Behold the land of good fortune dryvale

On the outskirts of the lands there dwells a small tribe.

In addition to the fractured soil formed by the dryness, the Land of Dryvale has rocky terrains, high cliffs, and a hostile climate, all of which add to the land's deep red coloration.

Numerous perilous species may be spotted in its crags and canyons, and there are myriad criminals taking advantage of the circumstances and hiding in areas where it is not only difficult but also dangerous for pursuers to travel.

The Land of Dryvale is a dangerous place to be. The vegetation is scarce in this desolate and hot climate, making it more difficult to grow crops in such a harsh setting. Given the fact that it is their home, humans, on the other hand, see the land as having a stark beauty.

If there is a will, there is always a way.

Because of the severe weather conditions, these humans are compelled to live in such a tough environment. As they must adapt, they have evolved their bodies that are more suitable to it.

Furthermore, the land of Dryvale is also referred to as "the Land of Good Fortune," It is the home of a cornucopia of minerals that can be mined, regardless of whether they are valued or not, making it a highly lucrative place to live. As a result, the advantages outweigh the downsides of the current situation.

A fair distance away from the Sanguine River, which divides the lands of Dryvale and Olkshire.

It surely is night and day. The two lands, which were divided by a huge body of water, are vastly different from one another in many ways.

It's a parched and scorching terrain on the other side, yet on the opposite side of the land, there are numerous grasslands extending as far as the eye can see.

The land of Olkshire is a vast savanna, with a few oases in the north-central area around the Crossroads. It is, however, the home of a variety of monsters that are much more fearsome than those found in Dryvale, owing to the abundance of sunshine and lush flora.

Not only that, but there are currently a variety of competing species vying for dominance over the land, and none of them is much weaker than humans in terms of actual power.

Whereas the landscape and inhabitants may be uninviting, there are bandits, raiders, and criminals in large numbers despite the harsh circumstances they find themselves in.

The land of Olkshire receives a good deal of interest from all the races that reside beside that land. The landscape is crisscrossed with many trade routes that connect it to and from more inviting regions. Making it the most advantageous land for selling, buying, and exchanging products from all across the continent.

Because The land of "Olkshire" is the geographic center of all areas, it was given the moniker by the races.

The Goldmine.


5 years ago, a member of some tribe, who was dressed in a rough animal fur cloak while carrying a hunting bow on his back, saw smoke in the distance with his hawk-like eyes.

He was able to bring his mount to a full draw as soon as he saw it, as the crimson-talon raptor's hind legs, which had talons capable of disemboweling a man and tearing the head off an average human, came to a screeching halt after feeling a small pull from its rider.

"Hunting Chief..."

"Speak." After executing one swift motion, the hunting chieftain, who was bearing his exposed chest, which seemed to be closely knit with muscles and boasting great strength, motioned for his members to halt and pull his raptor, which promptly came to a complete stop.

Once the report reached, the hunting leader awaited it with bated breath, hoping it would confirm his suspicions.

"Unidentified smoke can be seen rising from the eastern horizon... That small tribe has to have been the source of that smoke if it arrived from that direction." This was expressed gravely by the tribal warrior with hawk-eyed vision. His eyes were filled with aggression despite the fact that the command had not yet been given to him. His right arm went automatically to his waist, causing him to grab for the hilt of his knife with prudence.

"How have the Non-Humans advanced so much, and in such a short period of time?" After hearing that report, the hunting chief muttered under his breath while his mount, likewise a crimson-talon raptor, growled.

A tree was found and the hunting chief tied his reins to it, his heart beating slightly as he recalled how the non-humans had previously tried to encroach on their territory in the previous year or so.

When the tribe's hunting chieftain tied his mounts to nearby trees, the rest of the members of the tribe followed his example.

Considering their raptors' plight, the other members of the tribe took it extremely seriously and provided them with some pig jerky in order to keep them tame for the time being.

"Men, since our hunting route originates in the northeast, it would be difficult to go hunting in that direction in the foreseeable future. What I'm trying to convey is clear to you, do you understand?" The hunting chieftain spoke in vague terms, his eyes focused on the warriors of his tribe.

"Yes, Hunting Chief." After then, the other tribal warriors spoke, and it was obvious that they were agreeable with the situation as it was.

"What are your views on the matter, Hawkeye? Is it possible to see the Non-Humans through the veil of smoke?" The hunting chieftain was serious when he made his remarks.

"Since they have just been gone for half a day, it is possible to approach them, but I would not recommend approaching at this time. Suppose the Non-Humans are still hanging about, waiting for some humans to come along and save them from themselves. Let's wait till the larger tribes come before dealing with the situation."

"We may wait, but the truth is that it is now quite close to the location of our tribe's encampment. Given the fact that we can't afford to be reckless, Hawkeye and Boarfang, therefore rally the other two groups to our aide. Let's have a look inside." The Hunting Chieftain gave the command.

"We are more than willing to cooperate with you, Hunting Chief!"

Just as he was about to oppose the Hunting Chieftain's command, Hawkeye was suddenly stunned when he realized that the hunting chieftain had already passed over into another realm, and his hesitation vanished in a single second as the hunting chief's power engulfed him.

As a result of the hunting chieftain's newly discovered strength, it is difficult for certain humans, and even some non-human species, to compete with him at this point in time.

Upon hearing the hunting chief's order, a massive man with a hairy physique and a boar fang necklace around his trunk-like neck bent his head in respect as both of them took massive strides and soon disappeared into the distance.