ok, after the unintentional confessions I accepted from the girls, which they tried to stutteringly take back(sept for Penny) but I did not let them, after all, by the time of beacon's "fall" I will have gained the ability to traverse the stars.
and I want to bring all five of them(yes that is how big the harem will be, don't want it too big, or things will be messy, and strenuous to write.) that means I need to think of alternative designs for my stuff, can't be going with default PA:T now can I?
the wording mim used is going through my head right now, before we head to combat class.
I can't build anything larger than a car? well, she didn't say anything about designing.
as I am about to get into designing my super-awesome-death-machines-of-ultra-death(tm) SADMOUD for short, I am interrupted by Goodwitch asking if anyone would want to come up for a last spar, mercury volunteers.
"very well, lets see if we can find you a partner to fight." Goodwitch says.
"no, I want to fight, him." mercury says pointing at me.
well, another deviation, it was suppose to be Pyrrha, but I guess Cindy wants to know how good I am.
Goodwitch goes to say something about his sellection, but I stand up.
"its alright Goodwitch, I'll show him some of my strength." I say.
I leap down to the arena.
"you gonna get your weapons man?" mercury says.
"nah, I don't have any." I say with a sly grin.
"oh so this will be easy." mercury says.
the timer counts down to our clash.
when it ends mercury rushes towards me going for a kick to the head.
I just lean away from it.
mercury tries to keep throwing kicks my way, none of them hit, I just dodge.
he then tries to shoot me with his shoe gun thing.
it hits right in my gut, I bend downwards as to imitate being hurt.
"not so tough are you now?" mercury says, feeling cocky.
"oh, this does hurt." I say, in a faked strained voice.
"it doesn't hurt, as much, as how funny your face is!" I say looking right into his eyes standing strate and smiling as the shot looks like it did nothing.
mercury is stunned, because the shot he used is lethal grade.
"h-how?" mercury asks.
"fuck you that's how." I say, with a large devilish smile across my face.
I almost felt the light glare the girls had on me, well, they are deserved, I did worry them a bit from my oscar level acting.
"my turn." I say.
before mercury could even comprehend what I just said, I was right in front of him, arm primed for punch, I then Jonny cage split nut-shot the bastard.
"boom, headshot." I pun, Yang in the background laughs hard, the others lightly groan and face palm.
"the match is over!" Goodwitch decides that I was done with my victim.
I stand up, and leap back to my team.
"well, that was a little underwhelming." I say, brushing non-existent dust off of my shoulders.
I was tackled by a red blur, and was slapped on the back of my head by an heiress.
""don't do that again!"" both Ruby and Weiss said at the same time.
"fine fine." I say getting up and rubbing the back of my head.(it doesn't actually hurt, I just want to earn sympathy points and look cute.)
Yang gives me a hug from behind.
"its alright Sang, they were just worried about you." Yang says, but has slight amounts of concern showing in her eyes.
"and you weren't?" Blake asks right next to Yang.
"of course not, I know he could take a goliath barehanded and still take on five more and not even have a sweat." Yang says.
it seems Cinder's gang heard Yang from where they were, they were heading right our way.
"really? surely you must be exaggerating that." Cinder Fall says talking about Yang's claim about me.
"nope, its all true." Yang says.
"yup, I can give a demonstration if you have a goliath just hanging around." I say.
"hmm, we'll see then, won't we." Cinder says, and retreats, no doubt plotting and scheming.
team RWBYS head back to their dorm.
"so, want to see this new game I made?" I ask when there was an awkward silence, and I hate those.
"Sang, we need to talk." Ruby says with a serious tone, uh oh.
"uh, o-ok, what's up?" I ask nervous because these words, mean either trouble, or great happiness. (and it depends on the person for which is which.)
"are you serious about all five of us?" Ruby asks, Penny is here now for some reason, I blame Blake, because ninja.
"w-what? of course!" I say.
"then we need to know the truth, who is Sanguineous?" Ruby asks.
"*sigh* alright, I'll tell you, everything." I say, because I am planning to spend eternity with these five, best to let them know.
(one explanation later)
"so, there it is, my everything laid bare." I say, after giving the truth of me, from my first death, to the meeting with mim, everything.(sounds dumb, but if you were going to go with someone, and you loved them, and wanted them to love you back, why would you lie to them?)
I go and sit down on Blake's bed with my head down waiting for the girls, to do, something.
I feel Ruby's arms around my neck, giving me a hug from behind, I am moved onto her lap.(I am a smol boi after all.)
"we're here for you Sang." Ruby says into my ear.
"thank you." I almost whisper.
we went to bed that night with many thoughts(me being still awake and on Ruby's bed and being cuddled once more) and I went into designing my army base and directing team BRPY.
