Against the Abyss

Always remember

The existance of Justice will always depend on injustice.

The day justice will cease to exist and injustice will rise.

Justice once again will be Born again.

But if injustice ceases to exist that will be the moment

Justice will die as well.

For without injustice there will be no need for justice as well.

Ans thus justice will be laid to rest. For the meaning of justice will cease to exist as well.

For example :

If injustice ceases to exist then the courts will become abandoned and soon forgotten. Their purpose the power and the meaning they once held.

They say there will be justice and peace for all times. But such privilege always go unnoticed.

Moving on.

Kaos Redro and the entire group once again assembled in the main hall of the mansion surrounded by dozens or archers who have readied their light arrows.And their hands are itching to shoot their arrows but are waiting.

Jay :

Finally we are back. (Looks around) Goddammit.

Phoenix :

I thought I was going to die there (looks around) I think we have to sleep on the streets today.

Ray :

I'm back I'm finally back from that... Seriously.

Rena :

... (looks around)..... 32, 47, 15, 88, 96729.(Battle mode enabled)

Redro :

Archers keep your guards up. This anomoly must be destroyed from the lands before the Abyss consumes all of us. .

Kaos :

Archers stand down. We must be reasonable and confirm if that is the case.

Redro :

He's too dangerous we don't know what he will do.

Jay :

Look I have no connection with the abyss. I'm neutral okay. Why don't you two sort it out. You both are enemies right.

Rena looks at Jay with fierce eyes.

Rena :


Ray :

She really stabbed and slashed you in 9 elementary ways already. Of the Codex.

Phoenix : sarcasm

It seems that we have a common enemy. The Incoming Abyss. So why don't we join hands.

Maybe we could stop the end of the world together.

Don't you want the same.

Because you just have to wave your hands like bumbling idiots and let the abyss consume the lands. So easy isn't it.

Kaos :

The only ones those want the abyss to come are those born from it.

We both are not abyss born. The one birthing us are the Elder God's themselves. We are against the abyss claiming the lands.

Redro :

And we seek to preserve the gift of life. For we are incomplete without those who understand us.

Jay :

So you're God's but on the immortal's side.

Then why do the other Gods want to destroy this world.

Phoenix :

I'm the one second closest to master and I have never known about such alliance.

Kaos :

It's true we are not allied yet. How about we form an alliance together. Our alliance will end when the abyss terror ends.

Phoenix :

As allies what do you have to offer.

Kaos :

I can offer information in return. But I would need a channel to pass it through.

Phoenix :

We have plenty of those. Front channels, back channels mana channel just name them.

Phoenix :

And what do you expect from us.

Redro :

As God's we belong to the Pantheon but each of us think different. Before the death of Phizon. He seems to have sent something to the Pantheon. Something that envisions the goal of the God's and the Regional God's.

Rena :

What are they building.

Kaos :

We don't know. They never told us

They only say that soon the liberation will be upon us.

As we are not abyss born we di not have the same character or our powers as them.

Sein who used to manipulate existance.

Goddess of love who can entrance anyone as long as they are alive.

God of darkness. Who controls every bit of shadow in the world. During the age of exploration there was a time where sun didn't now rise for one month.

God of Technology was another one who was not abyss born. But he was influenced by the abyss.

God of Light. Was not abyss born for his own existence denied the abyss with Light.

The only negator of abyss. Killed by your kind.

Redro :

Abyss cannot be stopped from consuming the lands.

Phoenix :

No there is a chance to defeat abyss. But fir that to happen.

Our hometown the hidden city must be kept hidden and protected at all times.

Isn't that right Third party.

Jay :

Yes the Lord of the Abyss said so.

Kaos :

Then that may be our last hope. No doubt war will be upon us. Your and our side will clash. Alongside the abyss.

Redro :

If you want to do something maybe it's finally time to talk about the slave island.

Kaos :

An disputed territory unclaimed by both sides. Its a perfect location to build and hide something.

But neither of us can go there.

Phoenix :

It's under a mana contract it shouldn't be possible to do anything there.

Kaos :

OH child of man you are forgetting something. Even if God's cannot enter the ones who follow them can.

