Alright, onto Jaunedi- wait, where's Cardin?

after having cheered up ruby, we make our way back to the dorm, ruby instantly grabbed her books and homework, and went and changed into her pajamas, then got onto her bed to start working.

meanwhile I was leaning in the same spot next to the door.

I was contemplating what I could make with my nanobots.

turns out, I could recreate anything from my memories, as long as its not bigger than a car.

according to this letter that just floated down from in front of me.

thank you madam mim.

anyways, I went on thinking how far I could take it, and thought about recreating something, like movies from my past life.

I decided to start with star wars, because star wars is an icon that needs to be shared.

I now have three cases in my hand each with the box art of the original trilogy.

yang walks into the room, probably was looking around beacon for locations.

"yo, sang what's with the movie cases?" yang asks.

"well, you know how I had said in my explanation that I was also made of machines." I say.

"yeah?" yang says.

"well, I decided to make use of them a bit, and recreated some movies I loved watching." I said.

"ooh, well what's say we put them on, it would be quite the yang." yang punned. (I had to have one moment of yang punning, if there are any other puns later they will either be unintentional, or have an after bit like this, to indicate that it was forced, thank you for reading this small info bit, now back to our regular acts of chaos.)

"one, that was awful, two, that's what I was planning." I said.

"aw come on, you know you wanna sang around with me." yang punned again. (once more, is forced.)

"I do not like puns, at least not your grade of them, they make me nauseas and I don't even know how that is possible." I say.

"alright, alright, I'll tone it down, but only because I'm interested in those movies." yang said.

"alright, just give me a moment to fabricate the apparatus to project these disks of information and allow enjoyment." I say.

the rest of team RWBYS look at me with question marks above their heads.

"let me make the tv and movie player so we can watch the movies." I say in a deadpan.

"ohh" the rest of the team (even weiss!) went.

ruby and weiss already had their cute little moment with the coffee.

I decided to make a holo-tv they definitely have the scroll ability to project a holo-screen, but this is a dedicated holo-tv.

I put in a new hope and we began the movie marathon of the original trilogy.

[time skip, morning, the next day.]

"it was soo cool! the lightsaber was like wvsssssh wvsh-" yeah, instead of some story by nora, we are instead being regaled by ruby rose, about star wars.

the ones sitting at the table is team RWBYS, and JNPR.

"that was only the original trilogy, there is still the prequel trilogy." I interject.

that has the rest of the table to freeze and look at me.

"you mean there's more of that awesome series!?" ruby says, not but ten inches away from my feet.

"yes, however I was reluctant to share more, because I was not the one to make them, and the rest of the series is, well, not as good as the original trilogy." I said.

"psh, how bad could it be sang?" yang asked.

"there is a comic relief character who has the most annoying voice, and is awful, however he is integral to the overarching plot of the prequels." I say.

"aw it cant be that awful." yang said.

I decide to change my voice to jar jar binks for this next line of dialogue.

"*clears throat* hallo, messa is jar jar binks, I'm very grateful to you, and now owe you a life debt-" I am cut off by blake putting her hand over my mouth.

I can see everyone was thanking blake for stopping that.

I change my voice back and take blakes hand off my mouth.

"see what I mean." I say.

everyone just nods their heads.

"but, I did however replicate a few other shows I've watched." I said.

I then showed off the cover of nausicaa of the valley of the wind.

"this one, is my favorite childhood movie, I first watched when I was little more than seven years old." I said.

"ooh, what's it about." ruby asks.

"the story is about nausicaa, the princess of the valley of the wind, and the toxic jungle that is slowly growing." I say.

weiss's attention is fully on the movie case, despite being heiress not princess.

I leave the movie on the table, and finish up my food.

I wave back to everyone with my back to them and go for a stroll.

I found the roof that jaune was going to spill the beans to Pyrrha about the fake transcripts.

I look down the side of the building, and see the room that was meant to have cardin and team CRDL, but it was empty.

well then, that will be quite the deviation.

actually, I think back as I am going through the halls, was cardin actually here at beacon at all.

I go through my memories, and can't even find a single bit, of cardin being here in this timeline.

a note flutters down in front of me again.

the note explains that mim also hated cardin, and so he and his whole team was removed from this version of beacon.

huh, neat.

anyways, I am going through the halls of beacon, when I happen to arrive at the shooting range.

I have another idea.

I am not currently paying attention to my surroundings, otherwise I would have noticed ruby also there looking at me curiously.

