I came closer to the two teams by the cliff, my skirt-cape fluttering with the wind.
"sup." I say when I get within earshot.
then the two teams explode with noise(mostly Nora and Weiss, Ruby would but is still up there on the cliff)
I put my hand to my mouth, and do one of the loudest whistles I think they have ever heard.
they all hold their ears, it was very loud.
Blake has a look of extreme pain for a second but settles on a subtle glare at me.
"I would answer all your questions, but I could not make them out when you all were talking at the same time, besides you eight still have something to do." I say, and point out they still haven't finished the initiation.
"oh shoot your right!" Jaune says.
they then scramble to the cliff, and up it. (there are some stairs built into the cliff over there, huh neat)
I jump up the cliff in a single bound.
I land right in front of Ozpin and Glynda.
"say, do you mind if I was able to go to school here?" I ask.
Glynda was about to go on some tirade as her face looked rather red, thankfully Ozpin was faster.
"of course not, you only need to show that you are huntsman material, which you have shown in spades, and to have the drive to be one." Ozpin says.
"cool." I say.
Ozpin looks like he was going to try and take a drink from whatever was in his mug, but then remembers that he had dropped it so it was empty.
"its this way right?" I say walking towards beacon.
"yes, it is." Ozpin says absentmindedly, lamenting the drink that was spilt.
(jump cut/time skip/scene transition)
"all of you have shown the quality's of Huntresses and Huntsmen, it brings me great pride to say, welcome to beacon." Ozpin says, to all the people that had gotten the 'relics'.
aside from the standard RWBY and JNPR there was some interesting people, this must be what mim meant.
I saw a person, can't say if they were a boy or a girl from just looking at them, they had I think its turquoise hair and eyes, its some kind of light blue, they had a dark blue fur coat that reached to behind their knees, and they were wearing just some regular cloths underneath.
next to them was an odd one to say the least, he had red hair, and seemed to have this demeaner of looking down on everyone slightly, with his head tilted back, he wore this semi suit style outfit.
then there was this guy, he had blue hair, light blue eyes, almost looked like the first guy but I saw he was wearing at least male identifying cloths seemed kind of shy, a bit of an oddity about him is the blue fox ears on top of his head, its almost like they weren't suppose to be there.
and finally there was this absolute unit of a guy, he was 6'4 and looked like he could take on whole armies, he had on a jacket that fit him quite well, he had brown hair and blue eyes, and had the demeaner of a soldier.
"Billy James Blazkowicz, Nagisa Shiota, Karma Akabane, Rimuru Tempest, you four had gathered the black bishop pieces, together you will be called team SKRB(Scarab), lead by Nagisa Shiota." Ozpin says.
the crowd applauded, so did I and the other two, as of yet not named teams RWBY and JNPR.
(skipping the two teams intro, because hey if you've seen RWBY you know how that goes, I'm just going to skip to just after the teams got off the stage.)
"and now for the last thing today." Ozpin says.
"all of you might remember this scene." Ozpin says, while playing a recording of my awesome slaughter.
"the person who did this wishes to join beacon, I saw no reason why not, however due to not having gotten any relics, nor getting a teammate, his entry will be different." Ozpin says.
"I have decided to implement a new system, if there is an extrodinary person who wants to become a huntress or huntsman, then they shall, but, they need to do twice as much work, and instead of being on a team of four, will be an addon to another team, making it a team of five." Ozpin says.
"I'm alright with that." I say after coming on stage.
"very well then." Ozpin says.
he then real quick asks me for my name in a hushed whisper as he leaned away from the mic.
"my name, is Sanguineous, I have no last name." I whisper back, a few people heard me. (mostly Faunus)
"Sanguineous, will join team RWBY, changing it to team RWBYS." Ozpin says.
I walk off stage and head on back to meet the team.
the first one to see me is Ruby.
"YOU!" she says.
"WHY IS IT YOU DON'T HAVE A WEAPON! THEY ARE THE ULTIMATE EXPRESSION OF OURSELVES! SO WHY IS IT YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!" practically screaming into my ear with how loud she is being.
"because, I am a weapon." I say, while morphing my right arm into the blade arm.
Ruby makes a small leap back seeing my morphing up close.
"woah there blood, calm down." Yang says placatingly, thinking that since I morphed a weapon I was close to slashing at them, which is wrong.
"blood?" I ask morphing my arm back.
"yeah, I nickname people after memorable moments, like vomit boy over there." Yang says, while pointing back at Jaune.
"I said I was sorry." Jaune mutters.
"kay." I say.
"what are you doing back here by the way?" Weiss ask the question that I'm sure was on a few peoples minds.
before I could answer Ozpin comes backstage and explains everything.
I lean back on the wall behind me crossing my arms.
"-and so Sanguineous here will be joining team RWBY changing it to RWBYS." Ozpin said, then pointed at me with his mug.
"WHAT?!?!" three out of four of the girls shouted, two of them were angery.
"hope we can get along, you gems." I say with a smirk on my face.
Yang gets a good chuckle at that, the other teammates have a small smile on their faces, my joke was not too much pun for them.
my first day on remnant, went quite well, all things considered.
...To be continued.
(a/n hail be to imagination, the greatest guiding force ever.)