so, recap, Ruby did not run into Cinder and gang in the hallway because we were all playing the Thrawns revenge mod for Empire at war: FoC because of me, and also Ruby had not decided to look more into the white fang stuff because I prevented that break in where the two dumbass detectives would be insensitive and think out loud that it could have been white fang, thus leading into Weiss setting Blake off, and Blake running away because of the fight(and showing off that she is a cat faunas) resulting in the search party where penny would show off at the docks and get restricted because BronzeStiff was being over protective.
and now team RWBYS is currently walking through vale because I said if we spent all day on the weekend inside playing video games then I was not going to be bringing out anymore awesome games(I currently have the Kotor games, and the Jedi Knight games, yes I like Star Wars games how could you tell?) my declaration about not showing them more games resulted in this little outing.
"so Sang, care to tell us more about where you lived?" Yang asked.
"hmm, I don't know, its not something I like looking back on." I said.
"alright, then how about how you got those awesome powers?" Yang asked, and the rest of the team paid close attention.
"*sigh* I would really rather not." I said, sounding a bit despondent and looking off to the distance with a somewhat vacant look, yes I am acting thank you very much.
with both of Yang's questions not being answered, Ruby decides to chime in.
"what's your favorite weapon?" Ruby asked, bet you were wondering when that was going to pop up.
"hmm, hmmm." I was humming as I closed my eyes and thought.
"that's a tough one, it's a tie between the B.F.G 10000, Raiden's H.F blade, Bolters from 40k, and-" before I can list off my last choice I get interrupted.
"woah woah woah, what are the weapons you just said?" Weiss asks.
"weapons from games I have yet to release or show." I said.
"then how could we know what they are!?" Weiss asks.
"good point, but back to the ties my last one is the crowbar." I said.
"huh?" the four exclaim.
"yeah, the handy dandy crowbar, very useful, also from another unreleased game I have." I say.
before they could question me further on either my games or choice in weapons, we run into Penny(not literally).
"hey Penny." I greet the gynoid.
"hello friend Sang, it is nice to see you again!" Penny greets back.
"how's it going Penny?" I ask.
"it is going well friend Sang." Penny says then *hiccup*.
"hmm." I hum while staring intensely into Penny's eyes.
"why are you staring so intensely friend Sang, I am quite alright*hiccup*." Penny says, then hiccups.
"hmmmmm!" I hum a little louder narrowing my eyes.
"I am perfectly alright*hiccup* there is nothing wrong*hiccup*" Penny says hiccupping.
"tell me what color the sky is wrong answer only." I say, not letting up my stare.
"the sky is green*hiccup*" Penny says, hiccups, and then covers her mouth.
now the others are also clued into Penny's quirk(not super power, you fkn mha fanatics) and also stare almost as intensely as I do.
Penny then hangs her head and confesses what's wrong.
"alright, I-I've been having these feelings whenever I look at you Sang, I don't know what it means." Penny says.
"it feels like there are butterfly's in my stomach, and I feel pain in my chest when I look at you with your team, my face feels very warm, I just, don't know what's going on." Penny says.
everyone here knows what she is going through, well, other than me, somewhat, its different.
"Penny." Ruby says.
Penny looks at Ruby, Ruby hugs Penny and whispers into her ear, but I can hear, because I am awesome, and I have progenitor bs and Blacklight enhances my senses.
"its ok Penny, we all felt that way too, looking at Sang, it means you love him." Ruby whispers.
"really?" Penny asks and Ruby pulls away from the hug and stops whispering.
"yup." Ruby says.
"can I ask you something Sang?" Penny asks, and breaks away from Ruby's hug to walk over to me.
"you just did but alright." I say, being funny.
"what is love?" Penny asks. (a/n baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.)
her question makes the other two(Blake heard duh) not in the know almost fall over.
"love is intense deep complicated feeling, there is no right or wrong way of saying what love is, after all they are all correct in their own way, but love for me is something that makes me strong, and weak." I say, and while I am saying this I am getting closer to Penny, practically almost touching.
"love, is love, that is the best way I can explain it to someone else." I say.