I remember the video games, and movies of transformers, how most of the time their weapons are transformed from their arms.

I look at my arms, and think, I can do that too.

I head to a shooting booth, and put the target to two hundred meters.

I then bring up my arm, and think about one of the weapons from transformers.

the one that came to mind, was one of the most iconic guns.

Megatrons cannon.

as my arm shifts and transforms, I was unable to hear ruby gasp in the background.

I lined up the target, and fired.

the sound it made was similar to the ubercannon on a commander. (or vanguard t2 vehicle)

as the blast impacted the target I transform my arm into the shredder cannon from fall of cybertron the video game.

the twin chain gun barreled weapon of awesomeness was now on my arm.

I then spun it up and aimed at the new target that had replaced the desolated one I used the mega cannon(calling it that) on.

I fired and it sounded like a volume reduced twin a-10 worthogs firing, brrt brrt.

after shredding the target I revert my arms into normal arms, and turn around.

ruby is right in front of me.

"hey ruby, how long have you been standing there?" I ask.

"from the beginning." she replies.

"oh." I say.

"yes, oh." ruby says.

then the next moment was a blur for me, I had offhandedly mentioned when we were marathoning star wars, that I could reduce my weight.

ruby apparently assumed that I would when she picked me up and zoomed back to our dorm with me, which I did.

I was suddenly on ruby's bed, and I just had to put this out there, with my size, and with the position we are currently in.

"what are we going to do on the bed ruby?" I say.

ruby then notices what she had done, and apparently had seen that scene before.

ruby's face goes redder than her cape, she hides her face in my shoulder.

"i-its not like that." she mutters.

"but, what if I want it like that?" I ask.

ruby then looks me in my eyes.

"do you?" ruby asks, with hope in her eyes.

"yes." I almost wisper.

we lean in close.

ruby's face is almost in kissing range.

"hey guys I was asking around where you two went and thought you would be- oh." yang says stepping into the room, and behind her is blake and weiss.

that gets ruby off of me, and I roll of the bed onto the floor, with a face plant.

"you alright there sang?" blake asks, not really perturbed by our apparently almost romance. (but don't think I did not see your nose bleed that you had!)

"yeah." I say after rolling over a bit.

"good, cause Imma make you not alright!" yang says, with her semblance in full swing, her hair looks like its on fire, and her eyes are red.

"yang no, it was me that started it, I was the one who brought him to my bed, and I was the one who, who was going in for a k-kiss." ruby says, and at the end pulls her hood over her eyes.

that calms yang down, I say calm, but really its her being too shocked to be angry.

weiss on the other hand.

"h-how indecent" she says while looking in the opposite direction, with a blush that almost rivaled ruby's.

huh, neat.

"ok, can we all just calm down, and let ruby explain." blake says, trying to fish for your smut eyy?

"w-well, I was down at the shooting range, making sure crescent rose was in tip top shape, when sang walked in, at first I was wondering why he was here since the furthest range thing I saw him do is that whip thing, and then he put a target to two hundred meters and brought his arm up, I thought he was going to do the whip thing, but then his arm changed into a cannon, I was so shocked, I was thinking about a thousand things per minute I almost missed when he fired the cannon at the target, the shot was more powerful than any dust I've ever seen, then he transformed the cannon into that twin chain gun thing, and at that point my body felt strange, I heard the sound it made, and I felt something in my lower half, and then he changed back, and my body acted on its own, and we were her in the room on my bed, he then said something I remember reading before, and I noticed what position we were in, I felt something urging me on to k-kiss him, and then you all walked in." ruby exposited her side of the story.

yang was still stunned, weiss who was blushing a little less nodded, and blake, was writing something down in a note pad.

I decided to derail this whole bit.

"so-" I start, getting everyone's attention.

"-who wants to play some video games!" I say, as I hold up a couple of video games I just replicated.

ruby and yang were snapped out of whatever was going through their head when I said video games, weiss looked intrigued and blake, reluctantly put her note pad away, and nodded.

"alright! lets play some star wars battlefront!" I say putting it on, yes the holo-tv works with video games, and since it has five players there are now five screens.

I decided to make xbox one controllers, because why not.

we played some video games, and then went to bed, I was going to head to my spot next to the door, when ruby had grabbed me and dragged me to her bed.

we cuddled and I actually went to sleep that night, even though I thought I was unable to because it was unneeded.

...To be continued.