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The Armory

After the reunion, King got serious as his aura was just enough to alert anyone.

King :

I'm sure we have many thing to discuss now. Isn't that right


King :

Firstly, Jay Garrick I commend you for bringing back such a beloved person to us long lost in time.

I'm sure Mr Swan will become a great asset to our plan.

The King looks over the room for another person. But he wasn't here

King :

Where is McElroy? He isn't here with you.

Phoenix :

They have both set in a different path. But don't worry Senior Roy is accompany McElroy.

King :

Phoenix has put forward an interesting proposal . About the slave island.

You and McElroy are the only one who are eligible for the mission.

Jay :

I'm aware but I have declined on accepting the mission.

King :

There are thousands of slaves that are waiting for a saviour. A ray of hope in their dark lives. Despite knowing this you still don't have any sympathy for them.

Jay :

I do feel sympathy for them. But my fate doesn't feel it for me. I have been made aware my Sir Phoenix of the potential risks that may come.

And that's why I am not wishing to risk my life in the mission.

I'm not a Hero. Neither I want to become one.

King :

I see. Then after all this time finally you've become scared for your life. This must be the first time that you have been given an option. And like flowing water you took the easier one.

King :

'Pick your own battles'. You are indeed correct not everyone is as undying as I am. I'm relived to see you're not just an order following machine.

I respect your decision, but now you have no choice but to participate.

King :

After a few days of surveillance. We have determined that there is something suspicious on the island.

So unfortunately Phoenix's Intel was indeed the truth.

Incentives will be provided as per your contribution.

Jay : determined

So what do I have to do.

King :

You're role is very simple and swift.

You infiltrate the island and bring back evidence of God's.

No matter how minor. And it should be intact.

Once you do. Out troops will storm the island. And carry out the rescue mission.

Jay :

I don't have any experience in stealth and the plans I make tend to fail on their own.

King :

Well handle it. From planning and execution.

The king snapped his fingers and a hologram machine popped up from the ceiling and shot out a ray of light and the entire map of the slave island.

With the oceans surrounding it. It was an 2x 2 km island. It has a beach and access to water but only limited to 109 meters. And the barrier extends to seabed.

Rest of the island is filled with vertical cliifs that are brutal to climb. The area of wave current around the island is mostly turbulent.

Beneath the several high cliffs which serve as a wall. There is a cave through which ships travel through and inside the cave there is a poet where ships dock. That is the only legible entrance inside the island. Where the dock is heavily fortified and armed with men. To prevent the slaves from escaping and liberators from storming the island.

The cave runs runs 50 meters deep then there is an opening where the world opens up once again. As they are greeted with the world of the slave island.

A place where slaves are sometimes sold for chum cash.

There are many markets where every seller proudly display their merchandise. From slaves built for work to slaves,

To slaves just for display and slaves built to serve.

If you picked a stone and threw it in a random direction it would most probably hit a slave.

That is how dense the slave population is. New slaves are bought and sold day in and day out. It is a market anyone can enter from children to senior citizens. A place open to all. But conquered by none.

King :

The island is protected by Two Seprent Class dragons.

Named : Roaring and Tearing Moon.

They're dragons of the Chinese and Japanese origin respectively. Both having the capacity to level entire island. Not much is known about these dragons last they were seen was 200 years ago. During a liberation which failed.

King :

That is not all. The soldiers there are equipped with modern weapons. They are behind our weapons by atleast 450 years.

They use guns mainly Klashnikov and Mp5 and M429.

And have tactical gear for a siege. Every single person is equipped with flash grenades and frag grenades.

Jay :

Now I feel jealous I have even more outdated equipment.

King : scanning his equipment.

I'd say your equipment is simple and to the point

Fire proof clothes, Magic resistance equipment,

Shoes from Raizon, High quality weapons like your spear.

King :

The more stronger a man the less equipment he has.

Aside from clothes.

You'll do just fine.

King :

Phoenix get him equipped to out equipment and ship him off. From there I'll make the plans.

Except Evan rest are dismissed.

Phoenix dragged off Jay and took him to the armory which was in the section which Ikaros used to handle.

The three heads had their own ways of working.

Maria von Lopez would use magic to work through multiple tasks at once.

The Moonlight Thunder King would use lightning magic and artificial intelligence to increase his speed and complete his work in record time.

But Ikaros had no magic nor the talent of the heads.

So he would equally source and distribute his work and those working under him would be glad to help him out

His hierarchial structure was so effective that even after his disappearance. The capital has not ceased to function.

Even so more than everything it is thriving. Because everyone felt more compelled to be more responsible for their and Ikaros's actions. Which lead to more productivity leading to more incentives bring handed out leading to increase in motivation and happiness of the public.

Leading to a more stability in the hierarchy.

Phoenix drove to the armory with a smile on his face.

At top speed at the routes that allowed the speed.

At the armory it was a futuristic armory where looked like a normal armory but with different structural changes. And artificial intelligence assistance.

Phoenix :

I need the man equipped with our latest equipment.

The soldier understood and asked both of them to follow him. And they arrived at a massive room which was lined with rows of giant mechs. The mechs were both in humanoid and no humanoid forms. Ready to deploy for battle.

Soldier :

These are the latest mechs we have improved and built upon. It is equipped with 3 high Mass nuclear missles

Armed with an ICF-50 plasma cannon and a regular machine hin. It's thrusters can keep it in the air for half an hour before needing to land.

It's speed had been greatly improved with Raizon collaborators. And has advanced calculations systems 50x faster than the previous model.

Jay :

You have mech that's so cool. Do I get to operate one.

Phoenix :

These instruments of war are only for normal soldiers.