Penny, who at the time was listening to my explanation of love, was also searching through her data banks about what love was, apparently there was a lot, and it was quite informative for her, because in the next second after I finished talking she kissed me.
Ruby had a smile.
Yang was grinning.
Blake had a light smirk.
Weiss was quite shocked, and looked as if struck.
Penny finished kissing me.
"so this is what love is." Penny says.
"this, and more." I say with a smirk.
this has all the girls blushing.
"say, Penny, think you could come over to our dorm, we have some awesome video games." I say.
"ooh, what kind of games, specialist Schnee has all sorts of games that she loves having me play some with her." Penny says.
"wait, Winter play's video games?" I hear Weiss mutter to herself.
"oh just some games I made myself, I have a new one I was planning on bringing out when we got back-" and that's as far as I was able to speak when I was grabbed by everyone(Penny included!) and was carried over to the bullhead to head back to Beacon, I also split off some copies when they were distracted, so I could do more work with them.
(time skip, just to the dorm)
"what's the game?" Yang asks, while everyone else is crowding around me.
"ah, well, you know Star Wars, and you know how awesome Empire at war is?" I ask, getting nods to each(yes, even from Penny)
"well, I made another Star Wars game, this one, well, I was planning on saving it for after a stressful day from classes, but, I guess I could pull it out." I say, then power up the scroll/tv/computer/hologram-whatever thing, and pull up, Star Wars Battlefront(the original version)
I enrapture all five girls with the awesomeness that is Battlefront(OG) however, I made a few changes to Battlefront(OG) in that its more populated, like you can have way more AI or People players, cause you know, advanced tech super computer.
all the girls are immediately hooked, and I tell them I was planning on releasing it around the time we graduated so I could have an influx of money to make the sequel(a total lie that I was spewing I absolutely wanted to play this with them right away) but instead decided to push up the release and get started on the sequel early.(a/n also, Sang released Star Wars empire at war FoC as a whole, no dlc, its integrated, but for the campaign you need to change an option in settings, putting SWEaW FoC on the market very early on, just, did not think about putting something like that in early, so, minor plot hole.)
the girls were trying to be all "oh you don't need to do that" and "its fine we can wait" but I knew, its in their eyes, a hunger, and its not for food or F*cking.
shame about the last one not being there but anyways.
"so, what do you say?" I ask.
"marry me!" all five say somewhat absent mindedly.
"a little fast but sure!" I say flabbergasted at the instant response from all five of them.
that gets them nuclear blushes.
time to check in on the other side of me.
[meanwhile somewhere in the ocean]
'how f*cking far is the grimlands!?' I think to myself as my Carrion body is still swimming.
yes, this whole time my Carrion body has been swimming at like, Mach four or something, and still has not hit the grimlands.
[meanwhile with the split off copies from when Sang was getting dragged back to Beacon]
alright, operation Kingdom Krumblers is about to begin.(play on castle crashers)
one copy turns into a different colored Rocket Racoon(marvel) Code name Red.
a second copy turns into Crypto-137 but with a Sectoid look(destroy all humans and X-com) Code name Purple.
the third copy turns into a wizard with a staff and bolter(magicka with the space marine armor so 40k too) Code name Blue
now the fourth and final one turned into a Murloc in marine armor(StarCraft 2) but then changed after the other three looked at it, it then changed into a Grunt(from halo) the other three still looking at it, once more it changed, this time it changed into the little ghost(hollow knight) looking kinda steamed, and the other three shook their heads, final change, it changed into the Arkham knight, and it threw its arms out to the sides as if to ask "how about this!?" and got thumbs up from the other three. Code name, Yellow.
ah, I really am going insane, I hope the girls will be able to fix that.
anyways, I start the Krumble in mistral, my copies leaping high into the sky very fast, the atlas cruisers in the sky were not able to track the speed of the four, but they did track where it came from and when they sent a squad there all they found was some slightly cracked concrete, making MetalStiffy all pissy.
