The capital.

Every preparation was completed as the Elves finally lead them to the Foundation. Specifically to the capital.

While the road from any direction would be arduous and full of peril because of the highly accuracy sentry turrets which can take out targets approx 50 km.

If that is not enough each turret is equipped with a ground to ground as well as ground to air ballistic missile. For multiple targets there are cluster rockets delivering a deathly impact. If even that is not enough. They are also fitted with just several high grade elemental stones for utter destruction.

And in total there are 16 of them surrounding the entire capital. The capital is then protected by an external layer of shield made from advanced MagiTech. More advanced than the Kingdom of Raizon. It is capable of tanking at least 40-56 Tsar Bomba's energy combined.

The shield covers the capital in a hexagonal panel like shape thus it helps to distribute the energy in a much more proper flow. The shield allows natural sunlight to pass through. As well as let the people outside see the inside. If needed.

And from the outside it looked like a city inside a snow globe just without the snow. As expected of the city lots of skyscrapers giving a majestic feel that might make someone faint with Megalophobia. Many iconic places such as the Mages inverted pyramid where the mages comduct their activities like in an office.As the name suggest the shap edge firmly balances itself using mana as a source and does not tile over in any direction but still due to safety regulations it is required to have support pillars. Or the Clockwork Tower which is known to be a place with the most accurate time measurement in the entire world.

The capital adapts both the best parts of a cyberpunk and a solar punk world. And incorporates itself in a peaceful co existing state for anyone and everyone.

Jay McElroy, Grey and Cela were seated in a levitating vehicle with driver assisted support.

The Elder had ordered the guard to escort them to the capital. And with them they also supplied various gifts as a thanks.

Such as Elven medicine, Elven loaf bread, various preserved sauces, and the pride of the elven race. Various goods made from the Wood of the Mother Tree.

Just as an souvenir.

Driver :

So is this your first time to the capital?

Jay :

Yes, do you know some interesting places we could visit.

Driver :

There are many places you could visit. The mage tower where they display the wonders of magic and their display their latest findings.

Or you could see the war memorial where the memories of a millenia are stored.

If you like exotic food you've never eaten before or food from different cultures then there's the Brexit alley where there are many such people offering amazing dishes.

Jay :

How does one meet the Heads.

Driver :

So you're one of those fanatics. We'll the short answer is do something impressive which will shock everyone. Establish many accomplishments.

Or you might not ever see him.

Jay :

Do you know where he lives.

Driver :

(laughs) Everyone knows where the Heads live. But don't try sneaking it's a fortress.

Cela :

So how much time till we're there.

Driver :

It's just an hour away. We'll be there shortly.

Jay :

Cela what are you planning to do in the capital.

Cela :

Well I thought long and hard about what to do. And I was thinking I should enroll for the Beast Master program that they are launching.

Jay :

Beast Master program. You mean like attending a school.

Cela :

OH my god yes how did you know.

Jay :

Just a hunch. So where are we stopping.

Driver :

Oh the Elder didn't tell you. She has found some work while you stay in the capital which would provide the most exposure to the third head.

Jay :

What am I going to do.

Driver :

Well for Mr McElroy we have found a position as an combat instructor and for you Sir Jay. We had lots of trouble since your infamy has reached a lot of ears in any industry so no one is willing to hire someone similar to your name.

So you're going to be with Mrs Cela and are going to be living as a student in the same institution as Mrs Cela.

Jay :

OH god this is totally an academy arc isn't it. God.

Driver :

Also please refrain from calling out to God since we are enemies to them.

McElroy :

Bow down to your master Jay Garrick.

Jay :

This isn't funny a tiny bit. Damn can't even get a PhD now I have to do it all over again.

Driver :

You are given accommodations by the institution and some spending money each month. And the Elder also will take in some of those costs.

Jay :

What a day.

Driver :

Well it's a long day. Some radio should do the trick.

The Driver turned on the radio.

Radio Host :

It's a brand new day where we step forwards towards making History.

Today we have a great announcement. Please take it Mr Cleft.

Jay :

Did he say Cleft?

Driver :

Yeah Phoenix Cleft, one of the Head's disciples. He's basically a celebrity here.

Cleft :

Today is a very auspicious day and a honor for me to announce this.

The capital will be hosting the largest event in all of its history for a very special position.

Known as the strongest Fire mage in history. The Fire King. The seat has remained vacant so the time has come to once again fill the position. For someone worthy to step in and ascend as the new Fire King.

For that I Phoenix Cleft an hosting a tournament for anyone who claims to be the strongest Fire mage. Come and challenge me in the Fire King tournament.

Jay :

Ferb I know what are we going to do today.

McElroy :

This is a bold challenge declaration.

Cela :

Wow the voice was so wonderful I bet the man behind it must be handsome as well.

McElroy :

Well atkeast someone is right in their money.