Welcome to Beacon, well, the title speaks for itself don't it.

(a/n I put a possible lore chapter for when Sang gets to space, its in the auxiliary chapters, it tells of The Emperor of mankind, in this stories cannon.)

after possibly traumatizing the bad guys and taking the grunts and Adam to jail, I recalled my copies, they arrived in the middle of class.

"Sanguineous!" Oobleck berated me for disrupting class.

"sorry doc, had a small errand to run." I said.

"well, remember not to disrupt class like that again!" Oobleck said.

"alright." I said, then went back to doodling.

"psst" I hear to my left.

"yeah?" I whisper back.

"what was the errand?" Ruby whispered.

"nothing really important." I whispered.

"alright." I could tell Ruby was going to bring it up when we got back to the dorm.

(time skip, end of class)

"alright everyone that's class, remember I want ten pages on what we did today!" Oobleck says as we are leaving.

his words making the majority of students groan.

"or would you rather go through additional classes this Saturday!" Oobleck says responding to the groans.

this gets everyone to shut up and practically shove people out of the classroom.

on our way back to the dorm, Ruby confronts me on my 'errand'.

"ok Sang, what was this errand that you had to do that made it so important you had to do it while in class?" Ruby asks.

"not much, taking out some trash." I say.

before anyone could question what I said a passing student and their buddy walked past us.

"dude, did you hear? some high-ranking white fang guy and some grunts were apprehended doing terrorist stuff down at the police station near the docks?" dude one said.

"no man, that sounds cool! who did it?" dude two asked.

"that's the thing that's really cool, they said it was a bunch of ninja looking people with arms that transformed into stuff!" dude one said.

the girls then looked at me, I grinned.

as the two students passed and we arrived back at the dorm I was then slammed into the wall to our bathroom by one Blake Belladonna.

I got kabedon'd too.

"why?" Blake asked.

the other three were going to step in and say something but I waved them down.

"I said I was taking out trash wasn't I?" I said.

"why are they trash?!" Blake shout asked.

"because they wanted to let grim into vale, and beacon." I said.

that takes the wind out of her sails.

"they had tons of dust, and had a plan to blow one of the walls of vale." I said.

"n-no, that, that can't be." Blake said backing away.

but I pushed forward.

"its true, because they were working with cultists who worship the grim!" I said, only slightly lying.

that leaves everyone shocked.

"the ones I apprehended were going to leave a worse opinion of the white fang, resulting in atlas charging into menagerie to demand sienna khan to answer for them!" I said, once more slightly lying.

"b-but-" Blake tried to defend them, but I was on a roll.

"no! I know for a fact that the high-ranking person I put in jail was planning to overthrow sienna and lead the white fang to a downward spiral!" I said.

as I finished saying my piece Blake looked in tears.

"n-no! you can't know that for absolute certain! h-he wouldn't!" Blake said.

"he could, and would have, if I did not get him arrested." I said.

Blake then tears off her bow, and looks me right in the eyes.

"I'M A FAUNUS TOO, AM I DESERVING TO BE ARRESTED?!" Blake shouts, ah, I might have pushed her a bit too far.

the Ruby looked a little shocked.

Yang had eyes wide, and a hand over her mouth(because she was going to smile about how many cat puns she would be able to do because of this).

Weiss looked the most shocked of them all.

"have you been conspiring to kill everyone?" I answer Blakes question with a question.

"what? no!" Blake says.

"are you currently or have plotted to destroy a kingdom?" I ask.

"no." Blake says.

"then no, you don't." I said.

Ruby is relived.

Yang now is showing her smile.

Weiss, well...

"how can we take anything she says as the truth?!" Weiss asks.

"Weiss." I say.

"what?!" Weiss asks.

"your being racist again." I say.

Weiss looks down.

"m-srry" Weiss mumbles out an apology, but I still hear it, and acording to that small itty bitty grin on Blake, she did too.

"I forgive you." Blake says.

"aw come on bestie, its alright!" Ruby says, while doing a one armed hug.

"shut up, don't touch me." Weiss, being the tsundere that she is says then pulls Ruby into a full hug.

"daw that's nice." Yang says.

"so." I say, and get everyone's attention.

"I'm going for a walk." I say.

as I'm at the door, I feel four pairs of arms on me.

"oh no you don't" Yang says.

"we still need to talk about us!" Ruby says.

"ah yes, that." I say.

I make three copies to go to the headmaster's tower, because SilverStone is arriving today.

speaking of copies, I wonder what the progress is on my Carrion copy.


"WHAT THE F**K IS THAT THING!" said bandit one.

"I DON'T KNOW!" said bandit two.

they then shortly died, and were fed to the Carrion.

the path was cleaned of blood.

and Carrion went on its way.

the ocean is near.

