Forever fall, kinda on the nose don't you think.

I wake up, from sleeping when I thought I would not be able to because thanks to the blacklight virus and nanobots neither of them require sleep.

I suddenly have a disturbing thought, was it magic?

a note fluttering into my open hand has the answers I seek.

it's from madam mim, it says that ozpin wanted to look into my mind when I was asleep, but me not doing so on the first day put a small kink in that plan, he was only able to read the surface thoughts last night because he had to forcibly disperse his build up of magic to look into my memories when we were going to bed that first night in the dorms, if he had kept said build up, then it would alert mommy salami, so he had to make due with only reading surface thoughts, thankfully my mind at the time was not focused on anything particular other than ruby's feelings.

so, for now, in the clear.

ozpin apparently is trying to regain magic power by building it up and dispersing it on some way, it drained him more than most would think when he made the maidens, he had to practically start from scratch again.

mim has also added a few strands of DNA for me to absorb to block out any future attempts, its only human DNA that has mental resistance well, beggars can't be choosers.

I then absorb the note (yes that's what I've been doing with the notes from mim) and turn my attention back on the still sleeping form of ruby rose that I am currently the little spoon of her big spoon.

she seems to be having a nice dream.

I then tune back into the rest of reality, and see its almost dawn, and I am currently the only one awake.

if I remember its the trip to forever fall today, and without Cardin a lot of things are different.

ruby never told jaune the nope speech, jaune is not being bullied, and if I think a little further, I don't think jaune will either have nor need the confidance boost from getting that ursa major with pyrrah's help.

putting the events of the past and future aside I decide to experiment a bit with my powers this early.

I make a copy of myself and leave it in my place.

so, I'm still seing through my main body, I'm also seeing through my copy.

its like the connected network thing that the commander's and sub-commanders had, ish.

cause I don't have an additional voice in my head neither does my clone have a personality.

I'm just, in two places at the same time.

its very trippy, but thanks to the blacklight virus I'm adapting quite fast to it.

I then leave a copy by the door, in the spot I would have gone back to had ruby not dragged me into bed.

then I try to make things interesting, I make a copy, but its about twice the size of my thumb and I have it in my hand.

now that's jarring, four perspectives, and one that is very different from the other three.

I then make two more in the palm of my hand and have all three mini-me's salute me.

I then spend the next hour having fun with copies.

once more blake is first up.

and the sight that greets her is a bit odd to say the least.

I'm currently sitting in a copies lap as it takes a female form, and I have a small(double entendre) army before me with raised arms like the pose that the German scientist did in JoJo.

"I can explain." I say to blake.

"WHAT THE FU-" blake screams.

(we bring you this minor timeskip to after explaining to the entire team after blake screamed.)]

"so, let me get this straight." weiss starts.

weiss then points to me.

"you wanted to experiment with your powers because you felt like it, and since it was so early you did not want to wake us up with your tests, so you tried something quiet and that was to... what, make clones of yourself? and what is with that one!" weiss says, then points to the female me.

I then decided to be a bit creepy.

"well you see-" original me starts.

"I am capable of altering my own DNA-" female me says.

"""so, I thought of how I could implement that-""" the first three copies I made say.


everyone shuddered for a second because of that, ah, nice.

I grin.

"so-" I start but was interrupted.

"no!" shouted all four of my teammates.

female me pouts.

"aw, I just wanted to have some fun." female me says.

"just, don't do that again." said yang.

"ALRIGHT!" said the army of me, also saluting, because they can.

I then reabsorb every copy.

it shocks the girls but eh.

"well, lets go, don't we have prof. peaches trip to forever fall." I say, walking to the door.

the girls then scramble, they then made a mad dash to the bathroom.

I then went to the cafeteria, because I was not going to be getting in that brawls way.

I arrive and get some food and go sit down.

when I sat down, I saw team SKRB walk my way.

"hey Sanguineous." greeted Nagisa.

"please, call me Sang, I know my name is a mouthful." I say.

"so Sang, how has beacon been treating you?" Blazko asks.

"so far, pretty good, but I think its a bit too early to really tell if this place is all that." I say.

"I agree, they could be doing heinous behind the scene things to us, every academy has something that is known to be a downside, aside from beacon, I mean, look at atlas, they are making emotionless killing machines, and also a robot army, vacuo is full of crooks and crime, and mistral has huntsman and huntresses just go missing, vale has to have something wrong with it." karma preaches.

"come on, you don't really believe those rumors do you?" rimuru asks karma.

"what rumors?" I ask.

the three other teammates of SKRB(not karma obviously) cringe a bit.

"rumor has it there is a being stalking around mistral, no one has encountered it and lived." karma starts.

"aw come on, not this again." Blazko complains.

"shh, just let him get it out of his system." nagisa negotiates.

