so, after having done that awesome moment with killing all the goliaths, and jumping back to camp, Oobleck had a few billion words for me, I tuned out and let my nano-processors handle whatever he was saying.
I grabbed a log with my telekinesis, and sat it down somewhat close to the fire, made it fireproof(with magic) and constructed a guitar(cause I felt like it) and began to strum a song, while making a copy to join in on the lyrics.
(the guitar song, is the Stalker Campfire guitar song, on YouTube, that's what I played.)
after finishing, I could see everyone giving me looks of surprise.
"shocked that I can play guitar?" I asked.
they nodded.
"eh, I would be more surprised if you weren't shocked, I can't play for my life, but I cheated." I said.
that takes the shock away and they nod with noises of agreement.
"what's the song about?" Ruby asked.
"well, I know it from a music video on a media sharing platform, but its about a weary soldier, it comes from a game I unfortunately never played(a/n yeah, I never played Stalker what of it?) but the game ascended normal conventions and became a world round belief thing." I said.
"that's a shame." said Yang.
"I would have loved to play whatever game has that kind of amazing music." Yang said.
"yeah, me too." I said.
after the bit of melancholy I take first watch, much to Ruby's chagrin.
the girls have their heart to heart, which I don't listen in to, cause I did not want to hear it, I should already know what they are going to say, but with Ruby added in, well, it could be different, bah, I don't really care.
I let everyone sleep, and don't get them for their watch, after all, I don't need sleep, and as such, have no problem just watching.
I notice something at the edge of my hearing.
ah, now that's interesting, the grim are still gathering, trying to assemble for some kind of attack, I wonder what leads them.
with some deft speed I get into a vantage point overlooking the growing swarm.
hoh! its an alpha beowolf, an ancient beowolf going by how big it is and the fact it has its color's inverted, white fur, black bone mask, but has green eyes and veins.
I have, an idea, a very womble idea.
(play dance with the dead's Riot.)
I charge forward and make a pump shotgun, with doomsday rounds.
my first collateral kills are a pack of five beowolves, one shot.
next shot, four boarbatusks, gone with the wind.
I double kill two deathstalkers that are about the size of a bus each, they were standing next to one another and I got them with one shot.
the alpha roars and two king taijitsu's approach, I angle my shots correctly as they go in to bite at me, one dies clean double headshot, the other is slowly dying out with one head gone and half of the face of the other one missing.
the alpha decides to do something interesting, it takes an ursa's head off, and consumes the whole thing, and does the same to another two, meanwhile I am dealing with three nevermores about half the size of the one the girls dealt with at initiation.
after the alpha's gorgefest was done it charged right at me with speed that almost rivaled Ruby, almost.
it swung at my head, I ducked, it went to bite my head off, I shoved the barrel of my gun in its mouth and fired.
the back of the head of the alpha was blown off, but it did not die.
fine then.
as the alpha goes to try and bisect me, I grab its arms with my hands, and grow two more arms, mimicking the 2003 animated clone wars general grievous, I make two lightsabers in my extra hands, and start slashing.
I of course put lightsabers in my main hands too after letting go of the alpha's arms, with a speed that I am quite sure is almost on par with some speedsters from comics, and slice and dice the grim.
(music done)
I leave it in a disintegrated pile of whatever grim are made out of, and walk back to the camp, the girls still asleep.
(timeskip day)
I stayed as watch for the whole night, Oobleck was concerned but after I explained I did not need sleep he let it go.
"so, did anything interesting happen last night Sang?" Yang asked.
"nope, nothing happened, a nice quiet night." I said, with a slight grin.
the girls looked at me skeptically for a second or two, then shrugged and went to pack up camp.
we spent the day cleaning up the area, it was mostly baby nevermores, and small packs of beowolfs, there were a few ursa, but that's it.
I had a small grin the entire time.
Oobleck decided since the quantity of grim was quite low, that we would be heading back to beacon.
(time skip, round one)
I didn't join the tournament thus the girls were allowed to join, and won against team ABRN.
I decided to make an anime, because I could, one such named, Dragon Ball.
and Dragon Ball Z, cause I had to, after thinking if I wanted to stab everyones eyes with GT or go super, I made Xenoverse, cause, yeah best dragon ball game.(a/n haven't actually played the first one, only the second one.)
I toiled around here and there, doing things at a whim, when I thought, perhaps I should design some more.
the Metal extractor is quite good, but a bit vulnerable, I change the structure a bit, making it look kind of like the metal spire thing in crysis 2 with that nano swarm stuff, speaking of, I add a bio swarm to it, cause I want to have more self back ups, if my body dies I need more biomass for that side, I would have the nano side alright, but if I come across something or someone who would be able to remove my body, I will need some extra contingency. (gonna call it Harvester)
the generator nice, making it so it also gains energy from the sun, double nice, I do so by integrating biomass and some photosynthetic cells from plants, the biomass I have to make sure the cells are at 100% and will not die easy. (calling it, Sunflower, cause plants vs zombies.)
basic defense turret, well, its something, but it could be better, I am going to be making the missile turret a bit of an unused building by changing this to also shoot up, it now looks like an obelisk of light from Nod(command and conquer 3 tiberium wars) and make it more biological, in that it can uproot itself like a spine crawler from the zerg(starcraft 2) but while its walking around it can still fire. (calling it the Pillar)
I leave the teleporter alone, don't want to turn into goo.
I change the mines to have biomass bombs in them and they leap into the air like the mines from half life 2. (bumper bombs)
the walls I change from hardlight, into a sort of biomass shield, with hardlight over it. (barricade)
storage I add biomass storage to both.
now, the factories, I make a huge change here, I simplify the factories, I have four now, one for if the thing flies but does not go into orbit, one for orbit and things that fly that can go into orbit, one for things that do not hover, and one for things that do, for the hover one I make a rather large plate kind of, it has biomass tentacles with fabbers all over it, it honestly looks like a tentacle trap in *cough* offbrand games *cough*(just going to call it Hover pad), the non hovering one is a plate covered in tentacles like the hover one, but instead of being on the ground it is upside down and has legs, yes that's right, I have a walking factory, it also has a lot of guns on top of it, a lot(its going to be called Walking Maker), the flying one that does not go into orbit will be a pill style thing, it is hollow inside but lined with fabbers, I have it hovering, because why not, it opens up and launches the flying unit upwards(calling it Bird cannon), the orbit and flying into orbit one, it is a bunch of sticks lined with fabbers, they hover and move independently of one another(calling it the Ship Yard)
I'll handle T2 later, cause right now, I am eating ramen with the team, who while I was deep into designing was dragged here by Ruby.
"finally decided to zone back into reality there Sang?" Weiss asks.
"if you must know, I was deep into designing things." I said, fully knowing the consequences.
"oh oh, what are you designing? what is it, is it a gun that shoots guns?!" Ruby asks, very hyper.
"no, I am designing things that I will be able to make later, but not now, and no, most of them are not guns." I say.
"most?" Weiss catches that bit.
Ruby gives me really big puppy dog eyes.
"nope, not going to work Ruby, my cuteness tolerance is extremally high." I say while absentmindedly giving her head pats.
Ruby melts into the head pats, and I can see the other girls are a bit jealous of her.
team JNPR (who was also watching these events and was eating right next to us, being more backgroundy then usual) then left to fight their match.
if I ignore the match, and SSSN's match, cause we did not befrend them that much, then the next big event is when Winter and Qrow arrive.
well, I am going to have fun with them. :)