but there were no metallic structures detected nearby.

And it seemed safe to approach as Jay walked there were no traps.

The ring was firmly affixed to a stone pedestal in the middle of the clearing. It seemed like the ring was made out of gold as a base with a black coloured gem cut like a protruding diamond lied on the pedestal.

Jay :

This is 1000 percent a trap. But still what the worst could happen.

And as soon as Jay touched the ring. The ground split open causing Jay to fall inside the crevice.

And landing in a dark room. Jay used light magic instead of fire to preserve oxygen inside the room . It seemed like some sort of cave was well maintained. And looked like some sort of hidden entrance determined by the structure of the bricks and the wood used to support the structure from collapsing as well as the burnt out candles and torches on the walls and openings made for candles.

Jay went ahead and saw a door. He thought that maybe a boss fight was ahead of him. With a nervous mind Jay pushed the door open. And saw an armored knight leaning on his giantsword while sitting on a throne of thorns.

As Jay moved forward one step all the lights were lit with blue flame showing the full extent of the room. It looked like a throne room for a king.

As Jay took another step forward the Knight armor started creaking. And the helmet raised its head.

Armored knight :

Are you another one who thirsts for my Throne.

Jay :


Armored Knight :

Then do you desire my great mounds of gold and silver.

Jay :


Armored knight :

Perhaps, you thirst for a battle.

Jay :


Armored knight :

Then how does such a man like you find your way here.

Jay :

I just fell here and was just passing by. I have no interest in your Throne.

Armored Knight :

I finally met someone who doesn't reek of greed or bloodlust. Throughout my entire life. Everyone has coveted my Throne or my skill of my sword.

Armored knight :

By your looks you look like a swordsman yourself. Pray answer my question. It a question I've asked every one who has ever visited me with a blade in their hands.

Why do you Swing your Sword.

Jay :

My answer may disappoint you.

Armored Knight :

Now speak and if it does Ill make sure it is your last disappointment.

Jay :

The reason I swing my sword is.

There was a profound thought inside Jay's mind about why he chose to swing the Sword. Was it cool like others said.

Was it used just for the sake of killing or protecting others.

Was it used for satisfying the desires every so yearned for

Was it for the ones he loved and cherished his whole life.

No, that was not or they felt like good reasons but there was something that felt like dishonesty.

Jay :

The reason I swing my sword.

It is to pave my way forward out of this hell hole.

Armored knight :

Is that your reason?

Jay :

Yes. It is the reason I hold a sword in my hand.

Armored Knight :

So will you throw away your sword, if you find a way out.

Jay :

Yes I will never pick up my blade again once it's served it's purpose that would be the final resting of my blade.

The Armored knight stood up as the Thorns he was bound to still kept his hand on the giantsword.

Armored knight :

For a knight his sword is his life. His entire being. For you to speak such words that is an insult to every knight out there.

Jay :

I'm sorry but that is the truth.

Armored knight :

Then i ask you to take responsibility for your words.

Armored Knight :

My name is the Sword King Hoss and I challenge you to a battle to death.

Jay :

I am Jay Garrick, a mana swordsman and an outwolder. And I accept.

Jay drew his sword made of steel as he raised his sword and as he first attack he slammed it to the ground. But that was enough as his blade was made up of iron thus with Jay's single kick.

It shattered into pieces. As did his armor as Jay left his sword and punched through his armor.

There was a glaring hole which was see through. Jay's eyes could see the wall on the other side of the wall.

Jay :

You're a wraith?

Armored Knight :

It seems that I have lost my shell in which I belonged. The only hollow broken shell that binds me are the armor.

Jay :

Then why don't i free you of it.

Hoss :

Even with my sword broken I am yet not been defeated.

Hoss lifted the hilt of his giantsword, and the broken pieces of the giants word assembled themselves as one by one the broken pieces scattered throughout the throne room flew towards the giants word and assembled themselves in the slots that they were broken. Even though the sword was now complete with all pieces now assembled there were still cracks in the giant sword.

The armor with a pierced stomach attacked as soon as the sword was once more assembled for again this time the sword to scatter into more pieces and to find the helmet of the knight thoroughly pounded into desperation. While the armor was almost destroyed. Just holding itself in.

Jay :

For my final words o will say

Flash Bomb.

Jay created a small ball of light which went over to the bent over knight and Jay pumped mana into the small ball of light and due to the sudden increase of mana the ball expanded until the entire was engulfed instantly in very intense bright light of various different wavelengths and a white colour like a flashbang.

And the armor and sword which were floating fell to the ground as the life in them had been sucked out of them.

A burned husk also fell out. Meaning the wraith was fully exorcised. But there was still some life in him perhaps a final moment.

Hoss :

Whatever you do don't take the ring. It calls one into the darkness and intoxicates them.

And then the burned body scattered into the winds like soot.

Jay saw the throne which was covered with Thorns and there seemed to be a pressure plate besides one of the arm rest. Jay touched the button and a stairway was unveiled as one of the walls behind the throne collapsed

And Jay used the stairway to get outside the Room. Where the ring was originally located. He carefully traced his steps across the fallen ground and took the ring this time.

And when he scanned it with his phone the following results showed on the screen.

Name : The Dark Ring.

Description :

Proof that the power of the Lord of Abyss seeps within the lands. Grants a view of the abyss.

And at moment Jay wore the ring. And suddenly found himself in the abyss.

Darkness everywhere. In the abyss Jay felt a sense of content. A sense of relief. A sense of comfort.

Maybe that's why the nature of abyss was so intoxicating.

But why? If there is nothing why is one content? Why is one relieved? Why is there a sense of relief? .

It was a dream like state. But the dream suddenly snapped as the ring somehow fell out of Jay's finger.

Jay :

I let myself be fooled once but not again. X

The gold body was dispersed of easily but still the stone was still left intact.

Like in Chroma Jay crafted a mallet and as he struck with every bit of force he had. The stone endured Jay's blow.

Jay stuck the stone again and again but it wasn't even enough to get it's shine off.

Jay decided to melt it as he placed the stone on his hand and summoned flames on his palm and turned the heat to the maximum but still the stone was shining and not even wavering like it's rock like personality.

And as just all crap in the inventory it was soon tossed in the inventory to see it disposed off in the near future.