Subjugation of the Monster of the Wind.

Phoenix has taken up the subjugation of the Monster of the Wind. The monster wants to hatch but Jay's bind it to the tree. Tightly. Once the monsters fully comes out of its shell. The whole team can be wiped out.

The monsters is known to blow away villages with just its one flap of wings. And it's strength is nothing to scoff at.

Even though Jay had wound it. It slowly shatters it's chains

Team status :

Jay : Dizzy

Rena : Expended 20% of mana

Phoenix : Expended 30% of mana

Evan : Expending mana at a slow rate.

Ms Thesaurus : peak condition.

Ray : Allocated 50% mana to one attack.

Rena ram towards Jay who was barely standing in the field of burnt silk and grass. Tightly holding the breaking chains and mending them. Jay wanted to add more chains. But the chains started going off course. Thus he mended the chains which did bind the butterfly.

Making them sturdier heavier than before. Jay closed his eyes but alleviate himself from the spinning universe. But when he closed his eyes. He could still feel his head spinning in random directions even though it wasn't.

Rena caught up to Jay

Rena :

We need to regroup now. I'll help you.

Jay :

I don't think I'll be able to walk with this.

My head is spinning very badly.

Rena then picked Jay up like a fireman and took him back to Phoenix where he was laying down.

Phoenix :

No matter what happens don't let the chains break.

Jay : muffled voice


Rena :

Here take this pill. It'll help.

Jay took the anti emetic pill. And sat with his back supported bu the tilted vehicle. He controlled mana the chains swayed left and right as the monsters tried it's best to free itself.

The chains had become very heavy. Each link had approx 500-1000 grams of weight.

Phoenix :

It has compound eyes we need to approach slowly to avoid the compound eyes detection.

Sir Evan and I and Rena will approach and take out it's eyes.

Aunt please keep an eye in his condition.

And Ray remain on standby. Keep charging until I order you.

Instead of rushing Evan Phoenix and Rena slowly and calmyl approached the butterfly. So close in fact that they were standing just besides the cocoon.

Seing the prismatic wings of the butterfly were beautiful when seen up close. So much that it gives the feeling to touch the wings.

Rena saw the links which were tightly bound to the butterfly. Making it's compound eyes see nothing but darkness.

While it's wings would try to flap just once. Moving was difficult for both of its wings.

Phoenix :

We'll be disabling it's compound eyes to ensure it does not see us. It will definitely go berserk when it's eyes are destroyed.

We need both of its eyes destroyed in one go.

Sir Evan and Rena you're up. Do not use fire magic it's chrysalis is highly flammable.

Do not make sudden movements it's catch onto that. Move very slowly.


Evan :

Mana slash : Smallest incision.

Rena :

Mana slash : Vertical dissection.

The butterfly with is compound eyes saw the mana slashes that were heading its way due to the sudden movement made by the swordsmans.

And twitched it wings. By twitching it was able to generate enough force for the chains Jay made to break.

But it was too late it's compound eyes were cut down by the subsequent mana slash.

With its wings finally free it took flight.

It was Crack of the dawn and the light reflected on the prismatic wings glowed brightly.

See if it was blinded. It could sense it's surrounding with its antenna. And saw the three. It flapped its wings once and all of them were blown by the wind. It generated.

It could stay in the air by making minute vibrations which gives it enough flight to soar that high.

And on the vehicle it sprayed it's powders. Jay burned the powders in quick succession. To avoid being inflicted with more status conditions.

Phoenix :

Now zap it.

Ray :

Thought you'd never ask.

Ray who had been building up his lightning attack since before finally felt relieved as he unleashed the power of lightning all into the butterfly. And the butterfly was shocked and it's wings burnt but still pretty. It fell down after its wings could no longer hold itself up.

And the butterfly fell to the ground burnt to a crisp. It's eyes slashed it's head overloaded with lightning.

When lightning hit it had nowhere to go because it wasn't grounded. Thus it became rampant in its system. And finally the Monster of the Chrysalis met its end.

