The stray that is Black and white

after getting back to beacon my team had cooled off and went on to do their things.

I knew what was going to be next, Blake was going to shout at Weiss and run away, well, not on my watch.

she was currently in the library, I went and sat right next to her and generated a book for myself(using a story from earth, cause they are way better) and read it.

Blake glanced over and noticed the book I was reading was something she had never seen before.

"are you perhaps interested in what I am reading?" I ask her.

she nods her head.

"alright then, I have the other six to reread, and the movies to watch, so I guess I could let you read this one." I say, and hand her Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone.

she is intensely engrossed in the story, she does not even notice I sat closer to her, I then slowly brought her head down to my lap and started petting it.

she sometimes let out a purr or two but didn't even notice, she was too invested in Harry's story.

Yang found us like this with me giving a lap pillow and head patting Blake, and Blake just reading a book while purring like a cat.

"so, are you trying to steal my partner?" Yang asks.

"nope, I was just lending her a book from a series that has a lot of books and movies, and decided to make her more comfortable." I said.

"yes that makes purrfect sense." Yang punned (yes planned pun, was very much planned.)

Blake then managed to pick that moment to realize what has been going on around her.

she blushed redder than ruby's cape(that's a trend now is it?) and then hid her face in the book.

then she felt my hand going through her hair and tensed, as I took off her bow.

"it's alright Blake-" I start but then said girl cuts me off.

"it's not! they wouldn't understand, they would only see a faunus, I just want to be seen for who I am, not what I am!" she said.

"and who are you, Blake belladonna, daughter of Ghira belladonna the former leader of the white fang, huntress in training, and lovable bookworm." I said.

that shut her up a bit, Yang picked this moment to chime in.

"yeah Blakey, it doesn't matter what you are, after all I am quite sure Sang is an alien, yet he is quite the hot alien, ain't he." Yang says, and flirts.

"ah I don't know, I'm quite the ice cube compared to you Yang." I say.

Yang smiles a bit wider.

"come on Blake, lets go see what the rest of the team is doing, Yang probably came to get us." I said, and Yang confirmed when she nodded at what I said.

we then went to the bullhead dock, where Weiss and Ruby were, and got on a bullhead heading to vale.

when we arrived we walked for a bit before we came to some people putting up a banner for the Vytal festival.

"oh the Vytal festival, what a glorious time." Weiss proclaims with a wide smile.

"woah Weiss, are you sure your alright, I've never seen you smile this much." said Yang, Ruby and Blake nodding their heads in the background.

"how can I not be happy, this is a time when cultures come together and intermingle." Weiss says.

"she just want's to scope out the competition, for the tournament." Blake says.

"you can't prove that!" Weiss says.

we walk past a dust shop, that is not broken into and no detectives around.

looks like that bit I experimented with copy's worked out.

I sent some to vale to fight against Torchwick, and managed to keep this one safe.

now Weiss won't get angry with the fang, and sun practically prove her point.

sun ran past us, I stopped the cops that were chasing him.

"its alright sirs, he is a huntsman in training." I say, thus they walk away.

"hey man, thanks for the help." sun thanked me.

"no prob man, just stay out of trouble, alright." I say, then hold out a fist.

"you got it man." he says, then fistbumps me.

as he leaps away, Weiss then shouts at me for letting the competition go.

I respond with, there is another one right in front of her.

Weiss did not listen and ran headfirst into Penny.

"are you alright there miss?" I ask of the gynoid.

"why yes I am, thank you for your concern." Penny says.

I offer her my hand to pull herself up, she recognizes the offering, but not as I was intending.

"its nice to meet you, I am Penny." she says while shaking my hand, still laying on the ground.

"hi Penny, do you perhaps want to get off of your back?" I return the greeting and ask.

"why yes I do, thank you." she says, then uses the offered hand for the intended purpose.

"do you perhaps know about that blond monkey faunus that went that way?" I ask, then point the direction that sun went.

"I do not." Penny says.

"well, see you around friend." I say then walk off with the team.

"bye friend!" Ruby says too.

we walk for a little bit and make some small talk, then we pass by an alley way where my copy's and Torchwicks goons had fought.

"woah, what happened here?" Ruby asked.

"well, that would partially be my fault." I say.

the rest of the teams attention is now on me.

"the other party is also responsible, after all Torchwick is a slippery bug." I say.

"what did you say." said Penny.

"oh, well I can make copy's and some of them were here fighting Torchwick." I said, purposefully miss interpreting her question.

