Evan Swan after the incident where his city he was supposed to protect was destroyed by the Crystal Scourge.
He protected the city from the Myriad Mask who made the crustal scourge rampage throughout the city.
After the King had restored order in the city. Reconstruction once again started in the city. But things would randomly disappear. It was not as if the crime rate was high.
But things would randomly disappear or in their place entirely new things would appear.
Even Zin Evan's own home this was the case. A flower pot that had been in their house for 6 months suddenly in the blink of an eye turned into snakes.
They were killed becaude Evan was there but if he wasn't something might have gone wrong. At first it was just objects. Then animals started phasing in and out of existance. Dogs would be replaced with dragons.
Which then would he handled by Evan. And finally a time came when humans themselves would be teleported.
Many missing reports started to appear. Of people either getting replaced by people of the same era or different era.
And it was just a matter of time before the family would find themselves tele ported across time. To the Thesaurus mansion.
And the rest is history. As we have noticed. Evan disappeared his wife died. Grace had to run away.
But Evan had left to investigate the city. He scoured the desert and dig many holes where the city first existed to find a trace. And after lots and lots of digging he was able to find a trace of a ruined city. Underneath tons of buried sand.
But it was nothing substantial. For that he had to join the desert bandits. And dominate the desert and in turn got cursed by the shaman. To wander through the desert bearing the hitless blade in his hand and watching himself as he cuts himself every time and the blood from his cut fingers flow and like a leaking tap it flows down from his hand.
And touched the ground.
But then his curse was lifted by Jay. As he watched a recreation of his life and the things he had to do to find out his scattered past. And freed him from the grasp of the shaman.
But he was still now free. For he was not a ghost but like a ghost he was trapped in another temporal plane due to unknown reasons. Dead but alive. The only things that could interact with the world were the soles of his feet and the skin on which he sat as well parts of his back.
But he couldn't figure them out.
For one would never think about it to begin with most of the time.
After the call
Phoenix fell into a deep thought. For he had to prove Jay had what it takes to come out alive in the end.
His track record does show fighting an ice dragon.
But nothing about a defeating a regional God.
And then about stealth. Jay uses fire magic which drives attention towards the person. And metal magic a good pick for stealth. Has no experience of prior training.
And for training to begin itself it roughly takes many years to make a good spy. But for Jay to be trained someone who attracts unwanted attention. It would be difficult to do it in such a short time span.
The King had hit every point correctly.
The only thing that differentiated a regular person and an immortal is technological advancement and advanced thinking.
So if one dress like normal they could pass as normal can't they. And the answer is yes. So why won't they.
The relations are already superficial so why won't just plant spies within the island and slowly and methodically take over.
And then by sending one of the disciples they could take over. Just for this purpose a mana bond was form.
Which clearly states as long as they cannot step inside unless voided.
Thus there could be godly involvement because it only forbids the lower gods from entering the area.
Phoenix dialed another call to the King.
King :
I thought we were done talking.
Phoenix :
What about Evan Swan.
King :
Just because they are not with us. Doesn't mean you can drag anyone into our war.
Phoenix :
I can say the same to you. You've already dragged the two into yours.
King :
My instructions were very clear. Prove me that they can do it. Without getting caught, losing any limbs or their life.
Can't do it can you.
Phoenix was silent but the rage was slowly building up.
King :
As a final piece of advice. I can empathize with you but I cannot give you my sympathy.
Call has ended.
Phoenix was unhappy with his decision. For someone who was dear to him was trapped on the island but he couldn't do anything.
Meanwhile Jay tried to talk to Evan. But Evan was questioning him so much abiut everything his family, friends, the Duke, Grace that it was very hard just to get one word in.
And even Grey.
And Jay answered them one hy one but the speed of Evan's questions couldn't be kept up with.
And finally when Evan was done with his line of questioning.
That his wife deceased and Grace was in the capital.
Evan started to doubt.
Evan :
After all these years why couldn't you just leave our family alone. Going so far as to drag us across time.
I need to see Grace right now. She is in so called the hq right.
I am leaving.
Phoenix stepped in to diffuse the situation.
