Jay tried to look for the any familiar faces but there were none. There were many new faces for sure which appeared after Jay and Mcelroy's popularity spread.
Thus there were many who wanted to join the guild to become like them.
And when they finally met him they interacted with Jay although many of them were very awkward interaction. But they were certainly fans.
Some asked for a duel with Jay's and he smashed them to the ground. Ending the duel then and there. Some tried to backstab Jay but their swords and knives were broken as soon as they touched him.
And then they were planted deep within the ground.
But none of them were seriously injured or dead.
As he returned to the mansion the kids once again swarmed him and began asking question and Jay answered them one after the other. He told them about the team members.
Phoenix, Ray, Rena, and Ms Thesaurus.
Mc Thesaurus was heartbroken when she heard about her late husband. But she found in her heart to forgive the child.
For she was just lost. And couldn't control her powers.
And thus they left for the desert at first when Jay was very slow it took the around one month to get there. Now they could go there within hours and with the new vehicle they were at the same speed towards their destination the Thar desert
The kids also wanted to accompany us and wanted Jay to stay longer but he couldn't afford to because as his days were decreasing the D day was coming forward.
And there was lost and lots of things to do.
The biggest of them being the Liberation of Slave island.
Since everyone seems to be pushing for it. But this must come first.
The tying up of loose ends was a necessary task. That bought the closure needed to Jay as a farewell to everyone he was alongside with.
And this link needed to be closed no matter what.
This they reached the desert and it was night but instead of setting up the camp they started searching for Evan's soul wandering in the desert.
The group scattered in five directions to cover the most ground and the vehicle was useless since the Ai couldn't detect any response which was non biological.
They had been given intercom's to communicate and each was strong enough to take down the desert worms that came with it. Phoenix just shot them with the bow of Matra.
Ray shocked them with his lightning.
Rena used mana slashes to deal with them.
Jay impaled the desert worms with huge iron rods.
And with him was Ms Thesaurus handling the vehicle and still acclimating to the climate around her.
Jay flew through the desert sands. Phoenix copied Jay's technique but in the end he crashed in the sand. And his clothes were filled with sand. And they were not sand friendly. So two of his personal gadgets broke.
Ray enhanced his body so he could run faster.
Rena just walked.
They shouted Evan's name throughout the desert
But even after scouting the desert they couldn't find anything. Thus they returned.
Jay :
Did you find anything a single trace. Because I couldn't.
Phoenix :
Well i had a bad day now. Except that nothing changed.
I hate the sand it gets everywhere. What about you did you find the djinn.
Ray :
Be a lot cooler if I did.
Rena :
The djinn are evil desert spirits. So for you it might have.
Ms Thesaurus :
I have found something odd.
Phoenix :
What is it aunt?
Ms Thesaurus :
There's something strange around here I suddenly feel a chill. And also I have a sensation of losing everything.
Phoenix :
The temperature in the desert are generally low during the nights.
Suddenly the ai buzzed.
Warning : Unidentified creature ahead. Please proceed with caution.
Number : only one.
The group went ahead to check what was happening.
And when they went above and beyond the dunes they found two characters. Fighting or atleast one trying to hurt each other.
One was a spirit who held a spiritual sword and was trying to cut down another real person who was real but he was emitting the void through his clothes.
His fave was covered with a mask.
Yes it was none other than the Myriad Mask but why is he here.
Jay :
That man myriad mask is here why? And it's Evan Swan.
Myriad Mask :
Jay Garrick I know you are there come out.
Jay : reveals himself
How did you know I was here.
Myriad Mask :
I am here because the Lord of the Abyss sent me.
Phoenix readied his bow.
Phoenix :
Jay is he the k e were looking for.
Jay :
Shoot him down.
And upon his command Phoenix left rhe arrow and within an instant there was an explosion.
But the explosion was rendered useless by the void enshrouding the Myriad Mask.
The Myriad Mask was in the same setup as before.
This time the butterfly mask he wore before had become a mask enshrouded in abyss.
And the same business clothes he wore on that day.
A gray three piece suit. With cufflinks attached.
Mask :
My Lord saw you flailing throughout the lands. Pretending to do something important. In the name of Evan Swan.
But you just don't want to be held in the capital isn't that right.
Mask :
It is me who set off explosions thg day that almost killed you.
The one that this ghost of a thing has been chasing.
You might have quite a grudge don't you looking for me across time itself.
Evan :
Why can't I even hit you one time.
Evan's sword passed through him four to five times still there was no effect as his sword just go through him without doing anything.
Mask :
Hey you dead stay quiet I'm talking here. Or have you forgotten your manners as a noble.
Evan :
I'm not dead. Can't you understand I'll not die until I'll kill you.
Jay :
You will be a part of n today or tommo row. So I have to finish you now.
Evan :
Excellent choice. But you won't be able to. I can't be harmed by any attacks. Because I am void itself. I have realized the truth of this wretched world that gave birth to a dignified individual like me.
I am proud to be accepted by the Lord of the Abyss. He is the truth. He is my God. He is *boom*.
This time it was another arrow by Phoenix as well as a mana slash from Rena and a ball of lightning from Ray.