Under the leadership of Phoenix Cleft the monster was disposed off before it could do any damage. The only damage was Jay. Who couldn't even stand due to the diizyness. It took a full day's rest along with seeing the helplessness of Jay trying to even get the things right.

He was given strong anti emetics. Thus it helped to lessen the dizziness until finally the effect was over.

The Vehicle was fine after a quick round of fixes and some electrical stimulation by Ray the vehicle and metallic parts made by Jay including makeshift wires, makeshift rims the vehicle was once again ready to go.

And they once again left for the capital.

Jay :

They weren't immortals from the start. So how did they become immortal.

Evan :

As I said during the divine era. The battle spanned across decades. And our workforce was growing older and older.

With each passing day and so were the brats. And me too.

We began gambling with the dark arts. Magic that goes towards the immorality. Voiding the sanctity and divinity of one's body.

The birth of the immortals is the same as the birth of the

Strongest ally. McElroy.

Phoenix :

This wasn't anywhere in the books or data banks.

Evan :

The birth of the immortals was what also lead to the birth of Asura's . They were born as a result of humanity's obsession with immortality. Asura was the result of many vile and hideous experiments done in order to build an immortal army. Which could easily overpower others by sheer brute force.

And picking up from their experiments it is what lead to the birth of immortals.

Ray :

How is an old man like you here.

Evan :

That's what I want to know. I shouldn't be here. I should be with my family.

Phoenix :

I think we have bombarded with too many questions.

And the rest of the journey went smoothly and they arrived at the borders of the capital. The passage through the Fog was dangerous for it was being controlled by a regional God allied with the capital. But they were safely able to pass through the fog.

And as they did Jay took a deep breath of relief.

And the capital was in full view. The high walls the pillar mounted guns which can shoot over 50 km. The invisible barrier which disallows entry of projectiles. The guards on the check posts and their military grade weapons and armor.

A average militant carries various gear. Both anti personnel and anti mob. From non lethal stun guns and chilli sprays

To lethal weapons guns, electrical batons, to rpg.

Jay :

Phoenix, if the normal guards are carrying weapons like rpg.

Doesn't it mean there's a chance someone can use it on an individual and threaten them.

Or use them to organize a coup.

Phoenix :

Yes they can. They definitely should be able to. Unless they want their heads on their body. You have met most of them. But we have some really scary people around here.

Who wouldn't think twice before ripping your head if they found out that you're even somewhat connected to a coup.

Jay :

Have there been coup in the past.

Phoenix :

I'll let A. I answer that.

Ai :

Yes, Mr Jay Garrick there have been multiple coup in the duration of 400 years. The longest coup held against the heads was about 12 hours. And the shortest one being

2 minutes.

These coups were a result of those who were hungry for power. And wanted to bring down the heads.

Jay :

How did the coup end in 2 minutes.

Ai :

Back when I was in my phase 0.1799. One accessed my database on how to stage a coup. And various strategies one can use to stage a coup.

He was killed when he tried to start a civil unrest.

I hope this information was helpful to you Mr Jay.

Phoenix :

Now you understand it is no use trying to start a coup.

As long as I and Roy are here. No evil is safe from our hands.

Jay :

Can you call it one more time.

Phoenix :

The vehicle is also ai equipped you can talk with it.

It's already listening.

Jay :

Hey ai are there any secret societies in here.

Ai :

There are many conspiracies of secret societies or organization that control the capital and the outside world with it.

And yes there have been many secret societies which have been eradicated from the face of the lands.

Who tried coup tactics and destroy the culture of the lands.

Some famous examples include :

The Revolution of the Blood, New World Order,

Lord of the Night, Big brother. Illuminati

These secret order were eliminated within hours of their operation.

Jay :

Isn't this secret information.

Phoenix :

This is common knowledge. For both our enemies and our allies. That their actions will have consequences.

Phoenix :

The secret knowledge is this that we know about these cults when they form. Still we let them operate.

Jay :

If you know someone is bad why not root them out in the first place.

Phoenix :

If that's the case I'd start with you.