"no not that, but it does give some answers to that mission, what I meant was, did you really mean it when you said we were friends?" Penny said and asked.

"why yes, we are." I say, Ruby nodding her head at that.

"oh joyous day!" Penny exclaims.

"what do friends do together?" she asks, it would seem that whoever told her about the stuff she said in the original episode did not tell her in this timeline.

"oh, you know, just the regular stuff, hang out and watch movies or play video games, chat about how their day was, plot global domination, enjoy some reading-" I say, then get cut off.

"wait, what was that in the middle?" Weiss asks.

"chat about how their day was?" I say.

"no the other thing!" Weiss says.

"enjoy some reading?" I say.

"ugh!" Weiss looks away and pouts.

"oh! was it plotting global domination?" I say.

"yes! that! what do you mean by that!?" Weiss asks.

"well, I thought about how the world is kinda in a downwards spiral, you know, with all the grim, so I wanted to take over the world, to save the world." I say.

"makes sense." Ruby says.

"that sounds like a lovely plan." Penny says.

"right? its like no one is currently capable so I might as well." I say.

"ook, enough talk of world domination, lets just go." Yang says.

I give Penny Ruby's scroll number, because I don't have one.

and team RWBYS split off from Penny.

we went back to the dorm, and I then ask Weiss a few things.

"say Weiss, why is it that the SDC uses slave labor?" I ask.

"pfff!" Weiss does a spit take with her tea that she was drinking.

"th-*cough* the SDC does not use slave labor!" Weiss says.

"then why is it the white fang went violent when they were once peaceful?" I ask.

"that's because they are nothing but vile monsters that want to wipe humanity off the face of remnant!" Weiss says.

"well then what about me?" I ask.

"what do you mean?" Weiss asks.

"I am a hybrid between a virus and nanomachines and the sole purpose of both was to wipe humanity out, am I a vile monster?" I ask.

"well, that's not, but, you-" Weiss seems to not be able to recover from that.

"its fine Weiss, after all, if I'm not human I must be a monster, right?" I ask.

"no! that's, that's not what I meant!" Weiss says.

"it's what you implied." I said.

there is a beat of silence, Ruby looks conflicted on what to do, Yang's eyes are flickering between her normal purple and red, and Blake just is staring, intensely.

"I'm sorry." Weiss mutters, but I hear it, and from how Blake also looked at her, she did too.

"it's alright." I say, then give her a hug.

Weiss practically melts into the hug, she was so starved of affection that this really hits for her.

that night, we went to bed, I made some more copy's and sent them out to locate the operation by the docks, after all, with how I've been fighting with Torchwick, the time tables are bound to be bumped up.

[at the docks]

my copy lands in a super hero pose.

the other two copy's to the sides of him just stare at it.

'yeah, trying to be funny or cool to myself just ain't cutting it' I think to myself.

I see the docks clearly, and I know that the time table certainly got accelerated, after all, that SCD shipment is not meant to arrive for two whole days, but now its here.

me and about nineteen other copies charge the docks, I can see Torchwick right there.

"stop right there criminal scum, no one breaks the law in my town!" I quote skyrim, cause why not.

"what is this, a middle school field trip?" Torchwick asks, making fun of my height.

I respond with being very succinct, I brought up one of my arms, and shot off his leg, going right through his aura.

"AGH! WHAT THE HELL!" Torchwick shouts out in pain.

Neopolitan, or Neo, then appears and shatter-teleport's Torchwick to one of the bullheads flying away, I let them go.

"we can do this the easy way." I start, then transform the arms of every copy there into double shredder guns.

"or we can do this the 'fun' way." I say with a manic grin.

they then set down their guns, and whatever they were holding, and lined up.

"good choice." I say, then call the police.

the cops were quite bewildered to see like fifty white fang personnel just lined up against a wall with twenty child size death machines keeping them there.

I then handed over the criminals, and all twenty of my copy's leaped into the air in the direction of beacon.

[back at beacon]

while laying in bed with Ruby I received a notification that the docks incident happened, and fifty white fang were now arrested, its all redundant of course, but I like to feel like I'm a mastermind sometimes.

the copy's are now approaching beacon, I make some more copy's to catch the copy's and assimilate them, to have some spectacle.

"sang? is something wrong?" Ruby groggily asks.

"no, nothing is wrong, I was just sending some copy's to run a quick errand." I say.

"oh, ok." Ruby says, then snuggles me tighter.

...To be continued.