And how could Jay leave him alone. He struck with light magic.
Even after the combined attack when the sands settled the Myriad Mask was still standing without a particle of dust on him. Still he dusted his shoulders just to show off.
Jay :
Go commit die.
Mask :
Such crude language how befitting of you. So are you satisfied now. Or is there something else you want to do.
I have work to do. To prepare for the First Coming of the Abyss. And let it devour the lands as it should have.
What an feeling of ecstasy I'm having.
Phoenix :
Do not engage him in close combat we don't know what's he is capable of.
Mask :
A smart choice indeed. Well I can't kill the both of you. You firebird and you. You're needed.
But the others are free kills.
Mask :
How about a game of cards.
The Myriad Mask removed a deck of playing cards a set of 52 cards and enshrouded them in a layer of abyss.
And he threw the cards at Rena and Ray. One card when Rena blocked it with her sword it disintegrated and was consumed by the abyss. While Ray just dodged the card in itself and as a result when the card landed on the ground it consumed around 3 cubic meters of sand.
Evan Swan stood directly before the Mast to cover his eyesight so he couldn't see ahead and target them.
Evan :
I won't let you kill them Even if I die.
But the Mask simply walked through as he threw twenty five cards in their direction.
And they managed to dodge the cards but the sand below them es consumed as they went deeper Into the ground.
And the sands started the shift from below the Mask's feet for a sand worm had detected him.
With its thousands of teeth it leapt towards him but as soon as it's teeth touched him. It disintegrated within seconds and was claimed by the abyss.
Myriad Mask proclaimed " you're still too weak to kill me both this specter of the past and You. Master is right having expectations is a very disappointing thing"
"If you can't even defeat me, how will you defeat my master
With just a snap your existance can be into two"
Jay :
You're right. Maybe I can't beat the apocalypse as of yet.
Maybe I am too weak. But there is one thing that will keep me going no matter what.
Mask :
What is that friendship, love
Jay :
No this is something that goes even deeper.
Hatred. Pure Hatred for him. Which even the abyss can't get rid off.
Mask :
Hmm I'm intrigued by your worthless words. Then I'll see you. We shall meet again.
As for our reunion take this special gift from me.
The Myriad Mask simple vanished from existance after his remark Jay wondered what had changed. He looked everywhere as this clothes others nothing seemed to have changed
Until he saw the Evan. And he had suspicions. Because before he didn't have any sand on him. And now he was covered with sand particles in his clothes due to the winds blowing the sands over.
Phoenix :
He's a ghost right? So do ghosts get sand on them.
Jay :
Maybe he's a modern ghost.
Evan heard those words and retorted in angrily.
Evan :
I'm very much alive. I'm not dead yet.
Jay slowly walked towards Evan while extending his hand out. Expecting it to go through the body. But when he touched he felt a sensation running through his fingers of touching an object.
And it scared the hell out of Jay.
Jay :
An Undead.
Jay made a ball of fire in his hand.
Jay :
May this fire cleanse your body soul and mind which have been tainted by the unholy. May all the miasma and the u holy Ness burn down to the ashes. And your soul return to the great cycle of life free of taint.
Jay threw the fireball at Evan and Evan cut the fireball in half.
Ms. Thesaurus : loud and reminiscent and sad
Stop attacking he really is Evan Swan.
Evan :
I believe we have met before didn't we. I still remember seeing an unfamiliar guest in my house and being the one who destroyed my city. You have lots to answer for.
Jay :
You were a ghost just now. How did you come back to life.
And didn't I release your soul from some shaman the last time we met.
Evan :
Yes. I was dead and released but then I was trapped behind a temporal plane. Which made me dead but also alive.
I was in a different plane from you. But I could still interact with my voice just like a normal ghost.
Phoenix : on a call
Sir we have completed our objective and we have rescued Sir Phoenix.
King :
Bring him to the capital ASAP.
Phoenix :
Speaking of our conversation about the approval of the mission.
King :
Your premise is very shaky. Your Intel seems reliable but I need to know the source . I won't be approving of such a reckless mission at a precarious time like this.
Especially deploying an asset like him. Just to die.
Phoenix :
Then what about a recon mission. We just get proof of God's involvement with the island and once we secure the proof.
We can storm the island.
King :
If there is Godly involment there is a chance that a God might be present on the island without us knowing.
King :
And the personnel you are recommending he hasn't been given any stealth training before. His spells are too explosive and flashy. They will certainly grab attention.
Moreover the island is surrounded his natural enemy water.
If the Goddess of the water is there escape is very unlikely.
King :
Phoenix I have told you time and time again even if emotion give you strength don't let it affect your decision-making.
I know many of your relatives are trapped on that island and
the abyss might consume them anytime but it doesn't mean that we send someone important to just die.
Phoenix :
How can I convince you that he can do it.
King :
You cannot we are done. You are to immediately return to the capital. With both Evan Swan and Jay Garrick.
King thinks for two seconds.
King :
Prove me that he can handle such a mission and return without losing any of his body parts or damaged psyche.
Then we'll talk.
Phoenix :
Understood sir.
The call ended.
A d all they have to do is to do something about Evan Swan.