Phoenix :

How reliable is your claim that your side has been interfering with the island.

Redro :

I the God of Order and Justice who's existance is built up of truth am giving my word. And my truth is absolute.

Phoenix :

That's not enough to convince my boss.

Redro :

I cannot offer anything other than my word.

Phoenix :

We both cant enter the island anyway.

Phoenix : looks at Jay.

What about This Third party.

Redro :

This third party can enter and exit freely at will. But he must be willing to do so.

Jay :

This Third party has decided against it.

As this third party sees no incentive in risking his life on an potentially SS rank mission.

And my luck has never been better because I know X when I challenge this mission suddenly the mission rank will increaser from SS - - - - - - >SSS+ rank.

Phoenix : reminiscing.

What changed In you. You were ready to give your life when busting the underground market. Just for a few slaves.

Now there's an whole island of them suffering while we can't do anything. Where is the empathy you showed back then was that just a lie.

Jay :

Phoenix I have not changed even then and even now I am still the same. Back then I used to mince my words.

Holding back from hurting one's feelings. And trying to use the most appropriate words to get the best outcome.

But now I am weary of my own ways.

It's not like I don't have empathy for the souls trapped by X.

But as long there is no guarantee that I'll live.

I won't go to the island. Just to die of alone.

On the back of his head the words echoed

You're no Hero. You're just a survivor.

Phoenix : saddened

I guess then liberating slave island is now just a pipe dream

Jay : sympathetic

But it doesn't mean I won't go. I need betterer incentives for this one.

Phoenix :

Do you know how much we are already doing for you.

Education from a top institution, everything from domiciliary to cafeteria privileges. To you not getting assassinated or beaten by anyone.

Even the most biggest moment meeting the Head. Which only very few privileged people would have gotten.

Even to the keys. You so desperately need you're getting.

And you also have a scholarship but since your fees are canceled you can use the money however you like.

And that combine yearly fees is enough to buy a big house outside the walls.

Jay :

Which privilege. This kid here is trying to assassinate me half the time.

Phoenix :

What do you want from us. A life in luxury. Women. Something Exotic. What do you want.

Jay :

Well I didn't think I would get this far. Though luxury is good.

Well when I return don't let Roy take revenge.

Phoenix :

Can't help with that. Keep the slave island it's yours.

I can't have my head beheaded just because you whine so much.

Jay :

Why we don't have ai just wipe that island.

Phoenix :

Our robots are bound with the three ethical laws of robotics.

Jay :

Says the one with the the Loki units.

Phoenix :

What's Loki unit?

Jay :

It's something your organization made. Five of them tried to kill me recently. They are very proficient in metal magic.

I had a hard time dealing with them.

Phoenix :

Robots using magic. Are you taking me for a fool.

Robots are non living beings they don't have mana.

And mana source from a mana box with full capacity would have a massive energy drain. It's just not possible. Because they cannot even take mana from the outside they do t have mana channels.

Redro : Emanating Dread

If you both have a dispute then how about we solve it with a court case.

Jay : wondering why he doesn't know about Loki units.

No we're done.

Phoenix :

Before the month ends. You will go to the slave island for its liberation. I'll draw up the plans. I'll provide you with the equipment.

Jay :

Then I'll go with McElroy. I'm sure he would be thrilled to go.

Kaos :

I suggest keep the alliance a secret from your King for a little while. He won't be able to accept it.

Kaos and Redro turned towards the door.

Kaos :

Before we leave take my words. It's not just God's working for the abyss there are others too. Beware of them. For they will soon show their colour's.

Saying this they left the mansion with their archers.

And this was the end of a sub world travel.

Jay :

Wie now I even more tired than ever. Come with me I'll show you your rooms.

Phoenix :

I do need some sleep I have lots to think about .

Rena go get Mrs Thesaurus from the vehicle. Ray go with her.

Ray and Rena bought a worried Mrs Thesaurus. She was waiting for them outside the gate. But since they didn't come she was very worried for them. And Ray and Rena were scolded for being late even after explaining her everything.

And with this it's finally official. The Liberation of the Slave Island will begin. Not by his choice though.