(minor time skip, the four land in mistral)
as we walk into the Kingdom we start some music, from these flying little speakers that hover, they fly high above the clouds yet are able to be heard from down on ground level by normal humans, somehow, it is however higher than that so only faunus would be able to faintly hear it, yet my four copies can hear it just fine, but anyways, we start with some Hydrogen by M.O.O.N, cause were going to get hotline Miami up in this.
"hey! what are you-" a huntsman tries to walk up and talk to us, but a Centinel appears from the ground and eats him, I have a feeling Salem knows about what I'm going to do and is trying to stop me.
about five more Centinels appear to try and eat my copies as that one did to the huntsman, not gonna happen.
Red pulls out some cannons from his back and shoots dead the Centinel attacking him.
Purple levitates one of the Centinels and throws it towards Red who kills it, while pulling out a familiar gun(the starter gun from Destroy all humans) and shocks another.
Blue casts shield on himself, then starts shooting the Centinel attacking him.
and Yellow, *nom* got eaten while trying to punch the Centinel attacking him, then exploded in a mass of tendrils to escape.
yeah, slowly going insane, I pray and hope to monty oum that the girls will be able to pull me out of this insanity pit.
the music changes to Jet set radio future's Concept of love.
the four of them went to the headmasters office as team BRPY(burpee) to talk with the headmaster, no one questioned them because they stopped some tough grim, they congratulated them also.
and there he was, Leonardo Lionheart, the second most cowardly person I know on remnant. (can you guess who the first is, the third is Qrow because he did not tell his neices why he is so distant, the fourth is Blake but only until she runs into Adam at atlas with Yang, the fifth is Velvet but only because she needs to stand up for herself more.)
"w-well hello t-there brave h-huntsman, that is if you a-are huntsman, right?" almost every other word out of his mouth is stuttered, truly a coward.
"w-what is it you w-wished to speak to m-me about?" Lionheart asked.
"oh nothing much." Red starts.
"just a couple of simple things" Blue continues.
"yeah buddy, nothing too big." Purple leads on.
"yeah, like that grim over there." Yellow points out the seer grim over to the left of the room that opened a compartment in the wall.
BRP_ almost facepalmed but loaded their weapons.
the seer grim lashed out at Yellow, who was closest to the grim.
Yellow was wrapped in the tentacles of the seer.
BRP_ lit it up, because we all have seen enough He*tai to know where this was going.
Lionheart was trying to slink out of his office, but was then held in a telekinetic grip.
"hey headmaster, where's the rush, we ain't finished talking yet." Purple says while grinning.
Lionheart tries to beg for his life(could not be bothered to type more of his stuttering dialogue) but his mouth is forced shut by Purple.
"so Tigerkidney, our main question is this, what do you know about all the missing huntsman and huntresses around here?" Red asks.
"he is quite sure they are all dead and fed to grim, kinda dark ain't it?" Purple says, while reading Lionheart's mind, Lionheart has his eyes very wide because that is what he was thinking about.
"second question, why is it you have a grim in your office?" Red asks.
"because he is afraid of not fulfilling his mission by one queen of the grim, by the way buddy you don't have the balls to be thinking that of her in that way." Purple says, reading Lionheart's mind, Lionheart is trying to speak, because he definitely did not think about Salem in the way that Purple was insinuating.
"oh so he is a simp then!" Yellow chimes in.
the other three just look at him for a couple of seconds, then look back at Lionheart.
"alright third and final question." Red starts.
"do you feel lucky punk?" Purple asks.
then Purple throws Lionheart through the wall out into the mistral streets.
"headmaster Leonardo Lionheart is a traitor to the kingdoms, and as such been found guilty of treason and the murder of every huntsman and huntress that has gone missing." Blue said with a voice enhancement magic.
the people of mistral could not believe it the headmaster they all looked up to was a traitor.
there was a small amount of static in the air before Lionheart's voice came from everywhere telling of how he was truly a coward and was doing anything to try and stay alive.
it was Purple in holobob doing Lionheart's voice to convict Lionheart.
it worked, cause most of remnant are easily lead along, no wonder the fool Oz was able to be how he is.
the mistral police take Lionheart away, and the music shuts off.
that was fun.