Domain of Chaos.

Dragged into the realm of chaos after the destruction of Order. The group was dragged into a world of chaos.

A world portrayed to be filled with miasma, destruction and evil. A world with lava everywhere, rivers of blood and fields of swords.

That's how the world of Chaos is portrayed by the residents of the lands. And living in such a world would be a nightmare. But none of that is true. The true nature of the lair of chaos. Was different from what was described by the residents.

It was a world where there was no order to anything everything was random. And every law of nature was broken. Such was a world of someone who yearns for Order.

The group found themselves on a fluffy ground. Made of screws. All types of screws and screwdrivers

Philips, flathead,. They were made of iron but somehow they were fluffy.

Jay :

Ouch where are we? Huh? Screws? And why are they soft.

Ray :

You've finally gone insane. Screws made of iron aren't

Ahhhhh They're soft!!!!

Rena :

Indeed. So this is the world of Chaos.

Look at the sky.

There was a sky which changed colours in random directions sometimes it would light up sometimes it would dim and other times there would be no light there was no fixed interval. The sky mostly resembled a disco ball if to be resembled with an order.

It is enough to give someone an epilepsy attack. But none of them were epileptic.

Phoenix :

Is everyone alright.

Rena and Ray replied with an corresponding Yes while Jay just showed a thumbs up.

From the wasteland of screws when they tried to go somewhere. Jay suddenly stepped on air. And as he took his second step his foot was in water all of a sudden. As a result he fell on a pile of clothes that haven't been washed for a decade.

In this world things are randomly changing every interval.

Phoenix :

We need a reliable way to go around and find Kaos to pull us out.

Jay :

What about we fly.

Phoenix :

Among us only you can do that. And it is also risky. Since you don't know when the air might turn into a wall.

? :

Indeed your statement is indeed important to the current case.

Besides them one more being was there. It was Redro the God of Order and Justice. But his clothes were all swapped and their colour palette had been changed. He still had his sword and weights but his clothes were changed to that of a hipster.

Redro :

This world is nothing but madness. There is no order to anything. How unique.

Ray :

Weren't you a order loving freak.

Redro :

We brothers both are a part of nature. But I am the Lord of Order and Justice. And I do my bid perfectly. But in order to learn more about order you have to respect the Chaos that comes with it.

For me this world is more than a work of art. It's a masterpiece which depicts chaos in it true form.

This is a chaos where one can sustain themselves.

Otherwise the next second the air can turn into vaccum ending the lives of mortals within seconds.

Ray : arrogance

Didn't want to attend your art class.

Redro :

I was wrong I had hope that all of the King's students are wonderful individuals working towards the benefit of the society.

Now I know what they are doing to the children. Instead of raising them these children are being trained as soldiers for war. Oh how far have you fallen.

Redro :

Such seeds must be punished.

Redro :

Scales of truth.

The scales have two sides the more good karma you have the better is the chance of good things happening.

But the more bad karma you have divine punishment will definitely be there.

And the scales of truth when judging know everything your past and present you cannot hide it.

That's why for Ray the Sword Demon. His bad karma had been piling since he held a sword and was sent outside the walls.

Realizing this Ray rushed to take the scales off him. But the incoming was inevitable for the scales had already judged him.

And the punishment would be the worst possible.

Redro :

The scales have judged. Normally I would have followed court procedure even if a single thing you had done was good. I am baffled at how you spent your entire life. Not doing a single good thing for anyone.

Your death will be by decapitation.

Ray tried to run away and Phoenix tried to stop Redro from killing him. Phoenix used his mana to create a big arrow.

But the sword of justice sliced through his arrows.

The arrows exploded mid air besides Redro. But still Redro was unscathed.

Ray ran and crashed into a wall of air. Thick enough to become solid for a interval.

Jay :

Keep running the hipsters's out to get you.

Redro stretched out his hand and his hand stretched like rubber and grabbed Redro and like a machine they retracted on their own.

I guess Law has very long hands. That idiom has taken its form.

Jay grabs Redro's hands and tries to cut them. As he made a blade in his hand and tried to cut it. But it suddenly turned into a cleaver. But it wasn't enough his arms were soft for the cleaver to cut but still it couldn't. Jay tried again and again but there wasn't even a single bruise.

Redro :

I sentence you to Half murder and more 30 years in prison.

