Spreading your wings and being free in the world

A man was transmigrating to another world and it was at that moment in time that an unending contemplation about the doctrines of philosophies in life took place. In the meantime, the soul of Nicolaus Asenon meandered through the portal and eventually took up residence on a planet after finding an appropriate vessel on his soul.

His newfound goal renewed him as the numbness in his soul faded away. The realization of his success in transmigrating through another world returned promptly after recovering the feeling in his limbs. Then it is safe to say that he had executed his first hurdle.

Suddenly Nicolaus sensed that something wasn't quite right and that he was being buried and compressed by a massive amount of soil, the sensation of being constricted came over him very quickly.

In spite of being startled by this, he did not get apprehensive, since he was a guy who had surmounted numerous roadblocks in his life and believed that a minor issue such as this would not be a barrier to his progress.

Maintaining his mental fortitude throughout his endeavor to scratch his way out of the soiled confinement and into freedom. Nicolaus made his moves with caution, as to not get buried even further down the soil.

Despite the fact that the soil is moving away from him inch by inch as he exerts every ounce of strength he possesses, his body is traveling at a snail's pace even after all of his efforts.

With the thought of impending death slowly making its way over to him, Nicolaus soon realized that the reason he was moving at a snail's pace in the soil was that. he wasn't utilizing his lower body as efficiently as he might have.

With a slight tweak in his movements. Nicolaus methodically squirmed his way out of the soil, much like an earthworm, and now he can see that it's effective since his pace has grown exponentially since the initial stage.

The fact that the oxygen supply was running short meant that he couldn't afford to stay any longer.

"Death? Hahaha… I've already suffered a good deal, and the prospect of dying yet again was never something I had in mind."

After using his fists numerous times, it is conceivable to see a small fist-size crater in the ground as the soil succumbs, leaving his one eye gazing up into the sky.

As if it had the potential to transcend the heavens themselves, the eye that looked up at the sky had a surprising degree of acuity.

Understanding that he was just a single step away from achieving his prime goal of freedom, gave Nicolaus a sense of pride. Most of these hard blows happened beneath the soil as he felt a rush of strength run through his body when he struck the ground.

One strike, two strikes, three strikes, four strikes, five strikes... Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Following one after another of the heavy blows, the soil started to loosen until eventually a hole big enough for his body to pass through was formed. And at long last, Nicolaus was able to get out.

Nicolaus gulped for air, his face flushed with sweat as if he were predestined to suffer if he didn't manage to free himself from the dirt.

The discomfort of the superficial wounds on his hands didn't disturb him at all, and he had an emotionless expression slathered all over his face in no time.

In fact, he was already a ruined man for a long time before this event occurred, thus the mortal wound of the mortal flesh could not possibly destroy his will.

As his father used to tell him, as long as your wound is far from your liver you are good to go.

Nevertheless, he couldn't hide the excitement that was beaming in his eyes as Nicolaus firmly clutched his knuckles in the midst of a major mix of emotions that swept over him.

"Freedom! Yes! At long last, freedom! Hahahaha…."

"Fuck Jobs! Fuck you all! I've done it!"

With such a renewed sense of triumph, each cell in his system is humming with contentment.

He didn't stay that way for long, and he now has the chance to examine his newly found vessel.

"What?! A child? A fucking child? Seriously… One after another, this world never ceases to disappoint me."

From the looks of his emaciated hands and weakened physique, it seemed that he had been famished for days at the time of the incident.

Nicolaus was now overwhelmed with a sense of disappointment, as he had now realized why it had been so difficult for him to get out of the dirt in the first place.

When he turned around, he noticed a mottled piece of wood that was slightly deteriorating, as well as a sequence of words etched into the wood.

'Here Lies the Grave of Nicolaus'

"Well, that's a pity... This child, whose name was the same as mine, died as well... Given the fact that you departed away just a few hours ago, your remains have not had time to decompose... So, I must thank you that you died in that timeframe, if not, I don't know if I ever got a chance on getting a suitable vessel for my soul to reside in."

Nicolaus's actions comprised stooping down towards the grave and carefully repositioning it in its point of origin, then picking up some wildflowers from a nearby tree and heading back to the same location.

"From now on, it will be my responsibility to make use of your body... Nevertheless, don't be concerned; when I elevate you to the status of a legendary person, your body and name will be known across the world."

Nicolaus couldn't help but laugh slightly at the back of his thoughts, as becoming a famous figure after having fantasized big was ridiculous.

Yet, if a person wants to dream boldly. Let them! Only a life's ambition, accompanied by interminable impediments, can only serve to temper them, and only then can they be attained.

To compare, consider the case of a piece of metal that has been hammered and refined by a blacksmith many times until it becomes durable and unbreakable, and then forged into a weapon capable of killing. After then, it is deemed complete.

In the end, Nicolaus returned to the heap of dirt and dug a tiny hole in it, into which he gently put the flowers into the grave after finishing his thoughts. He rose to his feet, he cast a long, stern glance over the horizon to the faraway lands, and with that, his transmigration to another world commences.