[meanwhile with team BRPY]
Yellow has taken another form, Dallas from Payday 2, but with the mask being painted full on yellow.
this time the team is on the mission Anti-terrorist, and are back in vale.
apprehension of one stolen Atlesian mech known as a Paladin, or, the operation could be called Yoink!
Purple had to telekinetically hold a carriage for the other teammates, aside from Red who has a jetpack, and use his S.K.A.T.E(the ability in DAH) thankfully due to it not actually being Furon tech, Purple did not need to adjust the S.K.A.T.E to have zero friction(unlimited dash), it just had it.
Blue was being solemn in the carriage, while Yellow was cleaning guns, several of them.
upon reaching vale, all four sneakily went to where they detected Torchwick's DNA.(cause you know, progenitor bs.)
they found the warehouse where the white fang was gathering.
and the mech.
Red turned invisible and went to go steal the stolen mech.
Purple holobobed into a Faunus and joined the crowd.
Blue readied a spell.(more specifically, super stone armor, one shield and the rest stone, self cast)
Yellow, well...
"times up, les do this! LEERRROY!!! JENNKINNS!!!" cried out Yellow, as he went charging headfirst into the gathering.
the following sounds could be made out from all the screaming after Yellow ran in.
"I bet Carrion is having fun." Blue sighed and started trudging to the building in his stone reinforced armor.
[meanwhile, with Carrion.]
Finally found the grim lands, it kinda looks like the Mohave, from new Vegas but more depressing.
oh, there is the castle, time to say hello.
(at the castle.)
Salem, queen of the grim, was bored, all her schemes were in progress, and there was nothing to do, aside from make more grim and tell them to go out from the grim lands.
Salem wished something interesting would happen.
the window on the left of her suddenly smashed open and a blob appeared, it was a blob of what looked kind of like flesh.
"ssaalllemm." it hissed out at her.
"what are you?" Salem asked, nonplussed about the whole thing, because she was immortal.
"your death!" it said, and lunged at her.
Salem tried using a barrier to block the being, but it just went through it, smashing it without effort.
Salem then tried to summon as many grim to her.
the being just ate the grim, like with many mouths, just ate them.
it then once more lunged at her, this time Salem tried an offensive spell.
the ball of fire that erupted engulfed the room, Salem was slightly singed from her own spell, and assumed the being to be dead.
however it was not true, as Salem's last thoughts before being devoured by the being were 'that's a lot of teeth' and was no more.
"om nom nom nom." carrion said, out loud to himself.
"cannon? what's that? can you eat it?" carrion asked, to himself out loud.
[back to Sang]
my copies are having fun.
anyways, time to design!
first thought, Fabricator.
sure the normal ones are fine, but I want something different.
so I replace every fabricator, with an orb, this orb is pure silver(in looks its actually progenitor super armor) with black highlights that look like circuits and has an eye which is yellow, the inside is biological because I want to merge the line with my powers.(think the gatekeeper from X-COM 2 but with the outside looking like the Toclafane from doctor who)
it has four arms with the inner body, and on each one is a fabricator arm, when its closed it can only use one, which is from the eye bit when open all five are available, but the inner squishy bits are in the open, not exposed to the elements, there's a shield for that, but the shield cannot take direct fire well, I don't want to forcibly use these as scrappers, I want to toy with whomever I am fighting.(I call them, Fabroids)
next is the main line fighting units.
for the tanks, I take inspiration from StarCraft, I have a siege tank, but instead of a cannon shell, it shoots a baneling(basically, its not actually a baneling, more like a sack of acid.) I make it so that its always in siege mode, but instead of tank treads that turn into stabilizers, I give it eight spider legs. (calling it, the Karren, cause what else is as toxic as this kind of acid, nah kidding, its actually the Router.)
onto the bots, I take a dox, I make it so the guns are instead Megatron cannons, and strap two Neutron Assault Rifles(I called them Shredder cannons, my B, I meant this double barrel chain gun when I was talking about it.) on the top of the Megatron cannons. (calling them Doxxas, cause you know, dakka dakka.)
next, air, I take the F-22 raptor, and change its armaments into two X18 Scrap makers(the big brother to the NAR) and two missiles of my design, they are kind of like the Jericho missile from marvel, but they can also target air units, and individually hit different targets. (calling it, Nero, cause it brings fire.)
then its navy, I make a submarine, it has a lot, and I mean a lot, of torpedoes, like, each one has eight different places to fire torpedoes, and it has a single Jericho missile, and it has a bioelectric field that protects from enemy detection. (I present, the Barracuda.)
finally, space, I first take a K-wing, and give it Jericho missiles for armament, but change out the payload with thanatonium warheads(internet cookie for getting where they are from) and give it the usual progenitor upgrades, and that's all I can think of to change the K-wing. (calling it the gunzo, for reference from where thanatonium warheads are from)
now, before I could get into buildings, I was jostled out of my mad scientist moment by Ruby.
