Time to mess with Big Sister schnee, and Drunckle Qrow.

as winter's airship enters line of sight for one Weiss Schnee, she practically teleports with how fast she moved to greet her big sister.

Ruby followed, and I was already there, cause I wanted to be early to this, and also, I saw it a lot earlier than Weiss, cause I cheated.

when the two girls arrived at the dock, they saw me standing off to the side, with a grin, it made them feel a little worried, the grin I had was one of a prankster about to have his prank go off.

the airship docks, and out steps Winter Schnee, and her attaché of tin cans disguised as robots.

"alright, lets see some ID." my copy says, the girls missed him, with him being off to the side, and dressed up as a guard.

"excuse me?" Winter asks.

"your ID mam, need to confirm your identity." my copy says.

Weiss looks confused, so does Ruby.

"I am Winter Schnee atlas Specialist." Winter says.

"that's nice mam, but I need to see some identification before I can let you through." the copy says.

"I am quite sure I don't need to show my identification, just ask your superior." Winter says.

"alright mam." my copy says, and then turns to original me, who is now walking up to the comotion.

"what do you think man, is she telling the truth?" the copy says.

"hmm." I squint my eyes and rub my chin.

"alright, she can pass." I say, and the copy nods and pulls out a piece of paper I changed into a fake passport from arstotska(papers please) and hands it to Winter.

"cause no trouble." the copy says, then I have it walk off to the side.

Ruby almost chuckles at that, after all, I made Papers Please here.

Weiss gawks a bit.

and Winter, she is so confused as to why she is holding a passport now.

I decide to break the silence that came, by laughing.

Winter almost drew her saber and crushed the passport in her hand.

Qrow picked that time to arrive and try and make things more chaotic.

too bad I made that part of the ground where he fell down at weakened and he fell down into a hole I made.

I walk over and look down into the hole.

"hey! what are you doing in my hole!" says a copy I had in the hole, it was imbedded into the wall like that guy in Pirates of the Caribbean.

"I don't know." replied Qrow.

"well you're gonna have to compensate for the damages!" said the copy.

"what damages? its a hole!" Qrow argued, did I mention he was drunk.

"you destroyed my roof! fuck you!" the copy said.

"fuck you!" Qrow said back.

"SWEAR!" Ruby said holding out a jar.(I have no idea where she got it from, nor do I want to.)

my copy threw a lien into it.

Qrow grumbled under his breath and threw one in too.

"alright, I think I can let you off the hook." says the copy.

the ground itself throws Qrow out of the hole, and I have it close up.

I had fun with this, but time to get to some real meat.

"so, specialist schnee, are you going to try and arrest me like general Ironwood, who is now dishonorably discharged?" I ask her.

Winter is brought up short at that.

"the general tried what?" Winter asks.

Qrow is snickering in the background.

"oh yeah, he tried to arrest me, simply because I can be at multiple places at once, and change their appearance, and voice." I say, while grinning, and at different parts of my sentence I change my voice into the two other copies that Qrow and Winter interacted with.

Qrow is shooketh, because he thought beacon was infiltrated, but I dealt with the main problem already.

Winter is stunned, because the things I brought up would in no way be able to have me arrested, after all, it could all be summed up to a semblance, and you can't arrest someone just because of their semblance, most of the time.

Qrow is about to draw harbinger, his scythe-sword-shotgun, but instead takes a tactical Ruby to the face.

"my sincerest apologies for any inconveniences that the general gave you sir." Winter apologizes.

"bah, its fine, it didn't really cause any problems, cause Ozpin backed me up." I said.

I walk away, letting Ruby and Qrow to talk, and Winter and Weiss to converse, but not before I did one last stinger, it might bite me in the butt later, but eh, yolo.

"oh, Ruby, Weiss, my beds open tonight! Unless you want Blake and Yang to take the spots, I mean I could also have Penny over after asking permission." I say over my back, and I saw the blushes my words gave the two.

I leaped and went to the dorms, and let the girls know what I said to Ruby and Weiss.

(A/N bit of a shorter chapter, sorry, haven't felt like writing all that much, but eh, I think I did alright for what I set out to do, cause some Chaos, and that's what I did.)