Some clarification and the Best Day Ever

as I woke up before everyone(I managed to figure out how to put myself to sleep) I saw another note from mim.

the note says that she wanted to clarify what she meant when she said the fall of beacon or third year, what she meant was if I wanted to get full databank then I had to let the fall happen, of course I could still change things around in it, but, if I wanted to go full Von Numen I had to let beacon fall.

well, I could also make it a pyrrhic(intentional pun) victory for the enemy and kill cinder after she gets the maiden powers.

sounds good, get full techbank, and set up solar defenses, because I remember what mim said, that she wasn't adding too many to remnant, and the way she said it meant that space was free game.(hint hint, suggestions welcome)

I was deep in worry and planning when I felt Ruby stir.

"sang, are you alright?" she asks, blearily.

"yes I am, why?" I say.

"I felt that you were troubled by something, it made me worried." she said, apparently silver eyes also grants minor empathic abilities.

"its nothing, just a choice I chose." I said.

"ok... if you ever need help we're here for you, ok?" she says.

"alright." I say.

we then got up and Ruby did her daily things as did Blake and Yang, Weiss was a bit slower but she still got ready.

we then went to the cafeteria(except for Ruby who needed to do something real quick), where we also met up with JNPR.

"hey guys!" Nora greeted.

"hey." Yang said back.

we got our food and sat at a table, JNPR took a table across from us.

Ruby finally got here with a binder.

"friends, sisters, Sang, Weiss.(*hey!*)" she started.

"is that my binder?" Weiss asked Ruby.

"no Sang made it for me." she said holding up peace signs, I also put up a peace sign.

"four score and seven minutes ago I had a dream!" she said.

"this should be good." Yang said to Blake.

"a dream that we would kick this school year off with a bang!" Ruby said.

"I always kick my school years off with a Yang! eh? eh?" Yang punned.

"boo!" Nora said from JNPR's table, and threw a grape at Yang's head.

Yang retaliates with an apple, it hits Ren in the head, resulting in Nora coming to his aid by throwing a cream pie, that missed Yang and hit Weiss, who was going to say something and was standing up, I wasn't paying attention to her since what usually comes out of her mouth is either a whine, a complaint about something, or berating someone for doing something.

the cream pie hits dead on Weiss's face, it falls off and a look of absolute fury is on her face.

Nora proceeds to point at Ren trying to implicate that he threw it.

Pyrrha had her hand on her mouth.

Ren was covering his eyes.

and Jaune was covering his ears.

after noting all these, mount Weiss was going to blow.

I then decided to do something, well, I think the correct word is suicidal but I can't die so I don't know what to call it.

"hmm, I think its vanilla cream pie, not too sure, what do you think Weiss?" I ask as I am wiping off some of the cream from Weiss's face.

instantly Weiss defuses and almost slumps in her seat, with her entire head as red as a cherry.

"no, I don't think its cherry Weiss, why would you think that?" I said, poking fun at her blush.

I swear you could hear steam coming out of her ears.

I then took the cream pie that had landed just fine on the table and started eating it.

everyone around us looks shocked(Ruby somehow looks more shocked then anyone else) and they get back to eating.

I offer Weiss some of the pie.

"here Weiss, say ah~" I say, while holding out a fork with a bite of pie.

she is now full body blushing, but still opens her mouth and says "ah~". (not in a sensual way you perverts, wait till the lemon chapters, but that's not for a while.)

after breakfast, I wanted to head off several things at once, again, so I made my copy army, this time in the style of ninja Gaiden, and they vanished into vale, I have them gather information on where the white fang has strongholds, and also to find torchwick, I want to see what he looks like after I took his leg off with a single shot.

and finally, I had made a special copy, this one I took extra attention in making, I changed it and made it into a ball of wiry tendrils, kinda like the flying spaghetti monster but no meat balls, sauce, and the noodles are changed into blood. (think the monster you play as in Carrion.)

I have it make a war path to the grimlands, it can swim so I am not concerned with how it will go.

after setting things in motion I stepped out of the bathroom, the stall next to the one I was using opening showing that it was occupied, by some random student, looking mighty horrified.

there is a point in the day where we get some free time, so we talk relationships, more specifically the girls talk relationships and I wait my turn outside the door, where I could hear everything because I can.

"soo." Yang starts, being super tactful.

"who else wants to bang Sang." Yang says, punning.

all three of the other girls start blushing, and also shouting "YANG!"

"what? we all want him is it not obvious?" Yang says.

Weiss wants to deny, but then remembers me feeding her, and how cute I was looking, and she just blushes and looks to the side.

Ruby looks down with a blush and nods.

Blake, has already gone and zoned out, thinking about kinky things I could do no doubt.

"so, if we all like him, why not share?" Yang proposes.

that gets their attention.

"I mean, mine and Ruby's dad had two wifes, its why we are half sisters, so, why not share him?" Yang says.

"I'm all for it." I say from behind the door.

"YOU COULD HEAR ALL OF THAT!?" Weiss screeches.

"yeah, and besides you weren't talking very quietly." I said then coming back into the room.

