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The opening ceremony.

Before the entering the capital there was one concern Jay was having a very old enemy. Even though he was old. His memory was still sharp since he's the one who served the Duke Thesaurus. And that same person was standing as the gate guard.

Jay :

Why is he here.

McElroy :

I don't think we can camp in front of this gate as a retaliation this time.

Cela :

Do you know the guard.

Jay :

Yeah, he was the one who didn't let us in the duke's mansion for accepting the commission. And he was pretty adamant at it too.

The Vehicle stood before the massive laser gate where is something pass through the laser it will instantly vaporiser before even sensing the loss of a body part.

The lasers deactivated and the vehicle went inside the gate for further checking.

The vehicle entered a dark room. Where various rays were passed through the vehicle in order to establish the presence of Narcotics, forbidden substances and any explosives. And the full proof system cleared us. And the gate opened forward to physical checking.

They checked the permits, references, letters of admission,

Then there was the physical checking which was the routine after that we were passed through various different scanners such that we were scanned for any weapons bought from outside.

Which would make sense normally but when you have mana you have more convinience. But if this is the foundation I am sure they must have thought this over many times.

And it seems that the man was on leave that day. Too bad for the hype.

But we were immediately cleared and finally we witnessed the capital with our very own eyes.

It was everything we hoped to be from a futuristic world.

Flying vehicles, tall skyscrapers, neon lights, holograms and holographic advertisements displaying different products.

The entire city was very clean as if there was not even a single speck of dust anywhere. As the vehicle moved forward on the road there were digital signs displaying various parts of the capital

And the most different thing was there were many with Cybernetics fused with their body which could enhance their bodily functions. Those who could not walk now ran very fast. Those who were blind gained new sight of the world.

Those who couldn't talk through Cybernetics implants they could convey their words as they wanted. Then those who want to reap the advantages of Cybernetic implant they could have temporary implants as an external attachments to their bodies thus they could remove the implants at Will and just continue their daily life.

But in a city like this the mana has to be kept in control to avoid chaos as much as possible thus there are many smaller domes created within the city space which acts as a place where magic can be freely used.

There was a trend shift in clothing. For people wore those clothes which were very stylish and efficient. As well as clothes from their own respective cultures.

The city was mixed with every bit of races on the world gathered as one.

But there was one thing. On the outside world there were no races to be found except for the occasional transaction of the Kingdoms with the dwarves. But here they interact with each other as if there was no barrier between them.

Driver :

Welcome to the capital. We will reach the academy shortly. Please enjoy the view.

Jay looked at the various wonders of architecture and MagiTech coming together to form wonders of imagination in the capital.

Driver :

We have enrolled both of you in the most prestigious institution where they offered theost prestigious services. Even the wealthiest of merchants cannot get up here easily.

This institute name is Wilcoxin Institute .

And today itsekf is your first day. So I have different set of instructions for both of you.

Driver :

For Sir McElroy, as an instructor you are not to mention any God or side with any God, you must teach not preach is what I mean to say.

You must not mention the sins of the Heads.

Or recruit any student or faculty for your cause.

Your fight is with the Head and you must sort it by yourself.

And you should not involve the citizens either.

You shall not teach the students any kind of irrelevant information.

As a teacher you are to be fair with everyone while following the regulations of the institution.

If the name of the Elder or the institution is tarnished you shall be immediately expelled.

For Mr Jay as an student you have similar instructions

You shall not preach the word of any God.

You shall not reveal the sins of the Heads.

You shall not involve the citizens or the students in your cause.

You are to not destroy any student's path towards their future.

You are allowed to form new relations but you are not to out them in danger by any means even if they were to volunteer themselves for your cause.

You will follow the rules and regulations of the institution.

You are free to do whatever you want. But if by any way the name of the institution or the Elder is tarnished. You shall be immediately expelled.

And finally Have fun.

The heavy atmosphere dispelled when so many instructions were piled on top of another. The instructions were similar but they were given according to the perspective of a student and an instructor.

It seems the Elder did think of everything. And it is right if she is doing this much for us then it is our responsibility to not tarnish her name.

And the citizens are also innocent. But I don't know if it was just convinient or something else. But there were some missing blanks which should have been filled if I think.

For some actions which could be performed. But before you go to war you must first know your enemy and the best thing is literally learn everything about them.

This an institution might be a blessing in disguise.

We finally arrived at the institution. Where it looked like it was made by the British. It reeked of pure British architecture blended in with Indian architecture. It was almost 20 storeys tall.

Jay :

I don't want to eat British food. That shit's tasteless.

*Just his opinion *

Cela :

Let's move its seems the entrance ceremony is starting.

Jay and the group started moving through the wondrous halls kf the institution as the institution had preserved of its architecture through winderous use of various materials.

As well as cresring a gradient which refreshed everytime you see it. While being mixed with the wonders of the future.

We reached the auditorium room which was as large as small scale stadium which could house more than one thousand people.

Jay, McElroy and Cela took their seats near the middle row while Grey was still with the driver. Sad because he couldn't come Inside with them.

Driver :

While we wait let's get something to eat.

Grey happily barked and they went off to their own adventure.

While the entrance ceremony started.

A old man came hunched back with square glasses came forward and addressed the audience.

? :

A wonderful morning to all of you, the hopes for our future.

I am the chairman of this institution Zain Wilcoxin.

I have personally handpicked you as you in the future will become the support of the Foundation.

Everyone here is talented. And such talent should be nurtured in the right direction for it to bloom and start bearing the fruits of your own efforts..

We prove every facility to nurture our students. So they may develop themselves and become the best of themselves.

That is all from me.

But don't fret today we have someone even more outstanding than myself. Please proceed Sir Phoenix.

Phoenix cleft who once pushed Jay back with the same flame magic and even now he stands like a true protagonist. And the Foundation backing him.

Phoenix :

I thi k everyone must k ow about me. I am Phoenix Cleft, and just like you I also sat in those seats many years ago. I am very thankful for Mr Zain for giving me the chance to address my juniors.

I was once a student here. At that time I was going through some harsh times in my life. That's when Sir Zain who was a newly recruited faculty supported me in my growth as a result I have reached where I aspire to be.

And I aspire to be the strongest Fire mage. To succeeded my model the Fire King one of the Heroes who fought alongside my Master and perished. With Noone to succeed but times have now changed and we now need a new Fire King to represent the strength our kind.

That's which I want to prove myself as the strongest.

Even now if someone wants to challenge me please raise your hand. While Jay was quietly listening to him going on and on. McElroy was not okay and he instead of raising his own hand lifted Jay's hand. And when Phoenix saw that he acknowledged the challenge.

Phoenix :

Excellent it seems my words has lit the flames in someone's heart. Please take the stage.

And that's how Jay was forced to take the center stage with someone who crushed his hand once.

Jay arrived on the stage and when the spotlight finally focused on Jay. Phoenix was left flabbergasted. As a specter from the past had come to haunt him.

Phoenix :

You? How are you here?