Ignoring: No More

" No Jandric but rather he helped and took good care of me, I never thought that he has a very big heart", I replied to Jandric.

" But still be careful with him because you just knew him", Jandric said to me with a jealous face reaction and with the tone of his voice.

" Ahm but I slightly agree with Francine because if he did not take care of Francine her injured foot might already be infected and at the same time I also agree to Jandric that you shouldn't trust him fully first because you just met him", Irish explained.

" I understand both of you guys that you are just worried about me but for now we should head home first so that I can dress my wound", I said to them.

We continue on heading our way home.

" Drake, what do you think of Francine since you've been with her for one night?", Mark asked Drake.

" To be honest Mark, at first I was very disgusted by her but the longer we were together the more I knew about her goodness in her heart", Drake replied.

" I see, well she really has a big heart", Mark replied to Drake with a little bit of jeajealousy the tone of his voice.

One day later( At the University).

I saw Drake walking on the university lobby.

" Drake are you going to course 143?", I asked him.

" Yes but I need to take a bakfast first at the cafeteria", he replied to me.

I am very happy that right now he is not ignoring me anymore.

" Ahhh I see so see you in the room", I replied to him with a smile.

" Would it be okay with you if you will join me on a breakfast I promise to you that it will be quick because we still need to attend the class?", he said to me.

I was shocked at speechless for fewa seconds because I never expected that he would ask me that.

" Ahmm, yes of course but make sure that it would be quick so that we will not be late", I replied to him in a stuttering way.

We already arrived at the cafeteria.

" What do you like to eat because I will treat you today", he said to me.

" Okay because you say so ( I jested) I want please the cup noodles with beef as the flavor", I replied to him.

He smiled at me.

"Miss, please give me two orders of cup noodles with beef flavor", he said to the crew of the cafeteria.

" Just to clarify sir, your orders are two cupcups beef noodle right? What about your drinks?", the crew replied.

" Yes your right for the drinks ( he asked me for my drink and I responded to him that I want water) please give me two bottles of water please", Drake replied to the crew.

" Noted sir so just wait for 5-10 minutes to your table sir because we will just serve it to you and enjoy your meal", the crew said with a pleasing face and smiled at us.

We already arrived at our table.

" Francine, how is your foot?", he asked me.

" It's going to heal already Drake, I cannot feel any pain now", I replied to him.

" That's great to hear", he said to me.

" Excuse me, here's your order sir, two cup of beef noodles and two bottles of water", the waiter said to us.

" Yes that's correct and thank you so much", Drake replied to the waiter with a smile.

We already finished our breakfast when Tiffany Carr and Jesah Cogan unexpectedly came to Drake.

" Hi Drake, I miss you so much", Tiffany said to Drake with a very seducing voice and her hands were on Drake's chest.

" Oh hello Tiffany", Drake replied stutteredly.

" Why are you eating with this very disgusting, ugly, and unlucky creature?", Tiffany asked Drake.

" She is my friend! So please stop messing with her or else I will make sure that I will never be friendly to you anymore!", Drake exclaimed.

" Who do you think you are to talk like that to Tiffany you psycho man!", Jesah said to Drake .

Tiffany stopped Jesah from insulting Drake because Tiffany has a crush to Drake for a long time already and she is willing to lower down her pride when it comes to Drake and at the same time she is willing to do everything just to get Drake but Drake never felt the same way as what she felt for him.

Well in fact, if Tiffany will witness beautiful girls flirting with Drake she will immediately talk to her dad so that those girls who flirted Drake will be kick out from the university and in order to that she will deceive his father by making up fake stories to convince his father to kick them out and since her father love and trusted her a lot , her father will do as what Tiffany asked from him because Tiffany is a spoiled brat because of her father.

And lucky me because I am not that beautiful that is why she just ignored me.

" Excused us Tiffany because we really need to go to our class or else we will be late", Drake said to Tiffany.

" It's okay Drake you can go ahead so that you will not be late", Tiffany replied to Drake with a fake smile.

I smiled at Tiffany while she just ignored me and replied me with a very threatening eyes.

" Let's hurriedly go Francine or else we will be late", Drake said to me and at the same time he held my hands when we head back to our room.

I admit that I really blushed that time and I also heard my heart pounded faster.

You know that kind of feeling when you feel that you are the happiest and most cared human being at that very moment, second, and even milliseconds of your life, I am doubtful of what I am feeling as well sometimes but what matters most is to cherish the happenings and events in the present.

To be continued...