Just gonna, copy paste these Unit designs I thought up.

For better reference.

first thought, Fabricator.

sure the normal ones are fine, but I want something different.

so I replace every fabricator, with an orb, this orb is pure silver(in looks its actually progenitor super armor) with black highlights that look like circuits and has an eye which is yellow, the inside is biological because I want to merge the line with my powers.(think the gatekeeper from X-COM 2 but with the outside looking like the Toclafane from doctor who)

it has four arms with the inner body, and on each one is a fabricator arm, when its closed it can only use one, which is from the eye bit when open all five are available, but the inner squishy bits are in the open, not exposed to the elements, there's a shield for that, but the shield cannot take direct fire well, I don't want to forcibly use these as scrappers, I want to toy with whomever I am fighting.(I call them, Fabroids)

next is the main line fighting units.

for the tanks, I take inspiration from StarCraft, I have a siege tank, but instead of a cannon shell, it shoots a baneling(basically, its not actually a baneling, more like a sack of acid.) I make it so that its always in siege mode, but instead of tank treads that turn into stabilizers, I give it eight spider legs. (calling it, the Karren, cause what else is as toxic as this kind of acid, nah kidding, its actually the Router.)

onto the bots, I take a dox, I make it so the guns are instead Megatron cannons, and strap two Neutron Assault Rifles(I called them Shredder cannons, my B, I meant this double barrel chain gun when I was talking about it.) on the top of the Megatron cannons. (calling them Doxxas, cause you know, dakka dakka.)

next, air, I take the F-22 raptor, and change its armaments into two X18 Scrap makers(the big brother to the NAR) and two missiles of my design, they are kind of like the Jericho missile from marvel, but they can also target air units, and individually hit different targets. (calling it, Nero, cause it brings fire.)

then its navy, I make a submarine, it has a lot, and I mean a lot, of torpedoes, like, each one has eight different places to fire torpedoes, and it has a single Jericho missile, and it has a bioelectric field that protects from enemy detection. (I present, the Barracuda.)

finally, space, I first take a K-wing, and give it Jericho missiles for armament, but change out the payload with thanatonium warheads(internet cookie for getting where they are from) and give it the usual progenitor upgrades, and that's all I can think of to change the K-wing. (calling it the gunzo, for reference from where thanatonium warheads are from)


the Metal extractor is quite good, but a bit vulnerable, I change the structure a bit, making it look kind of like the metal spire thing in crysis 2 with that nano swarm stuff, speaking of, I add a bio swarm to it, cause I want to have more self back ups, if my body dies I need more biomass for that side, I would have the nano side alright, but if I come across something or someone who would be able to remove my body, I will need some extra contingency. (gonna call it Harvester)

the generator nice, making it so it also gains energy from the sun, double nice, I do so by integrating biomass and some photosynthetic cells from plants, the biomass I have to make sure the cells are at 100% and will not die easy. (calling it, Sunflower, cause plants vs zombies.)

basic defense turret, well, its something, but it could be better, I am going to be making the missile turret a bit of an unused building by changing this to also shoot up, it now looks like an obelisk of light from Nod(command and conquer 3 tiberium wars) and make it more biological, in that it can uproot itself like a spine crawler from the zerg(starcraft 2) but while its walking around it can still fire. (calling it the Pillar)

I leave the teleporter alone, don't want to turn into goo.

I change the mines to have biomass bombs in them and they leap into the air like the mines from half life 2. (bumper bombs)

the walls I change from hardlight, into a sort of biomass shield, with hardlight over it. (barricade)

storage I add biomass storage to both.

now, the factories, I make a huge change here, I simplify the factories, I have four now, one for if the thing flies but does not go into orbit, one for orbit and things that fly that can go into orbit, one for things that do not hover, and one for things that do, for the hover one I make a rather large plate kind of, it has biomass tentacles with fabbers all over it, it honestly looks like a tentacle trap in *cough* offbrand games *cough*(just going to call it Hover pad), the non hovering one is a plate covered in tentacles like the hover one, but instead of being on the ground it is upside down and has legs, yes that's right, I have a walking factory, it also has a lot of guns on top of it, a lot(its going to be called Walking Maker), the flying one that does not go into orbit will be a pill style thing, it is hollow inside but lined with fabbers, I have it hovering, because why not, it opens up and launches the flying unit upwards(calling it Bird cannon), the orbit and flying into orbit one, it is a bunch of sticks lined with fabbers, they hover and move independently of one another(calling it the Ship Yard)