Phoenix :
Sir Evan. We do not have anything to do with your family. It must be the doing of your nemesis Myriad Mask.
Evan :
Because of that phantom thief he stole everything away from me.
Phoenix :
It's very late now. We should head back.
Sir Evan we would be honored If you would come with us as an esteemed guest.
Evan :
I'll be going where my daughter is.
Even after he was freed instead of feeling good and maybe celebrating he was more worried about his own daughter.
Than his own life.
And all of them seated in the vehicle. But due to more people it was a bit cramped than before. But it was manageable.
Rena :
So you're Evan Swan. My father used to tell stories about you. How you helped the heads fight the Gods.
Evan :
Is that so.
Rena :
He used to tell me how your efforts lead into winning the war. And how you left the alliance to finally settle down.
Jay :
Do you still remember me?
Evan :
How could I. The day you arrived is the day I started losing everything. Even myself one time.
You wanted to steal the light which illuminated and Keot us away from the darkness. And you were friends with my daughter as well so how could I forget.
But I am thankful for releasing me from the curse.
Ray :
Hey old man, what did you do in the war for this girl to fawn over you?
Evan :
I came from a swordsmanship family. My family was noble and been working alongside the immortals and the Lower Gods.
I was incharge of basically training the soldiers who fought with us and always keeping the morale of the army at its peak.
I would also devise strategies for the Immortals since at that time they didn't have such skills yet. They were just kids in my eyes.
One an inventor , another an aspiring knight, and a girl with immense talent in magic. But even one of them couldn't draw a straight line on a paper with a scale
That boy would come up with such intricate contraptions that it would leave us stunned. But if you handled them without delicacy they would just break.
Ikaros was just a hard headed knight. Blindly charging and swinging his sword. It was hard to belive that he was living with Renis. Protector of the City of Beast.
And Maria that girl she was just impossible to talk through.
If it isn't magic she couldn't even hold a conversation for 2 minute straight.
As for me I want to hear what you know I'll add on from there.
Rena :
I heard a story from my father. That when the immortals were in peril you swooped in and saved them. When the angels attacked them while their guards were down.
Evan :
It would be one of their misadventures. They had made another contraption with magic this time around. And wanted to test it.
So they commited some minor sins for the angels to sense them and come down.
And when they tried to set it off. The contraception broke. And I had to drag them out of there.
A. I :
There is a horde of low level abyss creatures ahead please deal with them immediately.
The Vehicle stopped except Ms Thesaurus everyone got off
Phoenix :
Sir Evan please take some rest well deal with this.
Evan :
Well my bones have been aching. Guess I am out of shape.
Let me do some lifting for now.
Evan by himself headed out in the field. And briefly looked behind.
Evan :
You have a sword that's not hitless.
Jay tossed him a makeshift sword. As a temporary measure.
Evan :
This makeshift sword has a really polished finish. Might as well use it for myself.
Evan jumped and with a single jump he landed in between the abyssal creatures.
Evan :
Spawns of the mask you can return to him.
High density, extended mana blade.
From the hilt of the sword to its tip. The swords length had been superficially adjusted by mana. The real length is still the same. An arm length adjusted according to Evan's hand.
The superficial mana blade was just like a lightsabers. Except made with mana and more stable and not hot than the lightsabers. And light as well.
Thus the entire fields of low level abyssal creatures were felled in one swoop.
Evan :
I feel great now.
A. I :
Threat not eliminated yet. Please excercise caution.
1 medium level abyssal beast detected in the north.
Jay :
Medium level what weakness does it have.
Phoenix :
After many low level beast combine they manage to form one stable body. Thus a medium level beast is born.
It doesn't have any resembling shape to anything.
But it finally confirms a solid body.
Evan :
I'll take care of it too.
The beast had assumed the form of a chimera. My imitating different animals it saw. But it became an incomplete desolate amalgamation. Of animals even unable to move except eat the ground below. And return it to the abyss.
Evan was disappointed as the medium beast couldn't even put up a fight. And just dies easily.
Evan :
His contraptions put up more fight than this thing.
And thus every enemy was neutralized and the group moved onwards to the capital.
With their new found potential allies.