Phoenix :

People should believe in what they truly believe in. They can do whatever they want as long as they don't drag others with them. It is a bright place which encourage growth, allow one to reach their true potential.

Live a life without having to worry about starving.

A place with much more freedom than others.

And no tyrants.

Jay :

OK patriot OK. I got it.

Finally Jay entered the capital and saw the beautiful view of all the things the capital had to offer. Clean air, fresh water, beautiful lights and good food. Beautiful architecture with technology deeply integrated into it.

Evan :

What sorcery is this. Is this the brat's machinations.

Phoenix :

This is a result of a millenia of hardwork and dedication.

Evan : shocked

Oh my God.

The Vehicle first headed towards the immortal office where the Third Head had summoned them. While Ray and Rena were thrilled with the idea of meeting the most revered person in the capital for once

But they both were benched along with Ms Thesaurus.

Once again they walked through the vast and spacious halls of the headquarters.

They took the elevator to the top floor where the final boss is. One of the elevators which was out of commission for many days had been fixed along with a few upgrades.

Which allows for the inhabitant to be more safe if the elevator crashed once again.

And swiftly the elevator reached the top. The elevator door opened. While Jay was on lookout for Roy Williams. But he had gone with McElroy and according to Phoenix,McElroy would be arriving late on the scene.

Phoenix gently knocked on the door. And entered inside the office alone.

After that he asked the other to enter inside. And when they did he pushed a button which made the entire room soundproof.

King :

You look very identical to the friend I once had. Who are you.

Evan :

You brat how dare you forget the one who taught you everything. Did you finally do insane with the machinations in yout hear.

The King was taken aback by Evan's words he was shocked to see him alive.

King :shocked

How is it possible you're alive. I thought you perished after going awol.

Evan :

I heard the little ones need some help. So I'm here. Where are the other two hiding.

Jay :

Well how should I say this. They're missing.

Evan was still calm.

Evan :

Oh they're missing so they'll be back soon enough.

Well you've become an old man. I want to see Maria's face when I call her an old grandma. She would be furious.

Like before.

King :

Before we talk, I've something to show you.

King : on the intercom

Bring her in.

The door swung open with the King's secretary bringing Evan's long lost daughter Grace with her. Grace who was dorned with the title of apprentice. Shattered many expectations and went beyond what she originally thought.

The successor to the Witch of Extinction is not just a title but also a burden to bear. To become on par or greater than someone who has broken the limits of magic time and time again.

She now works at the pure magic sector where just like her to be master she has taken over her position and is working day and night supervised by AI. And managing the sector she has been alloted one of the spaces where her to be mentor lived.

She had only heard about her because when she was captured after the disappearance and was bought to the capital. Terry Hawks was settling alongside her. But since the capital doesn't not allows idle thus he had to search for work.

Before her disappearance she recorded some videos for her to be successor as emergency case. There are hundreds of them each over 3 hours long. They were stored over a local drive where the ai can't access them.

In any of these videos there isn't a single line where she confesses or gives any reason for the succession.

Even though Grace was with Terry she felt very sorrowful as well as filled with anger regarding Mr. Thesaurus.

When she herself witnessed what Mr Thesaurus had done for her. And why he did what he did. She regretted killing him.

But she also asked the question to nobody

" Why did you want to do something as sacrifice me.

Is this what you meant by sacrifice.

Just because you're a secret agent you had to make it as if I had died. Then why choose to create such misunderstanding"

The door swung open as Grace was escorted by the secretary and when Grave saw her father she was shocked.

Grace : Shocked

Father is that you.

Evan :

Grace finally I can see you.

It was a hearty reunion between Father and Daughter. Who hadn't seen each other for years.

Evan : teary eyed

Im sorry Grave I will never leave you alone again.

Whatever stand in your way I will cut it down.

Grace : crying loudly.

You're finally back I'm so happy right now

They were having their haply reunion ending. But for the King he had not reached it yet.

King :

So shall we talk business.

Jay gulped as he saw the seriousness on the King's face.