Jay one more swung the cleaver with maximum strength and it penetrated his skin but wasn't enough to go all the way through.

But that was enough to get a reaction from his as he used the same hand which was cut by the cleaver dragged the cleaver out and swung it towards Jay. But it shattered as soon as it touched Jay's hands. And from the wounds Golden Ichor started gushing out.

And wouldn't stop gushing out it was a very deep cut. But moments after it was affected by the same randomness and turned into a fountain of pickles. After an interval radishes started spraying out until the moment the wound finally closed off.

Phoenix shot another high powered arrow this time right in the skull. And it exploded in front of Jay. The arrow was strong enough to make Jay back out but not fast enough only to be blocked by the sword of justice.

Sword of justice :

Cuts any injustice in half. Included acts such as backstabbing, murderers. Totally useless against innocents and people who have good karma.

Acts as a regular sword in a duel. Ability activates when backstabbed.

Activates during a trash talk.

When activated cuts any attack from the evil doer in half

Ray Genase grabbed his hands and passed 25000 volts of electricity through him. And it did shock him leaving him to leave Ray out of his hands.

Because even his electrical resistance ability was randomized. For a god it would be higher than that but the more time the spend in the domain of Chaos.

The more their selves get altered.

Jay when controlling metal suddenly gained the Affinity towards wind.

But before he could use the ability his Affinity changed to water. Jay tried to use water but due to lack of practice he could only create a small ball of water. And that was he used to choke the God with. But even the God was unaffected as if he didn't even need to take a breath.

Phoenix was suddenly using the Bow of Matra backwards and shot himself with the arrow.

Phoenix :



Rena :

Sir Phoenix.

Rena took out her sword but the blade had become jelly.

And fell down to the ground.

Jay : shouting at the top of his lungs.


All the attention shifted from the God to Jay. Jay who was wearing the outfit of a clown while wearing an eye patch on both eyes was very hard to take seriously.

Jay :

If you haven't notice. Our belongings are going out of order.

If we don't get the hell out of here. We'll die. Or become something else.

Redro :

That man is correct.

Redro :

Absolute domain : Courtroom.

Redro joined his hands together. And summoned his domain but nothing happened. The world remained as it was.

Redro : more concentrated

Absolute domain.

Jay :

It's no use all the mana outside has been turned into gas.

Rena what about your dimensional slash.

Rena :

I would pass out if I used it. And the domain slash would require enormous amounts of power.

Phoenix :

I don't see Kaos anywhere. We need to find him if he's here then we can end this nightmare of a domain.

Jay :

Since it's his world. He should be here as well. Maybe our locations were randomized. If that was the case.

Then the five of us won't be at the same place.

There was a hand that grabbed Jay's leg from the screws that had turned into leaves of Antigonon Leptopus.

Jay in reflex pulled the hand up and it was chaos who was buried inside the ground.

And a dead figure wearing a hakama came from the ground.

Jay : surprised.


Jay :

Sonic sl-

Kaos :

Don't attack it's me Kaos.

Redro suddenly spoke up.

Redro :

Kaos what is the meaning of this why have you trapped us in your world.

Kaos :

Well I won't want the one I gave my blessing to end up in your hands.

I yearned to be like you who can keep things in order.

But now I start to see how brittle your order is.

We both are similar you yearn Chaos while I do Order.

I love peace while you need War.

Redro : undermining Kaos

Kaos you are forgetting your place you can never bring order. You are the personification of Chaos.

Look at this wretched world here.

Nothing ever makes sense here.

The sun is weird the screw which builds a man's house are soft. The air becomes water. The mana become a shower of coins. Where is the semblance of order you speak of.

The group didn't know whether they should interrupt the erupting argument of the opposition sides.

Jay :

You can fight after getting out of here.

Kaos :

The moment you leave this world you'll be killed is that fine with you.

Jay words were divided into two. His mind wanted to speak both the sentences.

"Don't worry I have my friends with me"

And the second being

"Maybe we could stop here for a bit"

It was the difference between bravery and cowardness. And Jay wasn't able to decide what would be appropriate.

Rena :

I came to see one maniac doesn't kill and you gave him trauma. So I'll have to take this maniac instead.

Jay : made up his mind.

I wish to return to Elba.

Kaos :

Well then

Absolute Domain close.

And they were back at the Baron's mansion. It was the same as before nothing had changed even both the God's.