where is Ryan

Finally I make my mind that I am going to live with him. I am going back with him to his world and after

three months I am going to marry him. I will tell him this in the morning. He must be sleeping because

it's too late now and must be tired. Then I feel in sleep.

I wake up at 8 a.m. then I fresh up and going to Ryan's room. First I knock and ask Ryan are you still

sleeping? I'm coming in. I need to tell you something. Then I open the door, he is not in the room. Ryan

where are you? Are you in the washroom? I knock the washroom door but there is no answer. Then I

open the washroom door, Ryan are you in there? Ryan? But he is not the washroom. Then I start

searching for him. But he is not in the house. Did he go outside? And I don't have time. My exam will

start at 10. I have to leave now. I think I should leave a note for him that I'm at my school.

Now I'm at my school, Lavender and Andy ask me is everything ok with you? Why are you so tensed? Is

something bothering you? You can tell us. We are your family right. Then I tell them everything that

happened with me. First they don't believe me but I tell them it's really happen with me. Please trust

me. I don't know where Ryan is right now? Is he fine? Now I'm scared. Can I be with him? First time in

my life someone understand my feelings and I feel for someone. Lavender and Andy hug me and say you

guys are made for each other that's why you both meet each other. you will find him. Don't worry. We

will help you. Don't forgot us when you go to another world. How can I forgot you guys. You are my

family. I love you guys.

Then the exam starts. I can't focus on my exam. Where are you Ryan? I miss you. Please come back.

Then the exam end and I rush back to home. Ryan are you home. Ryan, Ryan, Ryan where are you? Did

he go back to his world. Without telling me he go back to his world. Is something happen with Nicole or

aunty Silvia. Are they fine? I will mad at any time. I don't know what to do. God please help me. I want

Ryan. Then dad call me Nabi how are you dear? I am fine dad. Then dad tell me this Friday is Sia's

birthday so I am going to surprise her and you are going to join me. You know how much Sia loves you?

Sorry dad I can't join you. My exams are going on and I have an exam at Friday. So sorry. Please

understand me. And if you tell Sia that it's my exam then she will not be sad. She know how much exam

are important for me. Dad ask me why you never want to join my or Sia's birthday or our anniversary.

And you don't want to celebrate your birthday with us. Dad I don't want to talk to you right now bye.

I want to go where Ryan is. What happen at night?