"some say its a grim, but it hasn't been seen anywhere near other grim, it is fast, almost as fast as someone with a speed semblance going as fast as they can." karma starts getting real into it.

"it is covered in a pitch black carapace, it has a hissing noise that leaves dread in peoples hearts, it can see you with no eyes, and people are calling it the Xeno." karma says.

by this point the rest of team RWBYS walks into the cafeteria.

"and no one has managed to kill it." karma finishes.

"kill what?" yang asks.

team S_RB piles onto karma and holds his mouth closed.

"nothing!" they say.

well, looks like I'm going to be doing this a blunt way.

"yes, nothing, except the rumored monster the Xeno in mistral, who is possibly the reason behind the disappearances of the huntsmen and huntresses." I say.

"oh." yang says.

"well, I'll go meet you by the bullhead hanger for the field trip." I say.

team S_RB look at me like I just threw them into a wildebeest stampeede.

well, all I have to say to that is long live the king.

I make it to the hanger and I'm first here, not even miss goodwitch is here yet.

well, time for some more fun.

(timeskip to when goodwitch arrives, also, several students including RWBYS{minus me duh} and JNPR)

"Sang, what is this!" weiss screeches once more, with good reason.

I am sitting on a copy in front of an army of me's that are full size, I also have four giant me's that are like 14ft tall each one having a different video game reference on them, one looks like he is Raiden (metal gear rising revengance), another one looks like he is from starcraft (the marine armor), the third one looks like he is a spartan (halo not 300), and the last one looks like prophet (from Crysis).

"me having fun that is not slaying grim." I say, while folding my arms.

"w-well just find something else to have fun with!" weiss says, stuttering at the first word because of how absurd the idea seems to her.

"why, you offering snow angel?" I tease.

weiss's face went redder than ruby's cape.

I felt my ear being tugged by TK.

"that is quite enough mr. Sanguineous." goodwitch says.

"alright alright." I say, then start absorbing back the copies.

it leaves the rest of the students a bit stunned, but with a stern word goodwitch gets everyone to the bullhead.

we all sit down grouped by team.

ruby than lay's her head on my lap.

I don't complain, but what others don't think I see, I do see.

like how ruby looked at weiss(who was sitting to my right with ruby on my left) and stuck her tongue out at her like she won a prize that weiss wanted.

weiss's eyebrow twitched a bit, then she laid her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes when I looked(like I moved my bodies head, I could see in a full 360 degrees at all times thanks to progenitor bs) and when I looked away she opened her eyes and stuck her tongue out at ruby.

from seeing both at the same time, I could say that if this was an anime, oh wait, then yeah, sparks are flying from that glare war.

yang and blake, who were sitting right next to ruby and weiss, were loving this little banter, but I think I could make out some minor amounts of longing from blake in that gaze.

we landed in forever fall.

you know goodwitches speech, blah blah blah, you all have to collect a jar of sap, blah blah blah, return here when you are done, and have 'fun'.

I grab a jar and leap into the forest, intent on slaying quite a few grim.

I make a copy and have it collect the sap while my main body starts going to town.

I then dash forwards and spot an ursa pack, the alpha looks like the one jaune was meant to take down standing up for himself.

I ran at it, at full speed, it turned into a black mist instantly.

the manic grin I had and the killing intent I was exuding had all the other ursa's take a step back.

I decided to test out some guns on the grim themselves.

my left arm turned into the pathblaster that optimus uses in fall of cybertron.

my right arm did not change, instead I morphed a full on weapon, I went for a gold oldie, the giant cross gun that Nicolas D. Wolfwood used in trigun.

"its at points like these you gotta ask yourself 'do I feel lucky' well, do ya, punks." I say.

then from the trees from behind the ursa's out came a goliath, huh, did not know that came here, and also like five whole packs of beowolves(25 beowolves, twenty five).

"I know I do." I say, and make fourteen clones but they are all armed with the assault gun that is used in the battle and fall of cybertron games, and the second weapon is an underheld chaingun, from EDF 4.1 shadow of new despair.

the battle lasted for a good, fifteen minutes, and at the five minute mark, the rest of my team had arrived to 'support' me, they just watched in shocked awe at what I was doing, good, wanted all the fun to myself.

after the battle I absorbed my copies, and walked over to my team.

"so, what did you think of my first real battle with copies and guns?" I ask.

ruby's face looks orgasmic, and from the way she is barely standing up on wobbly legs, probably feels that way too.

weiss is having to look away with that atomic blush she has going on.

blake's eyes turn slitted like a cat for a moment they turn back and she just stares, intensely.

and yang is biting her lower lip.

"so, pretty good yeah?" I ask when I don't get a verbal response.

they just nod.

"well then, back to the bullhead!" I say, and start walking to where the bullhead is.

the rest of the team compose themselves a bit before following me.

...To be Continued.

(a/n woo! over two thousand words! achievement get!)