Hello there.

I suddenly wake up, the first thing I see, is a roof of leaves.

I sit up, realizing that my height is not the same as it was.

I was a good 6'2 in my previous life.

now it looks like half that, I guesstimate 3'1, well, I'm short, I wanted to be short because now I get to be the one who asks taller people for the high up stuff.

I see a pond to my right.

I go and see my reflection.

my eyes are a blood crimson, my hair a strange combination of black and dark red like its intertwined, I look like a little kid.

I see that I am not wearing any cloths, must change that now.

I try to use shapeshifting.

it partially works, I was trying to make myself look older and raise my height to at least 4'6, that did not work, stuck a smol then.

I do however now have an awesome trench coat that is black but with coloring making it look like my sleeves and the lower half of the trench coats skirt-cape are coated in blood underneath I have a t-shirt that is normal red, and I'm wearing dark denim pants, on my head is a kickass dark leather cowboy hat that is full crimson with a band around the base that's black.

I wonder why- oh there's a note on that tree.

"I bet your wondering a lot of things, I the magnificent marvelous mad madam mim shall answer a few that you are no doubt are asking, the first one being your size, you shall be unable to change to an older shape so you shall forever be a shota, the world you are in is the world of remnant, your welcome for that, however you will be unable to access your data base till after the fall of beacon, or whatever time period is after the vale vital festival(*wink*), no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you want, you will be unable to travel the multiverse, no ifs ands or buts on that one, don't worry, I've decided to throw a few extra's where your going, nothing too big, while your on remnant. -mim" it read.

that answers some things I was wondering about, other than where I am on remnant.

a growl to my left draws my attention.

I morph my arms into claws.

an ursa major comes out of the trees.

I grab it and throw it high into the sky directly upwards.

as it falls I morph one of my claws into the whip fist, and get ready to shoot forwards to the ursa.

I shoot through the air, somehow, and hit right onto the ursa and look around, I see beacon.

well, that answers where, now when?

I am looking around, and see some petals flying into the air from that cliff and see the body of a nevermore disintegrating below it.

that's the when.

time to make waves, metaphorical and literal.

the ursa and I crash into the ground with the force of a small meteor impact.

I dash in the direction of the cliff, making sure on my way to cut down a lot of trees.

on my tail is: two packs of beowolves (about ten of them), four boarbatusks, three ursa that clearly did not see what I did to the major, and the most intriguing thing was another deathstalker but it was smaller than the one JNPR fought.

as I make it to the clearing before the ruins, I see the two teams staring with shock and horror before they try making a run for the cliff, hoping that the headmaster or some teachers would slay this stampede.

but they don't need to worry, I'm just playing with my food.

I slide to a stop and I could sense the teams also stop to look at me.

"come! I've been waiting for a good fight!" I shout to the grim.

"what are you doing run!" shouts Jaune trying to help.

the first boarbatusk reaches me, and I grab it with my bare hands, and lift it up and chuck it at one of the ursas, also tagging a beowolf.

all three die from the amount of force I threw the boarbatusk.

"strike." I quip.

five of the beowolfs think they are hot sh*t, so they are gonna get hit.

I morph hammer hands, and cave the first ones head in, the second one gets its head stomped in, the third and fourth leap at me from my back, I make tendrils on my back and stab their heads.

the fifth backs away slowly, not happening, I make a whip fist again and shoot it at the chest of the beowolf, one of the boarbatusks try and ram into me as it thinks I'm distracted.

I retract the whip fist but don't reel it in, I morph a blade on it, and sweep the other four beowolfs and the charging boarbatusk.

the five remaining grim all collectively take a step back.

the death stalker screeches at the other four and all five charge me.

I morph one of my arms into a whip fist and stab it into the ground then I leap into the air.

I went like double the cliffs height into the air, good.

I retract my whip fist while keeping it lodged into the ground, and morph my other arm into a hammer hand.

I swear I saw Ozpin's mug hit the ground when he saw what I was doing.

Glynda was gripping that riding crop and screen a little too tightly.

the grin on my face gets wider when I also see the faces of the two teams.

Nora has stars in her eyes and a jaw practically on the ground.

Ren is staring in dazed shock, or is that because he was knocked unconscious for a bit.

Jaune looks like he is seeing the impossible, which is surprising because of what he has seen in the initiation.

Pyrrha looks gobsmacked, whatever that means.

Yang, if she had glasses she would be pulling them down to see if what she was seeing was real.

Blake actually showed some emotion, terror, because of all my awesomeness no doubt.

Weiss looked like she just saw someone was given a few million dollars(lien here sorry) and won the lottery that same day.

Ruby, well this one was a shocker, she looked mad, probably because I have no weapons because I am the weapons, well wait till third year rubes, you will see some awesmazing weapons.

I shot forwards to the ground making an impact near equal to a battleship strike.

the dust(dirt not magic) shot into the air about a mile.

the teams tense when they hear something come from the cloud.

I step out of the crater and dust cloud and flutter my trench coat.

"booyah, I'm awesome." I say.

...To be continued.

(a/n pssssshhh, author is no longer here, too tired, such writing, augh.)