Field Trip, I'll bring the death machines!

after giving cinder a concussion and making a GTA reference, AluminumTrousersnake(most out there comparison I could think of) came out of the elevator.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!" Ironwood says, while pulling out his magnum and aiming at me.

I raise my eyebrow.

"and, that's going to do what?" I ask, insulting his armament.

"put you down!" Irondick says.

"buddy, you could drop the moon itself on me, and I would walk away unscathed." I say.

before Metalicgenitals could do anything, Ozpin walked out from the stairs, having taken them apparently(I call bs this tower is very tall, there must have been over a thousand steps to those stairs, I say he cheated and teleported) and had the general stand down.

"now, Sanguineous would you care to tell us what happened?" Oz asks.

"nope." I say, then melt into the floor, yeah, I just melted into the floor and got away from them.

the copy then after melting into the floor to get away, then dissolved and rejoined my main body as invisible tiny nanobot bits.

my grin was just a fraction of a bit wider after that.

Penny who I was dancing with at the time caught the widening of the grin.

"what has you getting happier than dancing with us?" Penny asks.

"I wouldn't say happier than dancing with you, more like, it added onto it." I said.

"that still does not answer my question." Penny says.

"your right, it doesn't, it was not meant to, but this is." I say, and gesture with my head over to the main doors, which are about to be breached by some Atlesian knights and Ironwood.

Penny can detect what I mean, and lightly gasps, she didn't expect what was going to happen, as it would cause a huge scandal for Atlas.

the doors burst, and the knights surrounded me, and pointed their guns at me, I lightly push Penny away from me into the rest of RWBYS.

"I'll be alright, don't worry." I say trying to keep the Huntresses that are a part of my harem from going ham and destroying all the knights.

"you are under arrest for acts against the kingdoms of Vale, and Atlas, you have the right to remain silent." Ironwood recites some police jargon at me.

"I do believe that you have no jurisdiction when it comes to me." I say.

"oh? what do you mean?" Ironwood asks.

"because I am not a resident of either vale nor atlas, and what's more, is that you are not allowed to bring military assets into beacon property, I have after all read up on laws, considering I've been arresting more criminals then you have robots." I say.

"what proof do you have on these claims!" Ironwood is grabbing at straws.

"in the "Valeen Law" book, it says in subsection 40 paragraph 8 that *ahem* in the event of any Atlesian military assets upon beacon property then whoever ordered the assets to be brought to beacon are to be stripped of all titles and arrested for attempted treason, and atlas itself is to be fined a grand total of one million lien." I say. (I am pulling this out of my butt just for the story.)

all the color drained from Ironwoods face as the Atlesian knights point their guns at the general rather than me.

"w-what! but, that can't be!" Ironwood says.

"oh it is, after all, thank headmaster ozpin, he is the one who put it in the law book, as well as a few other things." I say.

the general is fuming, and I go back to my girls.

the all are worried, at least minorly, they knew I could handle myself, but just did not want to see me fighting at those odds.

(time skip, the next morning.)

"Ruby, mail from dad!" Yang says.

ah yes, I almost forgot about the cutest corgi since Ein. (cowboy bebop)

and there he is.


the aura corgi.

"""EEEEE""" shouts of excitement from three of our teammates are heard, I could see Blake zip up to Yang's bed.

"does your dad do this often?" Blake asks.

"huh, oh yeah, all the time." Yang says.

"dear girls, I'm sending Zwei over because I have to go on some missions, enclosed I have all the dog food he'll need." Yang reads.

then tips the package over and dumps out the absolute ton of dog food, and shakes it a little and the can opener falls down too.

"welp, that's that, lets go." Yang says.

Blake catapults out of the door, Weiss had a moment of gushing over how adorable Zwei was.

I left knowing that Ruby was absolutely bring Zwei.

"alright! team RWBYS first missions!" Ruby shouts out with excitement the large backpack on her back shifts a little.

the others also share the enthusiasm but don't say anything.

we see team CVFY getting off a bullhead and go to great them.

they were delayed because the number of grim were far more then they had anticipated.

"well, at least your in one piece." I say in giving some consolidation.

"yeah, your right sang." velvet says with a sigh.

we then separate from CVFY to let them unwind a bit, and head to the mission select screen.

"well, what do we do for our first mission?" Yang asks.

"I'm thinking search and destroy." I say pointing out said cannon mission.

"are you sure? I don't think that's available." Weiss says.

"well, how about we try, after all, if it doesn't let us then we can just pick something else." Ruby says.

to my slight surprise and the rest of the teams shock, it allowed us right off the bat, no ozpin coming in to change it.

"alright! here we go, our first mission as a team!" Ruby shouts with excitement. (I mean, yeah, I kinda ruined all the other opportunities to count as missions before now.)

team JNPR sees us out to our bullhead where Doc. Oobleck is waiting.

the girls are, less than enthusiastic over the huntsman we have to go with to do the mission.

but, eh, I think he's alright.

they have their moment on the bullhead with the tussles, brussels, and truffles.

and we arrive, at mountain glenn.

and after getting off the bullhead a massive explosion comes from an area in the direction of vale.

"great Monty Oum! what was that!?" Oobleck asks.

"ah, sorry, that was me." I say.

that gets everyone's attention.

"what do you mean sang?" Ruby asks.

"simple, I removed the threat to vale, a train full of dust ready to head towards vale via underground railway, I blew up the train." I say.

the girls seem to just nod their heads as if this was expected of me, and Oobleck asks "how?!".

"simple, copies." I say and then split two more of me off.

"I can be anywhere-" one copy says.

"anytime-" the other one says.

"at the same time." the original me says, then reabsorb the copies.

we carry on with the mission, with Ruby being praised for bringing Zwei, and Oobleck asking the team why they became huntresses.

but, when the time came for when Oobleck to take Ruby aside and talk about the Goliaths in the background, he instead came to me, and asked me why it was I was playing as a huntsman, yes, he said playing as one, as if he knew I did not need to be one.

"because, Oobleck, if I didn't, I would have never have found love." I said, kinda cringe I know, but I could hear the rest of the team hear Oobleck ask me the question, so I was being cringe, to be smooth.

then Oobleck took Ruby aside to talk about the Goliaths, but it was interrupted around the point Oobleck was starting his minor spiel about how the grim learn, because when the Goliath turned and saw me, all four of them did that trumpet roar and headed right for us.

hmm, yes, this is my bad, consuming Salem might have given me immortality granting powers, cause, that's something she could do apparently, but it also made it so the grim are far more hostile towards me, and any of my copies.

oh well, time to rip and tear!

I launch myself at highspeed right into the forehead of the closest goliath, and I make a hole in its head, I tear out of its back, with the Claws, and leaped to the goliath on the disintegrating ones right side, and tore its head off, I then tripped the third one by lopping off a leg.

the last one tried running away, I let it get a little bit away, then I turned my arm into a railgun, and shot clean through its ass to its head.

I then Hulk jump towards the camp the team set up.

and like that, I dealt with many different problems without breaking a sweat.