Without mana.

Jay : internal thought

Right, the standard for weapons is warped here. After all just a normal gate guard keeps an rpg at hand.

Soldier :

Next here is the power armor. We have increased its previous durability by adding new components and advanced Bio-Cybernetics systems.

It can lift a weight upto 500 kg and throw it a long distance away.

Jay :

So I get to use the power armor.

Phoenix :

This is for the foot soldiers only for those who have some mana handling capacity. In numerical terms between

0-100 mana.

They once again move ahead.

Soldier :

This is a newly made accelerated projectile launcher (APL)

Capable of tearing through lines of enemy soldiers with ease.

Jay :

This one then...

Phoenix :

No. It's an extension for the power armor for those with mana between (100-300)

Soldier :

Moving ahead, these are the latest version of the levitation boots which work on the same principle as the vehicles.

Now they work for an extended half an hour on top of the previous 4 hours.

Jay points his finger at the boots.

Phoenix :

This is for those who don't any aerial mobility. You can already fly.

As Jay walked through the latest inventions in the armory.

Phoenix for some or the other reason refused to give them to Jay.

Because most of these were focuses on soldiers with less mana or no mana capacity at all. Thus giving them an equal footing to mana users.

And Jay just overpowers everything. Even the mechs.

(please refers the chapters during the Tower).

After all that they were finally to the latest advancement.

Soldier :

This here is the vibrato blade. It can cut through any metal with ease. It vibrates very rapidly that one can't even differentiate between it turned off and turned on.

It has a battery life of 20 hours as of now. And it has been equipped with additional safety features such as a plasma shield that activates in case of emergency or incoming lethal attack.

Then by registering with the blade the blade can sense when it when a soldier is touching and an enemy and turns itself on and off automatically. Saving more energy.

Jay :

That is just the Murasama from Calamity and Revengence.

So can I take this one atleast.

Now don't just say this is built for foot soldiers or guards.

It's clearly a state of the art weapon.

Soldier :

It's just a prototype awaiting further testing.

Jay :

Then I'll test the prototype.

Phoenix :

This is a weapon which creates a lot of noise not good for a stealth mission.

Jay :

Can't I use it for something else.

Phoenix :

Like what chopping vegetables.

Phoenix :

We don't have all day come on move along.

And finally the came across another section solely dedicated for Infiltration, assassination and gathering information.

Soldier :

There's one more consignment we received from the mage department.

This is a machine which checks mana capacity.

Please put your hand on the scanner.

Jay out his hand on the scanner. And the machine gave an output.

Mana cap : SS+ rank

Potential elements : Fire

Mana circuits : SS+ rank.

Growth potential : SSS+ rank.

Phoenix :

I see... Your growth potential just goes this much.

With one hand Phoenix broke the machine.

Phoenix :

This machine is not yet perfect. We need only perfection.

I cannot accept this imperfection. Take it away at once.

Soldier :

Sir it was calibrated just now.

Phoenix :

Jay how is your growth potential just this much. You're going against the Lord of the Abyss with just this much.

Jay :

So compared to the Capital what would be my rank.

Phoenix :

Excluding the heads. My senior is the second most strongest. Then I'm in third place. Then McElroy Then the head of Redcliffe family. Then the Sword Saint, finally you.

If this cart is correct.

Phoenix :

6th place and if I include the head then you're the ninth strongest person around here. And you killed a Regional God with that.

Jay :

According to that machine then I can't use metal and light. But I use both of these magic.

Phoenix :

We know even that Affinity was given to you by the God's.

Don't bring that up in the argument.

Phoenix :

Taking your affinities into account doesn't help your position much. You're still weaker than the sword saint

Jay ;

So Red family head must also be using the Codex if I'm not wrong.

Phoenix :

That codex is the culmination of a millenia of swordsmanship knowledge. Billions of battle simulations, situations and their solutions are stored in the Codex.

Jay :

So why are you stronger than him.

Phoenix :

Simple, I simply overpower him. I overpower him in both s wits and strength. Because the Codex has one large glaring weakness. That not many can exploit.

Sorry for getting side tracked.

Phoenix :

Take this.

Phoenix handed over a glass and Jay wore them.

Phoenix :

This is ai glass. It works offline even the harshest of environments. It is loaded with 100 billion parameters.

It can record videos in 360° and even send them or stream them. It can work as both normal glasses and sun glasses.

There's also a zoom feature which can zoom ahead in kilometers. More than what you'll need.

Much better than the previous ai lenses. Which some had difficulty in wearing.

Jay received Ai glasses

Phoenix :

Since you'll have a chance of facing a regional God. Here are some mana bombs. It'll consume entire mana in a 1 meter radius even inside of person's body.

Jay received 3 mana bombs.

Phoenix :

Since you're going to be attending with the high class.

This three lieve suit should be enough.

It's knife and projectile resistance, fire proof and you can thermally control its temperature.

Jay received Three piece suit.

Phoenix :

This watch will have paralytic, sleeping and poisons at your disposal. It can contain upto 10 ml of all three. Use them sparingly. It has 20 needles and a launcher for your disposal.

Use them well.

Jay received assassin's watch.

Phoenix :

Take these pair of boots with you. These are just normal boots.

Jay received a normal pair of boots.

Phoenix :

This should be enough for your trip.

Jay :

What about the Murasama.

Phoenix :

After the mission.

Jay :

Good enough.

Phoenix :

We leave for the island tomorrow at 8:30 am. Do whatever you want till then.

And thus this little trio to the armory came to an end as Jay once again returned back to the Wilcoxin dormitory.Where Jay spent his rest of the afternoon gathering notes from others and slept after long travel.

And the day was over.