"Sang, do you, WANTTOGOTOTHEDANCEWITHME?!" Ruby asks very fast.
"sure." I say.
Ruby squees and hugs me.
"I'll save a dance for you girls, and Penny if I see her." I say to the other three occupants in the room.
that gets them to smile, Blake hadn't exhausted herself to go after white fang stuff and torchwick, because I had that all handled.
(meanwhile, with team CEMN*cement, yes I know the other name, perverts.*)
"ow, ow, ow-" mercury repeats like a broken record after having his balls so thoroughly destroyed by me.
"oh shut up already!" emerald shouts at the eunuch mercury.
"our plan will still go forwards, I need you two to watch over the dance so I may plant that virus." cinder says, emerald stands straight and nods.
neo nods her head with a face filled with anger and resolve.(team BRPY killed torchwick, and they apparently are somehow linked to beacon, I think it was Yellow that spilled the beans.)
cinder turns away from the lackeys' that she had and adopted a worried look on her face, Salem hadn't called through the mirror to speak with her in a long time now, and it was getting to her, was she abandoned? thrown away? betrayed? no, she couldn't think like that so close to fulfilling her current goal.
she eyed her scroll where a single face was on it, Sanguineous.
(now back with your regular badass Sang)
team RWBYS was in charge of the dance, how this happend, well, CVFY had not yet returned to beacon from that mission they were sent on, and with the dance quickly aproaching, we offered to do it, ozpin said yes, and here we are.
with me helping Weiss pick out doilies.
"which one do you think would work out best?" Weiss asks me.
"hmm." I hum to myself looking at the two in Weiss's hands and tilted my head from side to side.
"the pearl white looks great for a formal dress up or masquerade ball, while the daisy white looks better for an outdoors gathering of wealthy people, why not a different color, aside from shades of white." I said. (these are actual shades of white, look it up)
"hmm, you might be onto something Sang." Weiss says.
"Weiss, didn't I say no doilies!" Yang says from over by the main door of the ball room.
"if I can't have doilies than you can't have smoke machines!" Weiss shouts back.
"smoke machines eyy?" I ask.
"yup, got some nice and cheap." Yang looks proud, too bad she forgot one thing.
"Yang, why didn't you just ask Sang, he is litteraly half machine that can make anything." Blake says in that deadpan Blake voice that only she can pull off.(well, I am sure there are a few out there who could do it better.)
that makes Yang deflate, and pale at the same time.
"h-hey Sang-?" Yang goes to ask me, only for me to interrupt her.
"no, I will not, because you first thought to go and buy one rather than ask me." I say, pouting.(got to ride that cute card.)
Ruby hugs me from behind.
"hey Ruby." I greet and I look up at her chin.
"hey Sang." Ruby greets back, but better, as she looks down and gives me a kiss.
"hey now, no public shows of affection, not until I see a ring on our fingers!" Yang shouts.
that's right, we agreed that so no one else tries anything dumb we were to lessen the amount of public affection, until each of the girls had rings.
"sorry! not sorry." Ruby shouts back, and whispers the last part of it to me.
"Sang!" shouts an excited Penny entering the ballroom.
"Penny!" I shout back equally excited.
I get out from Ruby's hug and hug Penny.
"its been a while Penny, how are you doing?" I ask.
"I have been wonderful Sang!" Penny says with a smile
"I hope you enjoy the dance, I'll save one for you." I say, and whisper the last part in her ear.
"I sure will!" Penny says happily.
(time skip, the dance, and the infiltration.)
the dance was in full swing, people were having fun, and drinking good punch(no one spiked it, I checked) and three people were trying to bring down the whole kingdom, all in all, fun.
I have a copy at the top of the CCT hidden away ready to pounce at cinder when she arives.
so I enjoy the party, and dance with my girls, I also take the time to look back, and see how my life here in remnant was quite fun, a bit of an introspective if you will.
my musings are cut short however as the elevator of the CCT tower opens at the top with cinder inside.
not even two steps from the elevator does cinder hear the last words she was going to be able to hear before she lost consciousness.
"you came to the wrong house fool!" my copy says in big smokes voice as it cracks the progenitor metal bat against cinder's head.
she isn't dead, her aura protected her enough that I did not deform her head from the swing.
she does however have a shattered aura now.
I stomp on the scroll she had and break it.
mission complete.
fun day, what a fun day.