A New challenger!

(POV ???)

I was just on my way home from a very busy work day when I was at a red light, some fat guy who was breathing very heavily, must have been exercising, a boy playing with a ball was very ignorant of where to play with the ball and when said ball went into the street I was going to grab the kid who was going for the ball, but I felt someone push me into the street, everything seemed to slow down for me, my life flashing before my eyes, I saw who pushed me, it was that fat guy, and he was making a run to the overpass?

A great feeling of rage overcame me, who is he? How could he? Why? Are the questions floating through my head, I saw in slow motion how a truck was about to hit me, and I didn't even feel the impact of my body against it, nor the life escaping my body, all I could feel, was Rage!

my eyes closed and I felt weightless, but I could not see anything but red.

I opened my eyes, and was in a black space, my rage did not abate, not even when this old guy with a long beard and blue robes showed up.

"my my, you've had quite the bad day haven't you?" said the old guy.

I could not say anything, my anger boiling, I tried to shout, to scream, to vent and try and find a way to get back at that fat guy who killed me, but nothing came out.

"now now, no worries, I am simply saving my eardrums from hearing you howling out for vengeance." said the old guy.

my attention was fully on him my anger turning into a fiery loathing.

"that person who killed you, he was reincarnated by my rival, that hag Mim." the old guy said, then gave a small scowl off to the side.

reincarnated? what?

"yes yes, reincarnated, given powers and thrown to another world, I'll do the same for you, since you are the reason he was reincarnated."


"yes, Mim caught notice of him because he killed you before he killed himself." the old man said.

I wanted to ask what powers he had so I could counter them, but still could not say anything.

"unfortunately, Mim made it so I could not peer into the world where she sent him, and hid the powers he possesses, but don't fret, I'll give you an additional power compared to him, because Mim gave him two powers, I'll give you three." said the old man.

I tried to think of powers for myself to be strong, but was interrupted by the old man.

"unfortunately, I can only give you powers if they are drawn from a random number of them, but that's why you are going to be getting an additional one to try and even the odds." said the old man.

I felt mildly disappointed for some reason, but my anger squashed it, I thought to myself thinking the old man could read my mind about how I would like to get on with it.

"bah, fine fine, people these days, always in a rush." the old man grumbled confirming my thought that he could read my mind.

the old man then summoned a staff, and said some magic words in some other language I could not recognize, I then felt something stirring in my soul, and like that I blacked out.

(POV Merlin)

after casting the spell to get the powers for this soul, the soul's consciousness conked out, oh well.

the first power that will be gifted to him, is, ooh, Creation magic, I'll set the element to random.(Maker magic from fairy tale)

the second power is weatherly presence.(I am using powerlottery challenge to pick powers for him can you tell?)

the third and final power, oh dear, Superior Mystic Dragon Physiology, I'll make it so the powers of said dragon are the previous two.

and with that, all the powers have been added, what world to send him to?

hmm, I know, I'll send him to Earth-land. (I rolled twice more after adding the last power, and picked from the two characters that were picture examples, the first one had touhou, no thanks, the second one was fairy tale.)

(POV our MC)

ah, that was a wonderful nights rest, after trolling Qrow and Winter yesterday, I wasn't doing much, so I just wandered for a bit before heading back to our room.

Ruby and Weiss cuddled with me and I drifted off to my not sleep that night.

now I feel like I'm going to have a wonderful day, I killed the main bad guy, I removed any potential other bad guys, exept for that Jacqass Weiss has for a father, but he wont really matter in the long run.

yup, nothing but smooth sailing from here. (yes, this is so painfully obviusly jinxing I don't even care.)

a paper flutters down in front of me, a message from Mim.

it says that her nemesis Merlin reincarnated that guy I killed to garner her attention and gave him some powers, ah, shit.

(a/n yeah, it's been a bit hasn't it, sorry, I started my second year of collage the 24th of last month, and I've just been on a roller coaster of a crazy ride with it, I might not be going in for a third year, so I'm probably going to be getting a job some time in the future, which terrifies me, especially with the whole world being as it is right now, so, I've kinda been putting this story on the backburner, on low, but, I also did not really have a thought as to where to point the story, I thought about that idea I put for space in the auxiliary chapters, but I am not feeling that, so I was stumped for a bit, then it hit me, I never said what happened to the guy our MC killed at the beginning! And thus, this chapter came out, I don't have any real direction right now, kinda just floating, but I did say in the synopsis in that a/n that regular updates won't really be a thing, but comments on my chapters/paragraphs can give inspiration, and motivation, I do read those, and most of the time like the comment, I definitely love the ones with memes, anyways that's why I was gone for so long, just, nothing came to me.)