"well then, do you really think you could handle all of this?" Yang asks, bringing the other three girls in for a hug.

"sure, I have unlimited stamina." I say.

that leaves everyone blushing, even myself(but its only a light blush for me).

but before we could get into anymore lewd thinking, the clock lets us know we are five minutes away from being late.

"to class!" Ruby shouts as she rushes past me.

we all then follow her.

ah, this life is just getting better and better.

[meanwhile in the super secret base of vales number one thief Roman Torchwick]

(aka a dingy little warehouse in vales shipping area.)

"oh look, she sent the kids again, this is turning out just like the divorce" Torchwick said to Emerald and Mercury.

"spare us the thought of you procreating." Emerald said, with a slightly green face.

"that was a joke, and this might tell me where you two have been all day." Torchwick said, holding up a piece of paper.

Emerald checks her pockets because it was in one of them before Torchwick swiped it.

"I'm a professional sweetheart pay attention, maybe you'll learn something." Torchwick said.

"why do you have this address?" Torchwick asks.

"woulden't you like to know." Emerald said.

"yeah I would, now where have you been all day." Torchwick said.

"Cleaning up your problems, one of them at least." said Mercury.

"I had that under control." Torchwick said.

"two packed bags and tickets outta vale say otherwise." Mercury says.

"listen to me you little punk, if it was up to me, I would take you and your little street rat friend of yours and-" Torchwick says, and gets interrupted.

"do what Roman?" Cinder Fall asks, from a scaffold above the three, and takes a platform elevator down(probably because she needed to fit her ego, ohhh).

"ha ha ha, I'd, ahh, not kill them." Torchwick says.

"Cinder!" Emerald says, elated, like a puppy.

"I thought I made it clear that you were to eliminate the would be run away." Cinder says.

"I was going to." Torchwick says.

"he was going to escape to vacuo, Mercury and I decided to take it upon ourselves to kill the rat." Emerald said.

"I think he was some sorta cat actually." Mercury says.

"what like a puma?" Emerald said.

"yeah, there you go." Mercury said.

"quiet, did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while your in vale." Cinder says.

"I just thought-" Emerald said, then gets cut off.

"don't think, obey." Cinder says.

"yes mam, it won't happen again." Emerald says.

"and you" Cinder says, turning to Torchwick.

"why wasn't this job done sooner?" Cinder asks, menacingly.

"well sorry, my operation has been slowed down by this little bastard of a kid who-" Torchwick rants.

"kid? Roman?" Cinder asks.

"some weird kid with powers that are not a semblance, and he is absolutely a force to be reckoned with." Torchwick says.

the trio of Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury give looks to one another.

"that son of a bi*ch already ruined several of my runs, and stopped the big one at the docks, he even took my leg!" Torchwick says, then lifts his right pants leg a little showing its a robotic limb.

"oh Torchdick, I could take more if you want?" a voice sounds out from the shadows.

all four of them point their weapons at where the voice came from.

"after all, wouldn't you like to be buddy buddy with Mercury what with his robotic legs." said the voice again, this time coming from all around.

the four of them keep their guard up.

"boo." my copy says as it is descended from the roof right behind all four of them by a rope.

this makes all four turn and point their guns at me.

I just grin.

"its funny really, you think you four could actually harm me with those." I said, while getting off the rope, detaching it from the ceiling as well.

"who are you?" Cinder asks.

"the one you were just talking about." I say.

Torchwick shoots his cane towards my face, I just stand there and take it.

my face looks like it was charred off, and I have my body fall backwards onto the ground.

"that was the kid that was giving you so much trouble Roman?" Cinder asks.

"yeah, don't underestimate him, I killed one, now where are two through twenty?" Torchwick asks.

"you didn't even kill one." said another me, leaning against the wall behind where they were when they were looking at the one that came from the ceiling.

"what do you mean?" asked Emerald.

I just point to the 'dead' body and it stands up without using its hands.

the face then devours the burnt material and reforms into my usual face.

"you face a foe more powerful than even her master." I say with both of my bodies and point to Cinder.

"how!? who?!" Cinder is quite shocked.

"because fuck you that's how, and I'm Sanguineous." I say with a third body that walks in with two white fang grunts dragging behind me.

"HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE?!" Cinder shouts.

"as many as I want." I say with the other thirty bodies I have hanging from the roof.

this has all four of them pale.

"and I am only getting started." another me says carrying the limp body of one Adam Taurus.

"after all." another another me starts while holding another two grunts.

"We Are Legion!" all thirty five bodies say at the same time, then I carry the white fang grunts and Taurus to the nearest police station, about five miles away.

the rest of the bodies then vanish in their own way and leave.

"see what I mean?" Torchwick asks Cinder.

"and he didn't even whip out the fact he could transform every single limb of his into a gun." Torchwick says.

that has the other three look at him.

"yeah, I found out from Neo about how all the guys I had at the docks surrendered because all twenty of the Sanguineous copies had transformed their arms into double chain guns." Torchwick says, and pulls out a bottle of northern Atlesian Vodka and four shot glasses.

that night had all four of the big bad villain's of this and next volume drunk as a skunk.

heh, I'm having fun.