The Good Side

" Yes, you are correct Drake", I replied to him.

" How are you related to Mark because I can sense that you are important to him?", he asked me back.

" Mark is the first person I met in the university and he already saved me from danger for a lot of times that is why we became friends", I replied to him.

" I see that is why you are important to him", Drake said to me.

When he looked at me I already fell asleep.

" I am talking to no one, what a pity", he jested to himself.

While I am sleeping, Drake slowly came to me to carry me and he let me slept on the bed instead while he slept on the couch.

I really felt and witnessed that he really is a good man.

(Birds chirping and the sun rays from the sun which is very direct to my eyes woke me up)

" It's a brand new day Francine, smile", I greeted myself.

I was also shocked at the same time because I was on the bed and when I looked at the other side I saw Drake sleeping on the couch.

I slowly came nearer to Drake and when I saw a speck of dirt on his face, I slowly got my face closer to his face because I want to blow the dirt on his face.

" You are really handsome", I said to myself while very close to his face.

" What do you think you are doing?", he opened his eyes and said these words to me.

I was very startled and quickly got up.

" I am sorry Drake I am trying to get off the dirt on your face", I reply stuttered.

" In order to that is it necessary to your face to be so close to mine?", he asked me.

" I was trying to blew the dirt from your face that is why it's very close", I replied.

" Stop explaining and just get off the dirt on my face", he said.

I immediately blew the dirt on his face successfully.

" Thank you", he said to me.

" You're welcome and I thank you also because you let me slept on the bed last night", I replied to him and smiled.

" You're welcome also and I think that we should go back now", he replied to me.

" Yes you are correct and you should get up first so that we can go now", I jested.

Both of us head our way back.

"How was your foot now", Drake asked me.

" It's still hurt but compare to yesterday it's a lot better", I replied to him.

Since he heard that it's still hurt, he immediately carried me on his back again.

" You will just get tired Drake you can just put me down", I said to him.

" It's okay and don't worry about me", he replied and smiled.

While walking on our way back we accidentally saw an apple tree so we quickly went there to get some apples to quench our thirst and hunger. We stopped by under the tree and he picked some apples for us.

" Thank you for this", I said to him merrily while accepting the apple.

" You're welcome and I think we should continue on walking", Drake replied.

" You did not eat some, eat some first before we continue on walking", I said to him.

He carried me immediately on his back again without eating some apples so on our way I fed him with apples.

" Eat some", I said to him while feeding him the apple.

" I am fine you can eat that", he replied to me and at the same time, I heard his stomach groaned.

" Ha ha ha ha, I thought that you are fine?", I insultingly asked him and fed him at the same time.

" Thank you", he smirked while chewing the apples.

" Francine, there you are!", Irish exclaimed when she saw us.

" Mark, Jandric I found them here already", Irish shouted to Jandric and Mark and both of them hurriedly went to Irish.

" I am fine Irish you don't have to worry", I replied to Irish.

" We've been searching for you since yesterday that is why I am worried to you Francine", Jandric said.

" Bro, how are you feeling?", Mark asked Drake.

" I am fine bro you don't have to worry", Drake replied.

" What happened to your foot Francine?", Jandric shockingly asked.

" About this, you don't have to worry because I am feeling better now and by the way guys, I want to introduce to you Drake Hendrix, he is the one who helped me when I was injured and he is also the cousin of Mark", I replied.

Irish and Jandric smiled.

" And Drake these are my friends Irish Travers and Jandric Burke", I added to Drake.

" Nice to meet you bro", Jandric said to Drake while he offered a handshake.

Drake just ignored him and never gave Jandric a handshake.

" You're arrogant Drake!", Jandric exclaimed.

" Stop please, please the both of you!, instead of fighting can we go home now?", Irish stopped the both of them and Jandric immediately took me from Drake's back and he carried me instead.

" Let's go now! and Mark since you two are cousins you can take care of your arrogant cousin and just take him home while I and Irish will accompany Francine", Jandric said.

" I understand Jandric so we'll go separate ways from here, see you at school", Mark replied.

We went on separate ways. Jandric carried me on him while Irish carried my bag for me and on the other hand, Mark assisted Drake in walking.

While we were walking away from each other, Drake and I secretly took a glance at each other and when our eyes met, we just smiled at each other and he waved his hand to me as a sign of goodbye and smiled as well at the same time.

" Francine, did he hurt you while you were on his hands", Jandric asked me.