(and back)

eh, it's having fun.

right, relationship talk.

"so-" I start, as I am sitting on Blake's bed.

"you all like me, I like all of you." I say, with the girls blushing at my bluntness.

"so, what's the problem?" I ask, and tilt my head, purposefully being cute.

"the problem is, we don't know your age." Weiss says.

ah, yes my body does look preteen.

"hmm" I ponder, looking cute, again.

"I think it was 19, or was it 18?" I ask myself.

"you look 9!" Yang says.

"yes, its the drawback of all this power I have." I say.

that leaves them a bit conflicted, well, they should have been more conflicted earlier but for some reason they just went with it until it got to actually being with me.(a/n shhh.)

"well, how about, we just go where it takes us, and see from there." I say.

they nod.

(at the headmaster's tower.)

"James certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels." Glynda said.

"well-" Ozpin goes to defend Ironwood, but is interrupted, by me!

"he is going delusional and is trying to use his semblance almost all the time, he is mostly machine then he is man." copy one says, hanging from the ceiling.

Glynda pulls that copy down from the ceiling.

"how-" Glynda tries asking but is interrupted, by another me!

"I can do this, because I can." copy two says, climbing in through a window.

copy two then gets lifted with copy one.

Ozpin then see's that someone is requesting to enter through the main door, he doesn't think it would be another me, because he doesn't know me.

"come in." Ozpin says, granting access to the person behind the door.

it's Ironwood.

"Ozpin." Ironwood greets.

"hello, general." Ozpin says.

"you forgot me, hello." copy three says from behind Ironwood.

Ironwood spins around and pulls his magnum on me.

I don't raise my arms, I just smirk.

Ozpin just acts like he doesn't see me number three.

"so, what has brought you all the way to vale from atlas?" Ozpin asks, getting himself some coffee(its actually caffeinated hot chocolate).

"Oz, how can you be so calm with a potential infiltrator right in front of you!?" is Ironwoods reply.

"I'm more concerned with the small fleet outside my window." says Ozpin.

"and besides, Mr. Sanguineous is no infiltrator." says Ozpin.

"yeah!" copy one says.

"I filled out all the dreadful paperwork to go here, right in front of Goodwitch here, she can vouch!" said copy two.

"and besides, if I wanted to do something malicious to beacon or vale, how are you gonna stop me?" asks copy three, still at gunpoint.

"like this!" Ironwood says, trying to pull the trigger on his gun, only to notice that it and himself are now covered in a purple glow meaning Goodwitch's semblance.

"James! I cannot believe you would attempt to shoot a student!" Glynda says.

"ooh, your in trouble~." all three copies say in sync.

"and you!" Glynda's wrath is suddenly pointed at me.

"why have you come here? and in three no less!" Glynda asks.

"that's simple." copy one starts.

"because I want to take care of some threats before they happen." says copy two.

"and this is the fastest and most fun way possible." copy three says.

"really, getting shot at and possibly taking a bullet to the head is fun to you?!" Glynda is steamed.

all three copies look at one another.

"yeah, after all, I can't die." all three say at once.

Ozpin chokes on his coffee(caffeinated hot chocolate).

Glynda's TK falters, and Ironwoods gun goes off.

Ironwood looks at the body of copy three.

"can't die?" Ironwood asks.

"yeah, that didn't even hurt." copy three says, while standing up.

the bullet went clean through, and you could see the pulsating red matter that comprises me through the hole, it then gets sealed up very fast

"see, cant die." copy one says.

"even if the original body were to be reduced to atoms, I would just come back." said copy two.

copy three then hands Ozpin a scroll.

"anyways, on that scroll is a list of things that are to come if a change is not made, do with it what you will." said copy one.

all three copies then jump out of the window, like how they did in angel beats.

(back with the team, in the dorm, instead of in the library to play beacon the game.)

"muhahahaha, behold my awesome power!" I say as I have my fleet jump to Yang's forces over Ryloth.

"what!? how can this be! you should still be tangled up with Weiss and Ruby's forces at Sulust!" Yang complains.

"second fleet, Yang, second fleet." I say.

"noo! not the free people of Ryloth, you fiendish imperial! there will be retaliation for this!" Yang says. (Ryloth was abandoned by Ruby and Weiss, because Ruby wanted to shift battle lines, for some reason.)

that's right, instead of remnant the game, we played a game I made from my memories, Star Wars Empire at war, more specifically, the Forces of Corruption Expansion.

"muahahahaha! you rebel dogs will feel the might of the emperor's finest fleet!" I say, being really hammy.

"not so fast!" Ruby chimes in.

