Pitch-blackness of dusk the unknown realm of anguish

In the unending void, a grey specter hovered on the surface. At the end of his life, Nicolaus just saw nothingness. Since he had no eyes left, he was unable to see anything. Despite this, he could still feel the chill of the pit of sorrow pressing against his spirit, like though it went on indefinitely before him.

He had no clue how he'd ended himself here, much alone what he should make of it. Nicolaus thought that the moment a person died, there would be an irreversible blackout, with death being the only choice left to those who died.

After death, he believes that the body simply shuts down for good and that there is no other place for the soul to go. There is no such thing as a place called heaven or a place called hell. The mind would just vanish into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

That those omnipotent gods, with their capacity to walk on water and bring creation to the cosmos, are real is a sobering thought to have. The whole thing seems a bit too implausible, especially for someone like Nicolaus, who wasn't really a believer in religion or god, to begin with.

Yet, there he was, a tormented soul, and it was only now that he understood he'd made a mistake all along. Ultimately, the soul that was an essential component of the human body had been shown to be true!

Soon after, Nicolaus got a distinct impression that he wasn't alone out here. He had the sneaking suspicion that there were others lurking in the shadows. Because of his incorporeal body, he was able to perceive what was going on all around him. In spite of this, Nicolaus was aware these things aren't alive.

Things like these are just inconceivable to the human mind. It is not intended for them to exist in the realm of the living, Because there is no way that something so horrible could ever be living.

It was merely the thought of these entities becoming more prevalent in the world of the living that will cause a shiver to any human.

Nicolaus, on the other hand, has an impassive look on his face, as if he is already a ruined man, and what does it matter if a few damned souls are prowling nearby? His whole life had been a waste. He knows he had nothing to lose, therefore he kept his face unmoving during the whole phase.

The noise of nonstop chattering could be heard next to his ears as if these entities were grinding their teeth in anguish. Claws tore at him, but there was no sound coming from his lips, as he maintained his sullen expression and he also didn't have a mouth with which to do so.

Eyes stared at him with greed, contempt, sadness, agony, suffering... However, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to look back.

His eternity was to be spent in the vast emptiness, the pitch-blackness of dusk, the abyss of grief, in the unknown realm of anguish.

Most individuals would be absolutely out of their wits at the thought of even spending a few minutes in this wretched place, much alone many hours.

Regardless of how brave or strong you are when you are alive, every mortal man will suffer as long as he is thrown into this never-ending pit of misery; there is no one who is exempt from this fate.

However, presuming that those who have lived a life of torment will find that this life is similar to their previous life, making them a difficult nut to crack. Only time will tell whether they will be confined here for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even a million years, where they will live in solitude and perpetual torment. Will their previous facade will crumble. Or not.

Such a wastrel like me deserves to be in a place like this. Pure and painful solitude. I'd want to spend my eternity here. Not alone is my vengeance thwarted by death. But it was being stymied by my own timidity before it all went downhill. If there ever be the next life. No more would I be a pushover. I will strive to win! I don't care what I sacrifice. I care nothing! As long as in the end, I will win!

A grey specter floated for hours, days, months, even years. Inexplicable time passed. Nicolaus is now completely numb, completely emotionless.

There, amid the depths of darkness. A pair of eyes emerged, burning in malice so immense that it had the force of a thousand suns, penetrating through the darkness.

Driven by such unholy presence, it twisted the unknown world of anguish into smithereens, laying waste to the innumerable souls who were caught in its path of destruction.

All forms of existence were annihilated to oblivion in a split second. As a massive amount of greenish energy burst from the abyss, a fissure appeared in the darkness before it split.

The being's body slowly emerged from the obscurity, blazing with an unholy radiance that was so intense that it was unfathomable.

As soon as Nicolaus laid eyes on that demonic being, No emotion was seen. He gave up. He just gave up.

Both are vastly different from one another, much as an ant is from a person. Simply stated, Nicolaus isn't even deserving of the title of ant; a tiny microbe would be a more accurate description of him.

Despite the fact that his eyes were now empty, he could still see the demonic horned creature as clearly as if it were daytime.

Its eyes were as big as stars, while its body was as massive as planets, and he was surrounded by an infinite number of chains that wrapped around him.

Whenever it opened its mouth, a greenish flame erupted from its lips. It's eyes were imprisoned as just a ball of green fire whirled around within them, encircling them. It is armed with a pair of horns that give the appearance of being able to penetrate through a planet, much as a real fiend would be equipped with.

Giant beings came up above the darkness in opposition to the demon driven by hatred, and they engaged him in combat.

Nicolaus gazed into the abyss, which appeared to go on for endless of kilometers in every direction. The gigantic beings were unfazed by the dismal void since their forms radiated vividly in the darkness.

The unprecedented and limitless strength that exists inside their physical bodies left Nicolaus with the feeling that they were God's, as had been mentioned in numerous stories.

The demonic horned being shook as he cloaked himself in unholy might, unleashing a boundless fury of pure devastation on his enemy.

The size of a planet, he brought down his crushing sword, as incomprehensible markings blazed brightly in his blade; not even the light could deter it as he sliced through it with unparalleled might.

Countless souls screamed out in pain as the gigantic beings crashed in a fraction of a second, and in that fraction of a second, the darkness was extinguished completely.

Boom! Despite the fact that no sounds were heard, the wave of their power destroyed the entities that were in close proximity to where they were situated.

Despite being surrounded by the other enormous beings, the demonic being unleashed a frenzied scream as his enormous sword sundered everything in its path, closely following after it to leave a feeling of unholy power in its path.

With the power of numbers, In response, the other beings cried out as they repelled the blow. They grimaced when they realized the force of unfathomable strength had spread throughout their bodies.

The fact that Nicolas and the other three souls who had been disintegrated by god's power were millions or billions of kilometers distant from the fight, they were not spared by it.

However, a burst of power radiated as abruptly as one of them had the accursed mark, with the others also had a mark burned into their necks.

As soon as the accursed mark touched down, the agony Nicolaus felt was inexplicable, as if his soul had been consumed by the everlasting pit of Tartarus, a never-ending inferno of unimaginable suffering. However, the pain he suffered was negligible by his numbness.

In the process of nullifying the blast, the force of their markings created a shield of their own power, which they used to protect themselves.

Their incorporeal bodies were not spared the consequences of the event, as they have grown much weaker than they were before.

When the mark came into contact with their bodies, Nicolaus was able to get a glimpse of one specific soul as it shone brightly in the darkness.

Nicolaus' impassive face was instantly transformed into one of astonishment and then hatred, and alongside him, a demonic being with horns as big as planets had materialized in front of him as if he had transported from somewhere else in the world.

Under the weight of the power, an unimaginable number of ghosts, demons, and cursed creatures, all of which were still alive despite the impossibly vast distance between them, fled for their lives in fear.

Snarl aimed towards the other gigantic beings on the battlefield. By using an ungodly force of unholy might, the demonic horned being encircled the figure of Nicolaus and shrouded him in a bubble of greenish brilliance.

A greenish-black portal opened underneath Nicolaus, giving him little opportunity to fight back.

On top of that, the other's arrival was just one fraction of a second later, enveloping the three incorporeal specters who had arrived from the planet earth with their own force.

Other gigantic beings erected their own portals, each of which flashed with a different hue as those three apparitions were pulled within in the blink of an eye.

The four of them disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving no trace behind.

When the mindless and accursed creatures saw the changes, they were immediately driven into a frenzy, especially when they noticed the quartet's departure in the distance.