The Emperor of mankind is much older than his imperium thinks.
this is his tale, through the universe.
it starts on earth, a little mudball.
life was going well, until the year 2008, when Alex Mercer released the Blacklight Virus.
the entirety of Manhattan was cordoned off.
no one in, no one out.
The Emperor was far away from that whole mess, all the way in Berlin, where he was born as one Wilhelm Strasse who was a researcher in physics.
in 2009 there was a confrontation between Mercer, and some other infected super soldier, its hard to remember his name, because he went out like a bitch, when all the other super soldiers piled on to him, I think his name was Heller?
anyways things were going smoothly for the rest of the world, then in 2012 Mercer launched an all out war on the rest of the world.
The Emperor, who is Wilhelm Strasse at the moment, decided to try and make use of his brilliant inventions, and accidentally sent himself into another reality(a/n that's what he thought), where its 1860, and he apparently took the place of an older version of himself and he regressed in age by a few years, looking like a chipper 32, the Nazi's apparently believe he had made a machine to regress his life, however it had blown up destroying it and the blueprints.
with his intelligence he enjoyed working with this Da'at Yichud stuff, its like working on modern day super computers in the time when the radio was all the rage.
he helped the Nazi's win the war with that advanced technology, of course when being a super genius people tend to target you, wither its for machines, or your death.
one group of unfortunate soldiers activated the incineration chamber then found themselves in the super soldier room, The Emperor activated the crushers just to knock them out.
one of the soldiers was very much so scarred with bandages all over his head, one was a Scottish person named Fergus, and then their was a young blond hair and blue eyed man who is named Wyatt. (yes, no blazko, and no replacement, but there were a lot more soldiers so there will be less resistance in 1960's time.)
The Emperor decided to use luck to decide their fates, heads he would let them have a chance at escaping and leave only one super soldier, tails and he would strap them all down and leave two.
it was heads by the way.
after that the years seem to blend for The Emperor, until the year 1961, when his castle was assaulted, The Emperor seeing what was going on, decided to make his getaway, but he knew that if he left and the Nazi's brought him before that bumbling idiot then he would get shot, so, he reconstructed what he made back on his original earth, and tried to make a portal to another world, with the Da'at Yichud technology it made it easier and safer.
where it led him this time however, was something even more intriguing then the last.
he was no longer on earth or a variation of earth, he was on the planet named Reach.
his features had changed and once more had regressed his age, he looked to be a teen this time.
The Emperor's name this time, was Jack.
using his intelligence he had accidentally passed an impossible test set by the U.N.S.C and was then put into a program known as Spartans.
the program was for spartan-2's, The Emperor, having lived two lifetimes, is more than ready for it.
in the spartan program he gained a nickname, and an addon to his regular name, Jack-686 aka The Tactician.
when the covenant came and started glassing his now home world of Reach, he really wanted to get out there and stop them, but he could not, and the planet was lost.
being stopped from helping his fellow man, The Emperor, broke away from the U.N.S.C and ended up being hunted by one John-117 aka The Master Chief.
The Emperor being a philosophical man, spoke several times to Master Chief, and his AI Cortana, trying to make them see reason, they did not, and destroyed all his robots that he had built in his bunker which numbered in the hundreds(rather impressively because he had only been AWOL for a year.).
when The Emperor and Chief met face to face, it was more face to window to face, because he once again was going to use his machine, Cortana tried to shut it down, to stop him, but it would not work.
as he was leaving through the portal, he left a large data packet for Cortana specifically, because he wanted the AI to live longer then the U.N.S.C AI's usually lived.
this time, he was not sure what to make of this one, The Emperor knew somehow, that he was so far from any kind of earth, that it could only be described as far far away.
the first thing he found out was that he was very different then the other times, this time he was a woman, he had regressed once more this time to a toddler, and had some special power that allowed for many different things.
The Emperor's name this time was Satele Shan.
The Emperor then went on to join a school for people with this kind of power, to be honest he(she) thought it was more of a cult.
with the vast amount of knowledge The Emperor had, it was childs play to become very skilled in this 'Force' and swiftly became one of the youngest jedi masters, at the age of 28.
during one trip to the ancient sith home world with now friend former master, The Emperor felt the darkness in the force grow and approach the system.
the sith empire returned.
now The Emperor knew many things, and decided fighting a whole war that could last extremely long was counter intuitive towards his(her) goals for growing knowledge.
so after several battles, and the sacking of the jedi temple, The Emperor decided to build the machine again.
no one tried to stop him(her) this time because he(she) did it in secret, and then logged that he(she) would be heading into battle in the nearby system, and noticed that the sith were going to use a super weapon on said system, perfect alibi.
entering the portal, he felt the memories of his first life dwindle a small amount, then he forcefully refreshed them, after all, its from there where he got his world hopping portal.
he arrived, and regressed once more, this time a baby no older than 2.
his name, this time around, was Dio Brando.
well, I wont tell that tale all too much, but a few changes were there, like how Dio(Emperor) was far less of a D bag, and had tons more charisma, I know, Dio already had High Charisma, now he had even more.
but in conclusion, this Dio(Emperor) instead of going and getting a stand, decided to leave the world, and use the portal again, I am not too sure why but he did.
this time he thinks he is on earth, but there are no humans, at all, he regressed again to the age of 18, his body was that of a very athletic brown hair brown eyes boy, all an all, looks kinda generic.
thanks to his knowledge from his first(physics researcher) and second life(death's head) he made technology very fast, and made it to last.
after getting some radio receivers up, he heard about some orders from some machine intelligence.
he manages to decode some of it and finds out these machines were servants to some Precursors, but all of the masters are gone, and now the servants only do what they were originally programed to do, destroy everything that is not them.
due to his superior mind and deduction skills he managed to make note of every unit and every unit make, and then the 'commander' arrived on the world he was on to expand his resource production, The Emperor acted fast, and built his portal out of there.
he just managed to turn it on when the commander, and his fleet of units, turned their attention on his area, full of droids that he personally made over the month he was there. (it was around 200)
the droids were being taken down very fast by the commanders forces, and the droids barely managed to kill a single tank and three of the robots(doxes) and so the Emperor fled the world.
and thus we arrive on Terra, where the Emperor's tale begins for his imperium.
and where this introspection ends.
(a/n so, every world I put here, is one I am thinking of putting in the universe with Sang, but, all of them except one will be neighboring universes, not to be interacted with until the energy cost for making a gateway portal without a second connection is manageable, the cost is having three dyson spheres and a whole solar system dedicated to just energy storage *think a whole metal planet, but instead of an annihilazer its just storing energy make like four of those* and even then with all that, you will only get a minute of the portal being open, so yeah, needs to be more manageable before that, so, suggestions on starting universe threat, will it be, the Nazi's with no hinderance, the Blacklight Virus *who will have found a way to traverse the stars*, the halo universe, star wars *will be in the era of the clone wars*, JoJo, or throw him to the commanders of PA, I will not be putting 40k anywhere near Sang till he can protect his mind from chaos *which will be in JoJo just because* now, I know this sounds ambitious, that's because it is, I wanted to do something with different universes, I tried with my last story, I decided to end that idea because of where it was going, but here, I think I might be able to tackle these, perhaps, I hope, anyways, these are not locked in, I have 7 additional universes *not including RWBY because that's already there* the 7 are possible to change if a better idea and lore addon is given, think of it as, make a short story about The Emperor of mankind before he became the Emperor traveling through the world, and how it would possibly effect him when he gets to Terra, if you look at the universes I picked you will see what I mean, I hope this will be manageable enough to not kill it, and not be too short.)