"ho? your approaching my fleet? instead of sitting back and gaining money from mine and Yang's fights you approach my fleet?" I say, being very Dio.

"I cant have my kadelbe battleships wreck your imperial one star destroyers without getting closer!" Ruby says, being very JoJo.

"oh ho! then come as close as you like!" I say.

"I don't understand what's going on." Weiss says.

"its simple Weiss, you are the zhan consortium with Ruby, trying to take over the galaxy and make a profit." I say.

"see, you can build building on your planets to make money, troops, or research your next tech level, and also you can choose what units you'll have on the ground if the planet gets invaded." I say.

"you can also build and upgrade a space station to produce ships to fight the enemies space ships and stations and block enemy ground armies from landing on your system because the station stops them from getting to the surface." I say.

"the zhan consortium has special units known as defilers who go out and corrupt planets and sabotage planetary structures." I say.

"to corrupt a planet you need to have the money, and to have the requirements done, like the racketeering over Eridou, it needs you to have done two other piracy corruptions, and to have a specific hero available." I say.

"but remember, I would not take kindly to corruption on my planets." I say.

"and Ruby, don't think I don't see those ships traveling to Bespin." I say.

"t-that's just a security detail to protect from any rebels." Ruby weakly tries to defend that fleet I saw.

"uh huh, and this is just a liberation force, to save the people of Bespin." I say, directing my built up third fleet made of five acclamators, eight tartan patrol cruisers, and over twenty tie defenders.

"nonono I need corvettes!" Ruby panics and tries and diverts several sector fleets of other ships to Bespin.

"oh I'm sorry did I say Bespin, I meant Hoth." I say(Yang lost Hoth earlier in the game when moving forces and did not reinforce it).

"GAH! false information!" Ruby exclaims.

the 'battle' with Hoth's level two space station went quickly.

"it is unwise to lower your defenses, Ruby." I say, and send my ground army lead by Vader to Hoth.

the ground assault went well, only lost two atst squads, and six stormtrooper squads.

Ruby was sending the massive fleet she assembled at Bespin over to Hoth, I put as many ground forces as I could onto the surface and sent the rest with the fleet back to a safer planet.

"I've got your Vader trapped!" Ruby says.

"it is fine, I just needed one more turn to begin this." I say.

"what?" Yang and Ruby both ask.

"[Death Star Construction has begun.]" said the game.

"there is no way for you to stop me now!" I say, I have it constructing over Kuat, and have the emperor on the planet, with veers and a lot of Darktrooper units.

Ruby and Yang came to a truce to try and take me down, it did not work.

"[Death Star Construction has been finished.]" the game said, and I didn't tell them how to cheese the Death Star with Ig-88.

and from there I just loaded up all my fleets, and just started blowing up the galaxy.

the Consortium/Ruby/Weiss, were the first to go.

as the Death Star Loomed over Ruby and Weiss's last planet, Felucia, I cackled.

"heheheh, if you pirates beg, I may let you live to see the Rebellion crushed!" I say.

"never!" Ruby says.

Weiss doesn't say anything just silently weeps, and Ruby hugs her.

"very well then, you may fire when ready." I say to myself(copy that is dressed up as the engineer that flips the switches that Tarken says that line to).

*boom* "[planet has been destroyed.]" said the game

after a few more planet busting, I watch as the fleet heads for Yang's last planet, Yavin Four.

"this will be the end of the rebellion." I say.

Yang had amassed a large fleet and had a lot in reserve, but my fleet was bigger, and stronger.

Yangs last ships are trying to hold out against the fleet.

but then she hears the dreadful words of the game.

"[the Death Star will be in range in five seconds.]"

"[the Death Star is in range.]"

"no." Yang says breathlessly.

the cutscene plays.

Yang's fleet was destroyed during the cutscene so when it cuts back it says on her screen, we have been defeated.

I hum the imperial march as the Victory screen pops up for me.

"good game everyone, good game." I say.

I stand up from sitting down for a while and go to the door to do something else.

I am stopped by three pairs of arms.(huh, the second time this chapter)

"oh no you don't, your staying right her and playing more with us!" says Ruby.

"eh, but I prefer the modded version of Empire at war." I say.

"oh? and what is this modded version?" Yang asks.

"not much, just a ton of crazy and super awesome Star Wars legends stuff, there are even more factions so more people can be separate factions." I say.

and there is the fourth pair of arms.

"did you say legends?" Blake asks, I've taken the liberty of giving Blake all of Star Wars legends comics and books, I have changed her view of comics.

"yes, legends, like Revan." I say.

"I wanna join!" Blake says.

well well well, looks like I've got this kittens cream(that was intentionally dirty like that.)

ah, I love this life.